Fairy Road

Chapter 175

Wang Hao hit the monster with a fish head and a human body with a destructive punch, and immediately sent the monster flying upside down. The fish face of the monster was like a dyeing workshop, with red, white and green colors. Yes, splash around.The monster screamed in pain: "Who is attacking me, stand up for me!" It seems that this monster is a small boss, after a roar, the surrounding sea monsters stopped attacking the little girl and turned towards the girl. Watching the little boss surround him.

"Captain carp, are you alright?" several shrimp soldiers and crab generals asked. "I'm not dead yet! Who is sneaky and dare not show up? Stand up for me if you have the guts!" The carp leader wiped the blood from his face and shouted.

"Hmph!" Wang Hao snorted coldly, emerging from the dark place, exuding the powerful aura of the late Nascent Soul, which immediately made these Sea Clan monsters, whose tallest was only the late Jindan stage, retreat again and again, the carp The leader's face also changed at this time, from anger to shock, and then he had a face of flattery, bowed and said to Wang Hao: "I don't know if it was the senior who made the move, but I hope the senior will not blame me! I don't know if the senior came to me Sea Clan, what are you doing?" The carp leader was also well versed in human's ability to ride a wall, seeing Wang Hao's cultivation level, he immediately asked in a low voice.After all, the aura emanating from this human being was comparable to that of his patriarch.

"Sure enough, it's the Sea Clan!" Wang Hao's heart moved, and he said to himself, "Although the Sea Clan's power is not strong, they are still a group. And why this girl was chased and killed by the Hai Clan monks, I don't know why, but it's not appropriate Take it easy!" Thinking of this, Wang Hao restrained his momentum a little, and said slowly, "I was just passing by here, seeing you monks besieging a weak girl, I really can't see it, so I have to take care of it!"

After the girl heard Wang Hao's words, she immediately turned her bright eyes slightly, then hurried a few steps, came to Wang Hao's side, gave Wang Hao a deep blessing, and said crisply: "Thank you, brother, for helping me out." Help!" Saying that, she raised her pretty face slightly, and looked at Wang Hao, with a hint of shyness on the corner of her mouth.

Wang Hao glanced at the girl, and was about to ask the ins and outs of the matter, the leader of the carp had already said: "Senior Mingjian, don't be confused by this witch, who sneaked into the temple of my sea clan and hurt my sea The third son of the clan, stole the sacred object of our sea clan, at this time, the patriarch and elders of our sea clan have received a message and are rushing from the East China Sea thousands of miles away to capture this demon girl!"

As the carp leader said, he turned his head and looked towards the deep sea in the distance, as if he was waiting for the arrival of his clan's masters.Wang Hao couldn't help sneering in his heart: "My spiritual sense is out, and there is no expert approaching within a hundred miles. The leader of the carp said so, because he wanted me to be cautious and dare not make a move easily! It seems that what this person said , authenticity needs careful consideration!" Thinking of this, Wang Hao frowned, and said, "This is just your one-sided remarks, I still want to hear her defense!" Wang Hao looked He asked the woman, "Is what the man said true?"

When the girl heard Wang Hao's question, she rolled her eyes immediately, and then a pitiful look appeared on her face, and she said, "Brother, don't be deceived by these monsters, how can I, a weak girl, sneak into their temple and steal treasures?" What!" After finishing speaking, she had a lovely and pitiful expression.

When Wang Hao heard the woman finished speaking, he couldn't help frowning, and secretly regretted in his heart: This woman's cultivation has already reached the peak of the golden core stage, if she is a weak girl, it really can't be justified.Moreover, when he spoke, a sly look flashed across his face from time to time, it seemed that he was really meddling this time.

Seeing Wang Hao groaning silently, the carp leader and the girl said at the same time: "Brother, don't trust them!" You said that she stole the sacred objects of your sea clan, as the saying goes, "catch the thief and take the stolen goods", can you find the stolen goods?"

"This..." The carp leader was speechless for a while, and then said suddenly, "After this witch escaped from our sea clan, we followed all the way, and the stolen goods must still be on this witch!" After finishing speaking, the carp leader stared at the woman. The storage bag on the girl's waist has a very clear meaning: as long as you search the storage bag, you will be able to see the matter!

"Demon girl, do you dare to take out Dingxi from the storage bag and let this senior take a look?" The leader of the carp suddenly shouted at the girl. It seemed that he had already determined that the girl was in the storage bag. Must have their lost relics.

After hearing Li Touling's words, the girl turned her head to look at the expression on Wang Hao's face, and found that Wang Hao didn't intend to protect herself at all, so she rolled her eyes and said, "Hmph! I said I didn't steal your money." things, I am not afraid of you searching my storage bag. However, there are some treasures in my storage bag, if I hand over the storage bag to you to search, I am not at ease!" Said, the girl suddenly looked at the bag with a smile. Looking at Wang Hao, he said, "If this elder brother wants to check my storage bag, I would like to!"

"This..." The leader of the carp was speechless for a while, "Let this senior search..." The leader of the carp said here, and suddenly fell into a deep thought.The girl immediately continued the conversation and said, "Can't you trust this big brother?"

The leader of the carp suddenly had cold sweat on his face. In fact, he was only worried about the sudden appearance of Wang Hao. If he was an accomplice with this woman, he would definitely find nothing if he searched!

At this time, Wang Hao observed the words and demeanor, and he had already seen the doubts in the carp leader's heart, and said: "If I were with that woman, I would have killed you all by now!" Here, the aura on his body suddenly rose, causing the carp leader to sweat coldly on his face and said: "Yes... yes..., seniors will help me search the storage bag on the woman. It is a sacred object of my sea clan." It is a dark key, and this key is made of ten thousand years of cold iron in the deep sea!" The leader of the carp directly described the lost sacred object of the sea clan, and then stared at Wang Hao closely with a pair of words. But secretly said: If you intend to help that woman hide it, I am not afraid, the masters of my sea clan will be able to come back soon.Moreover, I have already planted Houttuynia cordata on this woman, no matter where she escapes, we Sea Clan will be able to find her!

After the carp leader finished speaking, Wang Hao nodded, and asked the woman, "Will you let me check the storage bag?" The woman said with a smile on her lips, "Little girl is willing!" A pair of jade hands gently untied the storage bag at the waist, handed it to Wang Hao, and said, "Brother, I have lifted the seal of Yuanli on this storage bag, you can directly check it with your spiritual sense!"

Wang Hao took the storage bag, and with a sweep of his consciousness, he could see everything in the storage bag at a glance!The girl's storage bag is not big, only about the size of a room, and some commonly used items are placed in a mess in it. Other than that, there are a few magic weapons, one of which is a top-grade magic weapon.

Um?There seems to be something hidden in those clothes!Wang Hao suddenly discovered that in a corner of the woman's storage bag, several pieces of the woman's clothes were piled up, and there seemed to be something hidden under the clothes.Wang Hao's spiritual sense probed, his heart was shocked, and he almost said out loud: Isn't this the sacred object of the Sea Clan that the carp collar said!

At this moment, a crisp sound transmission suddenly came from Wang Hao's ears: "Brother, don't say it out, this key is related to a treasure, and the little girl is willing to go to the treasure with her brother and take it out." The treasure inside!"

"Hmph! You actually want to lure me!" Wang Hao's heart moved, and a look of disgust suddenly appeared on his face.At this moment, Wang Hao's spiritual sense suddenly discovered that there were a few simple small characters on the key. Wang Hao used his spiritual sense to check carefully, and he couldn't help being shocked. It turned out that the small characters on the key were actually : Sun God Palace!

Could it be that this key is related to the treasure of Sun Zhenjun?Wang Hao couldn't help hesitating in his heart. After all, this thing is not his own. Wang Hao has never plundered other people's things since he cultivated.Now this key made Wang Hao suddenly want to plunder.However, Wang Hao quickly denied his own thoughts in his mind: If this is the case, how is it different from the actions of his enemies?Thinking of this, Wang Hao suddenly had a decision in his mind.


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