Fairy Road

Chapter 162 Divine Sword in hand

Rumble!The purple cauldron was in mid-air, and suddenly it became several times larger. Facing the big blue sword, it immediately covered it, and covered the big blue sword firmly.Then, around Ziding, Zihuo won a big victory, and it seemed that he was directly refining the blue sword.

At this moment, the old devil Lihuo showed a smile again on his face: "Little thief, take out all the treasures you have, these are destined to be in your patriarch's pocket, hahahaha... eh? How come? Like this? My Zi Ding!!!!!!!!!!!! Little thief, ancestor, I want to eat your flesh and blood!!!!!!!!!!" Patriarch Lihuo was proud of himself, the purple The cauldron suddenly shattered, and countless blue lights came out from the crack, and then there was a loud noise, the purple cauldron shattered, and the green light sword broke out from the cauldron, and went straight to the head of Old Demon Lihuo .The old devil Lihuo was already in the shape of a mad tiger at this moment. The purple cauldron he had refined for hundreds of years to deal with his old enemy Shui Yuntian was actually crushed by a junior in the Nascent Soul stage with a magic weapon.Such a blow, even for an old monster that has lived for thousands of years, is unbearable.

However, soon, Old Demon Lihuo came to his senses.This blue sword can be crushed by a purple tripod, and I can't stop it!So, he could only dodge. Thinking of this, Lihuo Laomo roared unwillingly, and his body turned into a ball of Lihuo, and quickly fled towards the distance.

The speed of "Li Huo Dun" is comparable to that of Xue Dun, the fastest escape in the cultivation world, and within a breath, he has gone several miles away.

However, the blue great sword disappeared again at this time, and when it reappeared, it had already reached the top of Lihuo Laomo's head, and chopped it off with a single strike.Directly chopping on the ball of Lihuo, with a puff, the Lihuo splashed in all directions, and then jumped out, a destructive elemental force scattered around the Lihuo.All the monks a few miles away were slightly startled by the interference of this power.

Then, everyone heard a scream, which seemed to be coming from a child.Everyone's heart trembled, someone's Nascent Soul was beheaded.

who is it?Wang Hao still stood where he was, but on the opposite side, without the old devil Lihuo, could it be that Lihuo was beheaded by Wang Hao!Absolutely impossible, many devils dispersed their consciousness one after another, and then roared again and again, because they still felt the old devil Lihuo's life breath dissipate.

Then look at the white-clothed monk Wang Hao who killed the old devil Lihuo. At this moment, there is an extra blue sword in his hand. There is still a trace of blood on the big sword. This is the old devil Lihuo. of blood.A generation of old demons in the late stage of transforming gods, who were invincible in the lower realm, was actually beheaded by a little monk who hadn't arrived in the late stage of Nascent Soul. This shock made all the old devils stop their offensives in shock. As for Yue Bufan and the others, they had a chance to breathe just now.

I want to take advantage of the power of beheading the old devil Lihuo to frighten these devils in one fell swoop, otherwise, we people still cannot escape death.After all, that trace of fairy spirit was exhausted after beheading the old devil Lihuo.And the only trace of fairy energy left in the sky-replenishing ring can only kill one old demon at most.Now, the best way is to make these old devils fear and let them retreat without fighting!Wang Hao quickly calculated in his mind.On his face, there was still a proud expression.The big blue sword in his hand was suddenly raised, he pointed at the stunned monsters, and said coldly: "Which one of you demons wants to try the sword with their own body and step away from the old demon?" Following?"

These devils suddenly looked dignified, and used their spiritual sense to probe the real cultivation of the white-clothed boy standing far away. After finding that it was really only the mid-stage cultivation of the Nascent Soul, they began to use their spiritual sense to probe the boy in his hand again. Pick up the big blue sword, but this big blue sword is more ordinary, it is not even as good as a common magic weapon.

"Little thief, don't think that just because you happened to kill Lihuo, you can scare us. Today, none of you are going to leave, you are all going to die!" Yin Xianmao suddenly said with a stern expression. .The previous old demon was killed by Taiqing Sword in order to save her.At this time, she was already determined to kill Wang Hao and others, leaving no one behind.However, the other devils all stared at Wang Hao with gloomy faces, but they didn't make a sound, let alone make a move first. It seems that Wang Hao beheaded the old devil Lihuo, and it really hurt them A great shock.After all, the old devil Lihuo's cultivation was one of the best among them. Since he had the ability to kill Lihuo, he also had the ability to kill himself.Therefore, for a while, no one dared to force her way out except for Yin Xianpo.

Seeing this situation, Wang Hao was secretly delighted. It seems that except for Yinxianpo, the others have been frightened by his own means. If he can kill Yinxianpo in one fell swoop, then these monsters will definitely flee in all directions.Thinking of this, Wang Hao smiled coldly: "Old witch, since you want to learn from Lihuo and become the ghost under my sword, how about I help you?" Wang Hao said with a thought, and the last trace of immortality The spiritual energy was taken out from the sky-filling ring, and secretly injected into the blue sword.

"Okay, Wang Hao, I'll kill this old witch again this time. I don't know how much fairy spirit you still have. If you have enough, I don't mind beheading all the demons here!" Big Qingse Jian said excitedly.

Wang Hao couldn't help smiling wryly in his heart, and replied: "This is the last trace of fairy spirit..." The blue sword was suddenly depressed.

Seeing the confidence in Wang Hao's tone, Yinxian Po couldn't help but change her face. After all, her cultivation level is not to mention compared with Lihuo Laomo, even among all the demons, she is also the weakest one. level.

"It seems that this kid is really sure to kill me, no, I want to incite everyone to attack together, and kill this kid first!" Yin Xianma thought about it, and then shouted at the top of her voice: "Everyone, don't you still want to kill me?" Are you living a life without aura within this seal? Let's all do it together, kill this kid first, and the others will have no threat! If you retreat now, you will never be able to succeed!"

After all the devils heard this, their faces turned cloudy and uncertain.Wang Hao was shocked in his heart, and with a thought, the blue sword had left his hand and slashed towards Yin Xianpo.

"It seems that this old witch must be killed first!" Wang Hao thought.At this moment, the ancestor of the green hat suddenly screamed strangely: "Let's go together, kill that kid first! I don't believe it, how many nails can he put into his body for a ants who haven't reached the late Nascent Soul?" Saying that, with a wave of both hands, he attacked and killed Wang Hao.

"No, these demons have come to their senses at this critical moment, it seems that the situation is about to suffer!" Wang Hao secretly cried out in his heart, and his thoughts hurriedly communicated with the blue sword.

The blue sword was already in the air at this time, feeling Wang Hao's thoughts, the sword turned around, and suddenly appeared in Wang Hao's hand again, and then sent a voice transmission to Wang Hao: "Wang Hao, see that I am the strongest! With one move, these monsters will be severely injured in one move, even if they cannot be killed, they will still be able to flee!" After speaking, countless blue lights burst out from the blade of the sword, which was extremely intense, and a destructive one The strong sword energy gradually condensed on the tip of the big blue sword...

(Favorites!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!)

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