Fairy Road

Chapter 177 The Man in Black

Chapter 170 VII The Man in Black

Wang Hao followed the five strong men of the Hai Clan far away, and concealed his aura with the secret method of luck. In this way, the five strong men of the Hai Clan could not find Wang Hao's trace.After these five people flew towards the deep sea for a period of time, the elder Jiao who was the leader seemed to have received some message suddenly, turned around and fled towards the southwest direction. summons.

After Wang Hao followed the flight for about half an hour, his heart moved, he pressed his figure, and probed with his spiritual sense from a distance.At this time, the five strong men of the Hai Clan had already stopped their figures, but Wang Hao's spiritual consciousness did not have the breath of other monks.A moment later, Elder Jiao led the other four people to flee towards the southwest again.Wang Hao also followed from a distance, and soon, he arrived at the place where the five Elder Caijiao stayed just now.After arriving here, Wang Hao couldn't help frowning, because this place is full of bloody atmosphere, and there are still the corpses of sea monks floating around. It seems that Wang Hao once sensed that the strong man was also a ruthless one. Seniors, with every gesture, there is a scene of blood flowing like a river.

This person, I don't know which sect's monk he is, but he is really ruthless.Wang Hao thought to himself, but he kept stepping, keeping a certain distance from Elder Jiao and the others.

Um?The energy in the front is chaotic, it seems that the strong man of the Sea Clan has already met that person.Wang Hao slowed down and approached the front slowly.The secret method taught by Chen Tuan is indeed unique. Once the secret method is used, one's breath can be completely hidden. In this way, the monk's spiritual sense will naturally not be able to detect it. There is absolutely no way for the cultivators in the cave to discover Wang Hao.How could Wang Hao let them see it easily? At this time, Wang Hao was already hidden among a piece of coral and seaweed, looking up at the place of battle.

Sure enough, it was that woman, and the one beside her should be the powerful cultivator I had felt before.Seeing it with my own eyes now, this person's cultivation base is even more shocking, at least it is the cultivation base of the middle stage of transformation.Wang Hao thought to himself, because the aura emanating from the black-clothed monk beside the woman, even Wang Hao at this moment, had a faint feeling of extreme danger.

It is impossible for these strong men of the Sea Clan to be that person's younger brother!It seems that the man in black should have deliberately let them catch up and wanted to kill them.Thinking of this, Wang Hao was also secretly annoyed: You can snatch the treasures of the Sea Clan, but why do you want to kill the monks of the Sea Clan?I, Mr. Wang, don't mind taking care of such a cruel and merciless person!

At this time, the five strong men of the Sea Clan headed by Elder Jiao had already shot at the man in black.After all, a large number of monks in his clan have been killed by this person, and the enemies are extremely jealous when they meet, and they fight directly without saying anything.

At this time, Elder Jiao's eyes were already shattered, and he manipulated the long spear in his hand, ignoring his own defense, the man and the spear merged into one, and it was a desperate move as soon as he came up.The other four late-stage Nascent Soul strongmen of the Sea Clan sacrificed a black long saber at the same time. The four of them stood in four different directions, as if they were using a combined attack formation.The target of these four people was not the man in black, but the woman next to the man in black.At this time, the woman was no longer as weak as when Wang Hao saw her. Instead, she was full of vitality and had a long breath, faintly feeling that she was about to enter the stage of transformation.

Um?Why is there such a big difference in this woman's cultivation?Wang Hao couldn't help but secretly marveled: It seems that this woman had hidden her cultivation at the beginning?Thinking of this, Wang Hao couldn't help shaking his head again. If she had hidden her cultivation, she wouldn't be forced into a desperate situation by a group of Golden Core stage monks.The only explanation is: after the woman met the man in black, the man in black raised her cultivation level to the current level.If this is the case, then the cultivation of the man in black is extremely terrifying.Being able to easily raise a monk's cultivation level to the point where he can kill the late Nascent Soul monks is by no means something that ordinary monks can do.

Wang Hao hid in the dark and kept calculating.As for the battle, it was decided in an instant. Although Elder Jiao was attacking with all his strength, it was almost like a child's play in front of the man in black. Holding the head of Elder Jiao's long spear, and then stretching out his left hand, he actually grabbed Elder Jiao's neck and directly lifted his body in his hand with a sneer on his face.

The woman who was besieged by the four members of the Hai clan using a joint attack formation did not lose the slightest bit of wind. The magic weapon in her hand was sacrificed, and the attack of the four members of the Hai clan was easily resolved.At the same time, a small banner suddenly appeared in the woman's hand, and there was a ghostly aura on the small banner.I saw her shaking the small flag slightly and chanting a formula in her mouth. Immediately, dozens of late-stage Nascent Soul ghosts appeared all around, surrounded the four sea clan powerhouses, and swallowed them instantly. Then, those ghosts turned into objects. Forming streaks of black air, he returned to the small streamer.The four sea clan powerhouses who were devoured didn't even have any bones left. Where they stood just now, there were only four storage bags left there, which were collected by the woman with a wave of her right hand.

Wang Hao regretted for a while, and wanted to rescue him, but he didn't expect the battle to end so soon.However, the surprise in Wang Hao's heart at this time was far greater than regret, because the small banner in the woman's hand was very similar to the small banner that Wu Huang used when he intercepted and killed him, and it looked like a magic weapon.

These people seem to have a lot to do with Wu Huang.Thinking of this, Wang Hao has already made up his mind to deal with this matter to the end.

At this time, the man in black suddenly smirked at Elder Jiao, who was constantly struggling in his hands. Elder Jiao saw with his own eyes that the four strong men in the clan fell instantly, and he was so angry that he spit out a mouthful of blood, and couldn't stop crying. Cursing: "You devils, take away my holy objects and kill my clansmen, and the patriarch of the Hai clan will definitely not let you go!"

"Don't let me go? ... Even if your patriarch came, I would still kill you easily! In the face of absolute strength, you will not be allowed to be brave!" the man in black said sternly, "I just wandered around within the range of your Sea Clan, looking for powerful people among the current Sea Clan. Do you think I'm running away? Hahaha, but, I'm very puzzled. Among the Sea Clan, Now apart from your highest cultivation base, there are no other strong people, tell me, where did these people go?"

After Elder Jiao heard the arrogant words of the man in black, there was a strange sound from the strangled neck, and his face became more cloudy. At this time, he was secretly worried about the patriarch who was rushing back here with all his strength. And the two Supreme Elders, because the strength of the man in black is indeed too much beyond his own, even if the Patriarch and the Supreme Elders come, I am afraid that they will not escape the fate of falling.

"What? Are you scared?" Seeing Elder Jiao's face, the man in black immediately smiled and said, "If you are worried that your sea clan will not escape the fate of extermination, I can give you a way out!" said the man in black , threw Elder Jiao a few feet away, and then took out the sacred object of the Sea Clan that Wang Hao had seen in the woman's storage bag-a black key cast by Wannian cold iron.

When Elder Jiao saw the black key, his face immediately became angry, but sometimes he didn't dare to make a sound, and just stared blankly at the man in black.The man in black pondered for a moment, and then slowly said, "I heard that the holy object of your sea clan is not just this key! As long as you tell the whereabouts of the treasure map, I will let you sea clan go. Zuo doesn't mind, just kill your sea clan!"

Treasure map?It seems that the purpose of the man in black is also the treasure left by the sun god in the lower realm!However, Mr. Chen once said that the treasure of the Sun God Lord is a secret. Even the Sea Clan who have the treasure map and the key to unlock the treasure have never been able to obtain the treasure. How could the man in black know about it? ?Could it be that the man in black is not from the Yanhuang Continent, but like Old Chen, from the Upper Realm?Wang Hao thought to himself.


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