Fairy Road

Chapter 189 Chaos Alliance

Wang Hao and others traveled across the entire Wu Kingdom, and within three days they arrived at the territory of the Ten Kingdoms of Cultivation.It was another day, and the four of Wang Hao entered the crossing territory where the headquarters of the Ten Nations Cultivation Alliance was located.Along the way, monks in twos and threes with weird expressions kept flying with their swords in the air, but after discovering the powerful aura emanating from Wang Hao and the others from a distance, they detoured one after another.

The distance to Yuenv Peak was getting closer and closer. At this time, a large number of monks in distress began to appear and fled in all directions. "This situation is really strange!" Wang Hao thought to himself.Then he put down Fangrou, and with a flash of his figure, he came to a middle-aged monk with a panicked expression and asked in a deep voice, "Fellow Daoist, where are you going?" The middle-aged monk saw Wang Hao came to the front suddenly, and took out a magic weapon in the shape of a long whip vigilantly, but there was a look of fear in his eyes, and after a while, he returned: "Why did you block my way?"

At this moment, Wang Hao laughed instead, and jokingly said: "Why should I block your way? You are clearly the one who blocked my way!" After the middle-aged monk heard Wang Hao's words, he didn't answer, and his face was secluded. He wanted to walk past Wang Hao.At this time, Wang Hao stretched out his right hand and stopped him again.

The middle-aged monk finally couldn't bear it anymore, and roared, "It's not yet the deadline, why are you trying to kill them all!" As he said, the long whip in his hand danced like a spirit snake, and rolled towards Wang Hao In the past, he shouted in his mouth: "I will fight with you, and I will die at worst!"

Wang Hao dodged the long whip's attack calmly, and then stretched out his right hand, holding the middle-grade magic weapon in his hand, and asked solemnly: "What is the deadline, which sect monk are you? Hurry up!" To be honest, I will save you from dying!" As he said that, Wang Hao immediately exuded the coercion of the late Nascent Soul, which made the middle-aged monk's knees go limp, and he fell to his knees directly on the ground.The coercion of the late Yuanying period is really unbearable for the Jindan stage monks.

When the middle-aged monk heard Wang Hao's question, his eyes lit up immediately, and he asked in shock, "Aren't you here to slaughter our Buddhist cultivators?"

"A Buddhist? I'm not a Buddhist!" Wang Hao said seriously.At this time, the middle-aged monk let out a long sigh of relief, and sighed: "You don't know, I am a member of the Law Enforcement Team of the Cultivation Alliance. They are Buddhist cultivators from the Tianzhu Continent. These monks are extremely powerful. In just a few moves, they wounded the vice-leader of the merchants in our alliance. These monks also said that they would give us half a month, half a month Finally, the Cultivation Alliance must be disbanded, and the Yuenv Peak where the alliance is located will be released for them to recruit disciples and establish sects here! Those Buddhist cultivators also forcibly opened the treasure house in the alliance and snatched all the treasures inside !"

"What!" Wang Hao's heart was shocked, and he secretly yelled that it was not good, he grabbed the middle-aged monk by the collar and asked: "How is Leng Qiuyue, who is in charge of the law enforcement team?"

"Senior Leng?" said the middle-aged monk, "As early as a month ago, she returned to the sect she used to belong to, the Xuantian Sect, and it is said that she was going to make final preparations for the re-opening of the sect. .”

"Huh..." Wang Hao let out a long breath of relief, and said in his heart: Since Leng Qiuyue is fine, that's the best.Those Buddhist cultivators are very likely to have a lot to do with the monk named Fatian who he once beheaded in Yan Kingdom.Since they have set a deadline for the alliance to move out, I will stay here and wait on the sidelines to see what kind of superpowers these foreign monks are.

At this time, the collar of the middle-aged monk had been loosened by Wang Hao, and he suddenly said to himself: "It's a pity that the leader of the alliance is no longer in the alliance, otherwise we wouldn't end up in a desperate situation." !"

Wang Hao couldn't help smiling wryly in his heart, and asked, "How many monks are left in the alliance now?"

The middle-aged monk frowned and said: "Most of the Golden Core stage monks have already fled in all directions, and now those who stay in the alliance are masters of the Nascent Soul stage, but these people seem to be hesitant When that day really comes, it is estimated that the alliance headquarters will really become an empty city."

After Wang Hao heard this, he sighed and said: "The cohesion of the Ten Kingdoms Cultivation Alliance is really not ordinary! When encountering such a small setback, it is like a tree falling and a monkey scattered, running and running away. ! Come back this time, it seems that we really need to rectify and weed out all the monks who are not firm in their will!" Saying this, Wang Hao threw the long whip back to the middle-aged monk with his right hand In the hands of the middle-aged monk, his figure flashed, and he disappeared directly in front of the eyes of the middle-aged monk.

The middle-aged monk held a long whip, stared blankly into the distance, and murmured: "Could it be that he is the legendary leader of the alliance? Not like that! Why is he so young?"

At this time, Wang Hao had already returned to Ye Qingqing and the others, and said to everyone: "There have been some accidents in the Cultivation Alliance, let's rush there with all our strength! Let's go!" At this point, Wang Hao urged Yuanli on his feet, Then he took Fang Rou and flew towards Yuenv Peak quickly.

Half an hour later, Wang Hao and others arrived at the headquarters of the Cultivation Alliance——on the Yuenv Peak. Wang Hao spread his consciousness and found that there were only dozens of Nascent Soul stage monks in the current alliance headquarters, and There are only a few monks in the Jindan period, and the huge headquarters of the alliance has now become an empty palace.

Wang Hao secretly sighed in his heart, and then he said to the surroundings: "Where is the Shang Changhe, come to the hall to meet me quickly!" As he said, his figure flashed, and he entered the meeting hall of the headquarters of the Cultivation Alliance. At that time, the Cultivation Alliance had already lost any guards, and it looked like a withered scene.

Wang Hao sat on the central seat of the main hall, and Ye Qingqing and the others were divided into left and right sides. After a while, an old man with white beard and hair and a sick face appeared in the hall. It is the deputy leader of the Cultivation Alliance——Shang Changhe!

As soon as Shang Changhe bought into the meeting hall, he saw Wang Hao sitting on the central yang seat of the main hall, and the sickness on his face suddenly disappeared for three minutes, and he stepped forward, and immediately came to Wang Hao, bowed and said : "Leader, you are back. If you come back a few days later, the Cultivation Alliance will probably be wiped out!" As he said, coughing non-stop, Wang Hao stood up, walked to Shang Changhe's side, and stretched his right hand , then grabbed Shang Changhe's wrist, urged Yuanli to run along the tendons in Shang Changhe's body for a week, then, Wang Hao frowned and said: "The person who hurt you, what kind of cultivation level can you All the tendons in your body trembled like they were broken. Has your current cultivation level fallen to the golden core stage?"

"Hehehehe..." Shang Changhe laughed bitterly, and said, "That man is a cultivator at the early stage of transformation, and this old man is absolutely no match for him. The only reason why his life is still alive is because that monk doesn't bother to kill the old man. Now, my cultivator has indeed fallen to the Golden Core Stage, and it seems that in a few days, he will become a Foundation Establishment Stage cultivator..." At this point, Shang Changhe couldn't help but look lonely.

Wang Hao pondered for a moment, recalling the healing methods for such injuries in the ancient demon scriptures. Then, strange knots formed in his hands and hit Shang Changhe's chest. Shang Changhe let out a muffled groan, and immediately Sitting down on the ground, dirty blood began to overflow from his mouth.

After a while, Wang Hao closed the seal in his hand, and said with a long sigh of relief: "As long as you keep it for a few days, you can restore the cultivation base of the late Nascent Soul." At this time, Shang Changhe's eyes were already flickering , with a look of surprise on his face, he kowtowed to Wang Hao and said, "Thank you for the kindness of rebuilding, lord!" Immediately, Shang Changhe's expression darkened, and he said, "Master, although your cultivation is extraordinary, but, Among the monks who came to our Cultivation Alliance to occupy the headquarters of our Cultivation Alliance this time, three of them were at the early stage of transformation, and the others were all powerful monks who surpassed the ordinary late Nascent Soul. Now, the distance between them is set The deadline is only three days, lord, I think we should avoid it! As the saying goes: He who knows the current affairs is a hero! Wait until after the day, and it will not be too late to take revenge!"

Wang Hao listened to Shang Changhe's words, but his face remained calm. There were only three monks in the early stage of transforming gods. At this moment, he didn't need to worry too much. If these people really came to kill him, he wouldn't worry too much. Would mind a fight with them.Thinking of this, Wang Hao suddenly asked: "Old Shang, are all the things in the treasure pavilion of the alliance taken away by those monks?" Shang Changhe looked ashamed, and said: "It is true that all the things in the treasure pavilion were taken away by those monks." , the old man has an inescapable responsibility for this matter, and I ask the leader to punish him!"

Wang Hao's expression remained unchanged, and he continued to ask: "Where's the treasure map? Was it also taken away?" After all, it was for the treasure map that he returned to the cultivation alliance this time.After getting the treasure map and finding the elixir in the treasure—the pill of ten thousand calamities, it can help him advance to the stage of transformation into a god. At that time, no one in the entire Yanhuang Continent can easily threaten him.Unexpectedly, there would be such a sudden change in the alliance headquarters, which made Wang Hao very angry.

At this time, Shang Changhe said: "Leader, the treasure map was taken away by those monks together with a large number of spirit stones! However, I have rubbed a copy of the treasure map, so the leader does not have to worry. Cultivator, I am not familiar with the geography of the Yanhuang Continent, so I may not be able to find the treasure in the treasure map for a while." As Shang Changhe said, he took out four sheepskin scrolls from the storage bag and handed them to the king. Hao's hands.

Wang Hao followed the treasure map, nodded, and then said: "Go down and rest, I want to see, it is those monks who want to occupy the mountain gate of my cultivation alliance!"

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