Fairy Road

Chapter 188

The blue rain sword collided with the red long sword in the hands of the Wu Guotai emperor, and suddenly the energy was scattered, and they were stalemate in mid-air, refusing to give in to each other.At this time, the face of the Wu Guotai Emperor's face has changed. After all, I have been relying on this red fire sword for hundreds of years to traverse the world of cultivation, and it is almost difficult to find an opponent. The quality of the magic weapon is also incomparable to this scarlet fire sword of mine.Unexpectedly, the young man I met this time seemed to be only a monk in the late stage of Nascent Soul. It is not too much to give up.

"Explode me!" Wu Guotai gave a roar, and countless red fire god thunder burst out from the scarlet fire sword. This scarlet fire god thunder is the supreme supernatural power refined by Wu Guotai for several years.

The scarlet fire god thunder continued to explode, causing the Lan Yujian to lose its spiritual energy immediately, and flew back into Wang Hao's hand. Wang Hao frowned, and thought in his heart: The cultivators in the stage of transforming gods really have some support in their hands. Look at it. Come on, it is time to use the fairy energy in the sky-replenishing ring again, but in today's sky-replenishing ring, the fairy energy is incomparably sufficient.

After a trace of fairy energy was injected into the Blue Rain Sword, the blue light of the Blue Rain Sword suddenly exploded!Teleportation, the next moment, it appeared above the Scarlet Fire Sword, and slashed down fiercely towards the Scarlet Fire Sword.With a sneer, the Red Fire Sword was immediately cut into the blade by the Blue Rain Sword, causing flames to splatter from the Red Fire Sword, and plunged into the corridor of the imperial city.

"What? This blue flying sword is so powerful!" At this time, the emperor Wu Guotai had a trace of blood at the corner of his mouth, his eyes turned sharply, his figure changed, and he wanted to escape.At this moment, the blue light of the Blue Rain Sword surged again, and continued to teleport, and the next moment, it appeared above the head of Wu Guotai, who was so shocked that Wu Guotai's legs suddenly softened, and he fell to his knees. In mid-air.

"Fellow Daoist, show mercy, the old man admits it!" The Supreme Emperor Wu Guotai had subdued at this time, and he knew very well in his heart: this young man in white clothes is definitely not someone he can provoke.His descendants were beheaded by him, and he could only swallow his anger.However, it seems a bit late to give up at this time.

"Hmph! If I had lost to you just now, you would have killed me by now! Since you are the Supreme Emperor of the Wu Kingdom, I will let you know why I came to your Wu Kingdom's palace to kill Wu The emperor beheaded!" Wang Hao said loudly, "On that day, the prince of your Wu kingdom was ordered by the Wu emperor to come to my territory of the Ten Kingdoms of Cultivation to kill the small and medium sects of our Wan kingdom. I met him and killed him with a single sword. Because of this matter, Emperor Wu beheaded all the thousands of disciples of my Xuantian Sect. Do you think Emperor Wu deserves to die?"

"Yes, yes, fellow daoist, but he has brought the blame on himself, and asked fellow daoist to spare the old man!" Wu Guotai said in a trembling voice. Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, and he suddenly said, "Friend daoist, you Did you just say that the prince of my Wu Kingdom was ordered by the Emperor Wu to go to the Ten Kingdoms of Cultivation to exterminate the small and medium sects?"

"That's right. I saw it with my own eyes. Could it be fake?" Wang Hao said angrily.

"Fellow Daoist, you have misunderstood me. I'm not saying that the person who made the move was not the prince of my country of Wu, but that my fellow Daoist made a mistake. My royal family of Wu has never sent a prince to the Ten Kingdoms of Cultivation. Although the state of Wu is much stronger than the Ten Kingdoms of Cultivation, because of the Yan Kingdom in the north, it has never sent forces into the Ten Kingdoms of Cultivation! By the way, I don’t know the country of Wu mentioned by fellow Daoists. Prince, how many princes are you?" Wu Guotai said slowly.

"Princes, I don't know about that! However, when he was beheaded, there were still some purple-clothed monks beside him!" Wang Hao said in a deep voice.

"Purple-clothed cultivator?" Wu Guotai's face suddenly changed at this time, "I don't know if that prince of my Wu country is also dressed in purple?" "Yes!" Wang Hao replied in a deep voice.

At this time, Wu Guotai's empress's face suddenly flashed a fierce look, and then he returned to a soft look, and said: "Daoist friend, it seems that you really made a mistake this time!"

"What? Made a mistake? What do you mean?" Wang Hao snapped.

"Fellow Daoist, please calm down!" Seeing Wang Hao's sudden change of color, the Supreme Emperor Wu Guotai said in a low voice, "Fellow Daoist, the Prince Wu you mentioned is indeed someone else, but his body Wearing a purple robe, he must be a monk from Weiyang Palace! A prince of my Wu Kingdom indeed joined Weiyang Palace, and later, he died while going to practice in the Ten Kingdoms, and I also know about it!"

"What? You mean, everything is related to Weiyang Palace, and has nothing to do with your Wu royal family!" Wang Hao's face has changed color at this time, and Ye Qingqing beside him is even more so. With a puzzled face, he opened his mouth and scolded, "Don't talk nonsense, that day, I was captured by your monks from the Wu Kingdom, and it was Senior Weiyangzi from Weiyang Palace who rescued me, otherwise I would have died already!"

After hearing Ye Qingqing's words, the Supreme Emperor of Wu Guotai pondered for a moment, and suddenly gritted his teeth and said, "The thief is calling to catch the thief, Wei Yangzi, you are so ruthless!" Then he turned to Wang Hao and said, "Fellow Daoist, at this time, you have already captured my country of Wu. If the monarch's beheading and extermination of the family were really done by the royal family of the Wu Kingdom, you will be avenged. I don't care whether the old man lives or dies. I am just worried that the real culprit will be free. I'm afraid it's hard to rest in peace!"

Wang Hao pondered for a moment after hearing this.Suddenly he said to Ye Qingqing: "Qingqing, you were captured by that black-clothed monk that day, how did you get rescued by Wei Yangzi?"

"This... on that day, my cultivation base was sealed, and I was completely unconscious. When I woke up, I saw Senior Wei Yangzi. As for how to be rescued, Qingqing didn't know!" Ye Qingqing was also full of doubts at this time.

At this time, a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in Wang Hao's heart, and he said to the Supreme Emperor Wu Guotai, "By the way, that person seems to be called Demon Lord Heisha. Do you know this person?"

"The Demon Lord Heisha is indeed the Weiyang Palace!" The Supreme Emperor of the Wu Kingdom gritted his teeth and said, "Weiyangzi, you actually put the blame on my royal family of the Wu Kingdom. This old man is at odds with you! Fellow Daoist, this Demon Lord Heisha is the monk under Weiyangzi's command." , this person is ruthless, if fellow Taoists don't believe it, you can question Wei Yangzi face to face!"

"Could it really be Weiyangzi's doing?" Wang Hao was already full of doubts at this time, thinking, "Then why did Weiyangzi tell Ye Qingqing to release and rescue us! This matter is too strange, especially Weiyangzi just now Rescuing him made it difficult for me to doubt him. However, what the Wu Guotai emperor said does not seem to be false! What is going on? This matter must be found out, otherwise how can I be worthy of those who died? My fellow disciple!" Thinking of this, Wang Hao suddenly said to the Supreme Emperor of the Wu Kingdom: "Even if this matter was really not done by the Emperor Wu, but the Emperor Wu once intercepted and killed me in the territory of the State of Wu. Won't let it go easily!"

In this matter, the expression of fear on the face of the Empress Wu Guotai was gone, replaced by a calm expression, I saw him slowly say: "Daoist friend, it is not a pity for me to die. As long as you know your The real enemy is Wei Yangzi, an old man. Why should I be afraid of death? My Wu royal family is blamed for being blamed. One day you will understand. Daoist, when everything comes to light, I hope you can kill Wei Yangzi. Killing him can be regarded as avenging my Wu emperor's family." Wu Guotai said, his face was gloomy, the energy around his body was chaotic, and he was about to explode.

"Stop!" Wang Hao shouted in a deep voice, "I'll save your life for the time being, if they find out that everything you said is not true, I will come here to take your life again!" Wang Hao said, With a wave of his right hand, Lan Yujian immediately turned the blade and returned to Wang Hao's hand.But at this time, Ye Qingqing's eyes were full of bewilderment, and then, a sharp look flashed across the corner of her eyes, and her eyes suddenly became clear.

"Brother Wang Hao, this person's words are absolutely unbelievable. If Senior Wei Yangzi did it, why would he come to his rescue? If it wasn't for his rescue just now, we might have all been poisoned by Heiyun Demon Venerable at this moment !” Ye Qingqing suddenly said to Wang Hao.

Wang Hao glanced at Ye Qingqing, pondered for a long time, and then said: "Qingqing, this matter is quite strange, I have to investigate a lot before I can decide! Now, I am not sure whether Wei Yangzi did it, but , even for what he did, with our current strength, we can’t take revenge. So let’s put this matter aside for the time being and talk about it later!” Wang Hao said, waving at the Supreme Emperor of Wu, and said: “ You can go!" As if being pardoned, the Empress Wu Guotai made a move with his right hand and took the red fire sword inserted in the corridor in his hand, turned around and disappeared into the midair.

At this time, Ye Qingqing said anxiously: "Brother Wang Hao, how could you let him go so easily?" Wang Hao waved his hand at Ye Qingqing and said, "It's okay, what this person said doesn't seem to be fake. Everything will come to light in the future, and if it is discovered that he is lying, I will come and take his life. Well, it’s over, let’s hurry up and go to the headquarters of the Cultivation Alliance!" Wang Hao said, and once again sacrificed Lan Yujian pulled Fang Rou up, stepped on it, soared into the sky, pierced the sky, and flew towards the south.Seeing this, Lu Da sacrificed his magic weapon and followed closely behind.At this time, Ye Qingqing suddenly had a complicated expression on his face, and then, with confused eyes, he sacrificed his flying sword and followed him from a distance.

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