Fairy Road

Chapter 159 The Mutation of the Sword Heart

Liu Qingyun's "Sealing Heaven and Earth Locking Formation" kept moving in this sealed void, and its speed was comparable to that of a cultivator in the transformation stage.However, those old demons at the stage of transformation were relentless and followed closely behind. They already knew in their hearts that although this large formation was difficult to break, it could not last long.

Now, the power of the formation has gradually weakened, and all the devils were secretly happy, gearing up to kill Wang Hao and others in one fell swoop!

However, at this time, the large formation was already filled with a piece of blue light.At this time, everyone was shrouded in a blue light, and they could only use their spiritual sense to detect the situation of the mutated Kendo Heart.

At this time, Jian Daoxin's eyes were closed, his brows were slightly raised, his body was gradually becoming nothingness, and the blue sword behind him had already escaped from the scabbard, floating one foot above Ken Daoxin's head , the blue light is shining, and it seems to be absorbing the energy in the heart of the sword from time to time.

The blue light is getting stronger and stronger, and the power of the big blue sword is also getting stronger and stronger. However, Ken Daoxin's body at this time has become illusory.Wang Hao's consciousness moved, and he thought: This person seems to be performing a secret method!However, why is his vitality gradually weakening, is it sacrificing the sword with his body?But it's not the same!Even the secret method of sacrificing the sword with the body will not take away the life force of the monk, it will only absorb the monk's energy.The formation is about to lose its power, what exactly does this kendo heart want to do?

Rumble!Suddenly several loud noises came into the formation, Liu Qingyun's complexion changed, and he said: "The power of the formation is weakening, those old demons have already noticed it, and now they are attacking the formation with magic weapons outside. Everyone, Get ready for a life-and-death struggle! Even if you fall, let these demons suffer!"

"Brother Liu is right. Although the seven of us are competitors, but now we are in a dangerous situation, we are already brothers who live and die together! Why don't we become brothers of the opposite sex, live and die together, advance and retreat together, and join hands to fight against the devil? "Yue Bufan, the great disciple of the Taiqing Sect, suddenly said loudly.

Except for the sword heart, everyone nodded one after another, and Wang Hao also nodded and said: "Even if you fall here, it is worthwhile to get to know you!" Zhou Qing also clapped his hands and said: "Brother Wang is right. , Come on, we are right here, make friends with each other three times, and become brothers of the opposite sex!"

"Okay!" Meng Feiyang, a disciple of the Weiyang Sect, echoed.

"It's just that fellow Daoist Sword Heart is in such a strange state at this time, what should we do?" Liu Qingyun frowned and said.

"It doesn't matter, we are sworn brothers now, and we naturally count the friends of the Dao of the Sword together." Yue Bufan said, and with a plop, he knelt down on the ground and said: "I, Yue Bufan, a disciple of the Taiqing sect, is willing to form a knot with all of you friends." As brothers of the opposite sex, we will live and die together from now on, if there is any disagreement, we will be hit by a catastrophe, and we will never be reborn forever!" As soon as the words fell, a ray of light appeared above his head, such a vicious oath, naturally It showed Yue Bufan's sincerity.

At this time, several other people also knelt on the ground together, making the same oath in their mouths.At this time, Yue Bufan, Zhou Qing and Yan Miaozhen, the three disciples of the Taiqing sect, also took off the veils on their faces, showing their true colors.

Yue Bufan still had an upright face and an extraordinary appearance.On the other hand, Zhou Qing has a handsome face, especially his eyes, which are so clear that they look like a clear spring.

And that Yan Miaozhen took off the veil, her appearance is even more stunning, it can be described as "a country that overwhelms the city", Liu Qingyun and Meng Feiyang from Weiyang Palace stared blankly, and sighed inwardly at the same time: there is such a beautiful beauty in the world woman.Liu Qingyun even thought to himself: This woman's appearance is somewhat similar to that of the little princess of the Yan Kingdom, but she is a little more out of the world, which is even more exciting.

At this time, Wang Hao's heart was even more turbulent. Although this woman met him by chance, she always lingered in his heart and couldn't get rid of it.Seeing this otherworldly and refined appearance again now, is even more heart-wrenching.

"I, Yan Miao, am really willing to become brothers and sisters of the opposite sex with you, and we will live and die together from now on. If you have a different heart, you will be hit by a catastrophe, and you will never be reborn forever!" At this time, Yan Miaozhen was already making a vow, but , a pair of wonderful eyes, I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, they met Wang Hao's eyes, and there was a trace of resentment in their wonderful eyes!Wang Hao saw it in his eyes, and thought in his heart: Could it be that Yan Miaozhen also has feelings for him, and this time sworn brothers and sisters of the opposite sex is not Miaozhen's wish?However, even if they become brothers and sisters of the opposite sex, if he really likes them, he won't care about these things... Thinking of this, Wang Hao immediately made a vow.

After everyone made the sworn vows, they were about to discuss the order of seniority, but there was a sudden abnormal sound on the side of Jian Daoxin.This strange sound, like a dragon's chant, like a phoenix's cry, resounded through people's hearts.Everyone's consciousness was swept away, and they turned pale in shock. It turned out that the sword heart had completely disappeared in place at this time, and on the place, only a blue sword without a scabbard was left.

"How could such a strange thing happen?" Liu Qingyun frowned and said, this sword heart came along with him all the way, but suddenly disappeared at this time, but it made Liu Qingyun feel sad!

Yue Bufan stepped forward, took the big blue sword in his hand, and said: "The heart of the sword suddenly disappeared in this big formation, there should be no danger!" As soon as Yue Bufan finished speaking, the big blue sword suddenly flashed again. A dragon cry.Immediately afterwards, there was a voice.

"Everyone, don't panic, the sword heart is me, and I am the sword heart!" This sentence was actually uttered by the blue sword, which made everyone look sideways.

"My main body is this blue sword, and the sword heart is just a flesh body that I cultivated. But now, this flesh body is no longer able to exert the power of the big sword body, so now I Appearing in front of you with your own body, hehe, I'm doing you a little favor!" Having said this, the blue sword broke free from Yue Bufan's grasp, and floated in the air in a very spiritual way, shaking his head and letting go of Buddha. Just like a person talking.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they heard such words, but they couldn't help sighing secretly: It seems that the origin of this blue sword must be extremely extraordinary, and it can actually cultivate a physical body.At this time, Yue Bufan was even more frightened, because when he was holding the big blue sword just now, the Taiqing sword in his storage bag actually trembled for a while, and then even started to tremble non-stop , as if extremely frightened.

At this time, Wang Hao was also amazed in his heart: he thought his Blue Rain Sword could be regarded as a magical weapon, but now he saw this big blue sword, and that Blue Rain Sword was so frightened in the Sky Mending Ring. Stop trembling, Wang Hao even tried to call it out with his divine sense, but it was unsuccessful.

What kind of sword is this? As soon as this sword is released, it turns out to be a magical weapon!

While everyone was amazed, they still sent out the order of elder and younger. Yue Bufan was the oldest and became the eldest brother of everyone.After that came Liu Qingyun and Meng Feiyang, Zhou Qing was the fourth child, Wang Hao was several months older than Yan Miaozhen, so he naturally became the fifth child, and Yan Miaozhen became the sixth younger sister.But the big blue sword transformed by Ken Dao Xin seemed unwilling to worship with everyone, so everyone didn't force it.In fact, everyone is very clear in their hearts that such powerful magic soldiers must have existed for countless years, so they are naturally unwilling to form brothers with these juniors.

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