Fairy Road

Chapter 161 One Sword Eliminates Demons

Chapter 160 One Sword Eliminates Demons

In the eyes of the old devil Lihuo, Wang Hao at this time has reached the point where his lamps are exhausted, his veins are broken, and his Nascent Soul is also swallowed by Lihuo.At this time, Wang Hao's expression was indeed painful, which made people feel that he might collapse at any time.

However, only Wang Hao knew it in his heart.When the purple Lihuo wanted to burn the top ten Nascent Souls in his dantian, it was counterattacked by the top ten Nascent Souls instead. A small Lihuo was actually eaten by ten Nascent Souls.In an instant, it disappeared.However, after Yuan Ying devoured the group of Purple Lihuo, Wang Hao felt as if his whole body was being scorched by the fire, and he was in extreme pain, that's why he showed such an ugly face just now.

However, after a few breaths, the burning feeling gradually disappeared, replaced by a strong force appearing in Wang Hao's dantian.Wang Hao nodded secretly, it seemed that his Nascent Soul had already refined the ball of Purple Lihuo.And the wounds in his body began to slowly repair themselves at this moment.

But at this time, Wang Hao had no strength to fight again, not to mention that he was facing an old devil in the stage of transforming into a god.what to do?Wang Hao's face was still full of pain, but in his heart, he was thinking of countermeasures rapidly.

At this time, except for Yue Bufan, who was relying on the power of the Taiqing Sword and still dealing with the two old devils, the other five people were in a precarious situation and were in danger of falling at any time.Although the magic weapon in the hands of Liu Qingyun and others is powerful, there is a huge gap between their cultivation base and their opponents. If they persist for a short time, they will be fine, but if they persist for a long time, they will definitely lose their strength and end up in a tragic end.

"Huh? Little thief, you can still hold on!" Old Devil Lihuo's face has changed from being complacent to dignified at this time. According to his expectation, Wang Hao should have burned his Nascent Soul at this moment, exploding and dying died.However, at this time, Wang Hao, apart from his facial expression still in extreme pain, did not seem to be about to die tragically.

"It's really surprising, little thief, it seems that you have a lot of secrets in your body. You can survive the erosion of the old ancestor's Lihuo. You must have a treasure for protection. Take it out quickly, The ancestor is considering leaving you a whole corpse!" As the ancestor Lihuo said, the purple fire all over his body flourished again, and there were two purple lights in his eyes, staring closely at Wang Hao, after all, he just Because of his carelessness, he suffered from Wang Hao. Although he didn't do much harm to himself, it greatly hurt Lao Mo's face.So at this moment, seeing that Wang Hao was not burned by Lihuo, he couldn't help but secretly become vigilant.

"Take it out?" Wang Hao's face suddenly lost all the painful expression, replaced by a face of determination and disdain, "Old monster, you are not afraid that my master will take out that treasure, you can't bear it?" Here, Wang Hao's whole body changed, and he looked completely uninjured.However, at this time, Wang Hao knew clearly in his heart that the energy in his body was still chaotic, and he looked forward to fighting again.But when the old devil Lihuo was clamoring just now, a crisp voice suddenly came from Wang Hao's consciousness: "Wang Hao, I am the heart of swordsmanship, why did I feel that you seem to have a trace of fairy spirit just now?" ? Why did you obtain the spirit spirit in the lower realm?" Sure enough, it was the voice of Kendo Heart, but Wang Hao knew clearly at this moment that this voice must be said by the big blue sword transformed by Kendo Heart.Wang Hao swept his consciousness, and found that the big blue sword had stopped attacking an old devil at this moment, as if staring at him expectantly.

Wang Hao suddenly had a thought, and told the secret of being able to use a trace of fairy energy to the blue sword. After all, the situation is critical at this time, and there is no need to hide anything.Unexpectedly, as soon as Wang Hao's meaning came out, the blue sword immediately sent back a voice. There was a trace of excitement, a trace of expectation in this voice, and even the voice was a little trembling.

"Great, Wang Hao, if you can really use a little fairy energy, then I might as well be your magic weapon for you to drive, how about killing demons and eliminating demons!"

"It's good to be so natural, but at this moment, the energy in my body is extremely chaotic and difficult to control. I'm afraid it will be difficult to exert your power!" Wang Hao said again through voice transmission.

"It doesn't matter, when the time comes, I will fly into your hands by myself. As long as you transfer the trace of fairy spirit in your body to my sword body, I will be [-]% sure to fight against you!" Kill the old devil directly!" The tone of the blue sword is very sure, and there is even a hint of arrogance in it.

"Okay, the current plan is to fight hard!" Thinking of this, Wang Hao heard the provocative words of the old devil Lihuo, and then said jokingly: "Old monster, as soon as my treasure appears, it will be You have to drink all your blood before you can go back, do you have the courage to face it?"

"Hahahahaha..." Old Devil Lihuo laughed wildly, Fangfo heard the funniest joke in the world.It's no wonder that the old devil Lihuo didn't believe it. After all, in today's lower realm, with his cultivation in the late stage of transformation, there is really no monk who dares to say that he is sure of the life of the old devil Lihuo, even the one from Sanxian Mountain. The three of Shui Yuntian also don't have the ability to kill the old devil Lihuo, they can only seal him here.

"Little thief, do you know what you're talking about?" The old devil Lihuo was still laughing wildly. At this moment, a big blue sword suddenly appeared in Wang Hao's hand. This big sword was ordinary and abnormal. Surprisingly, there is not even the slightest fluctuation of Yuanli around. It is not like a magic weapon in the cultivation world at all, but like a weapon in the secular world.

The smile on Lihuo's face was even stronger at this time, and he pointed to the big sword in Wang Hao's hand with his right hand, and said, "Your treasure is this broken sword?"

"Exactly!" Wang Hao said solemnly. In fact, at this time, he had already secretly input the trace of fairy spirit in the sky-replenishing ring into the blue sword. The last breath of fairy spirit.

"Hahahahaha, just this broken sword, dare to say that it will drink blood when it appears! I think it's drinking pig blood, drinking dog blood! Hahahahaha..." Patriarch Lihuo laughed wildly, but he also used it secretly After inspecting this great blue sword with his spiritual sense, he found that there was really nothing unique about this sword, so he felt more at ease.He secretly said in his heart: This little thief is probably afraid of death to the extreme, and he has some big words to delay time, hum!The more you are afraid of death, the sooner the ancestor will send you on your way!

"Little thief, go to hell, the ancestor has no skills to accompany you to grind your mouth!" The ancestor Lihuo said, waving his hands again and again, using the purple fire around his body to transform into a big purple eagle, suddenly Fly towards Wang Hao.This supernatural power is exactly the heaven-level supernatural power that Old Devil Lihuo is best at - "Purple Fire Jue".Now that it is used, it immediately makes Wang Hao feel that he is bound to be swallowed by this big purple eagle, and he has no confidence to resist at all.

This is the suppression of the realm, and there is no way for Wang Hao to overcome this point!

However, just when Wang Hao lost his mind, a dazzling blue light suddenly burst out from the blue sword. This blue light was like the first ray of dawn in the morning, and it immediately woke Wang Hao up. , Wang Hao was shocked, and then shouted loudly: "Old monster, since you don't believe it, you are ready to die!" After speaking, with a wave of his right hand, the blue sword flashed slightly like a blue light , and disappeared in front of Wang Hao.

The next moment, the blue sword appeared again, and it had already met the big purple eagle.With a slash of the sword, the big purple eagle shattered into pieces, without the slightest strength to resist.

At this moment, the old devil Lihuo's expression began to panic. Even if Shui Yuntian came to his own "Purple Fire Art", he was not sure to destroy it directly. power?

"Good little thief, look at the ancestor's purple cauldron's supernatural ability to refine the sky!" Lihuo Laomo said, and there was a quaint purple giant cauldron in his hand. Yuanli seemed to be completely sucked up by this cauldron.Even those other old demons who were triumphantly playing with their prey couldn't help but look sideways at him.

Among them, some old demons even exclaimed directly: "What kind of tricks does that boy in white have to force out Lihuo's Ziding? That Ziding has been refined by Lihuo for hundreds of years. Let's deal with Shui Yuntian's artifact!"

However, at this time, the old devil Lihuo was extremely terrified in his heart, because, until now, the blue sword really showed its true power, and the terrifying aura emitted by it, even himself Feel terrified.

"This sword is extremely threatening to me, is it really as the little thief said!" Thinking of this, the old devil Lihuo roared wildly, pushed the purple cauldron out, and covered the big blue sword.

(Favorites!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

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