Fairy Road

Chapter 195 The Long-Browed Monk

"A-Mi-Tuo-Buddha!" ​​A Buddha's cry suddenly resounded in the midair, echoing in the midair unceasingly, every word uttered seemed to ring on Wang Hao's heart, Wang Hao Hao couldn't help it immediately, a mouthful of blood spewed out, and at the same time all the monks behind him had ashen faces, with blood gushing from their mouths, and they were exhausted.

But Fazhen and the others had a tinge of joy on their faces at this time, since they were replaced by panic.The pupils in the eyes of these cultivators at the early stage of transforming gods suddenly became bigger, and their bodies floating in mid-air suddenly fell into the dust, and they seemed to have died of exhaustion!

"Who is it, who actually killed these early stage masters with just a few words?" Wang Hao was secretly amazed at this time, and at the same time, he had already thought of the identity of the person who made the voice: Fazhen and others Master.

Sure enough, the voice in mid-air sounded again: "My Kuchan Temple only has King Kong who died in battle, and there are absolutely no disciples who surrendered! You have not yet transformed into a god, but you can kill Fahai. You really have some means. You have my little brother in your hands. Disciple Fatian's 'Myriad Tribulations and Immeasurable Buddha Beads', it seems that Fatian also died in your hands! Well, today I kill you, it can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone!" As soon as the words fell, a faint phantom appeared in the midair , Xuying is a benevolent old monk with long eyebrows. This old monk is wearing a moon-white monk's robe and holds a several-foot-long monk's stick in his hand. He is staring at Wang Hao at this time, and the monk's stick in his right hand is facing Wang Hao. Hao lingkong pointed, and suddenly a shocking elemental force attacked and killed Wang Hao.

At this time, Wang Hao's heart is also awe-inspiring. It seems that this old monk with long eyebrows is just a phantom of Fa Hai and others' master, but just a phantom has such power, so what does he have? What kind of cultivation!At this moment, the heaven-shocking energy came towards him, Wang Hao's right hand flashed blue light, mixed with a trace of fairy spirit, the blue rain sword soared into the sky, and collided with the earth-shattering energy of the long-browed monk. one place.

After a loud bang, the Blue Rain Sword was knocked back into Wang Hao's hand, the sword was trembling, and Wang Hao spat out a mouthful of blood again, and his body flew upside down for several feet. The shocking elemental force spread and flew out in all directions, all of them were seriously injured.

Wang Hao stopped, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and stared at the phantom of the long-browed monk in mid-air with all his eyes. At this time, the long-browed monk also had a strange expression on his face. After all, that shocking power , Even a monk in the mid-stage of the transformation of the gods can be killed in one fell swoop, but to be picked up by this little guy who has not even reached the stage of the transformation of the gods is indeed beyond the expectation of the long-browed monk.

"Little guy, it's really beyond my expectations! I regret my decision to kill you just now. My little disciple Fatian has a body of countless kalpas, and his aptitude is unparalleled in the world, but he was killed by you. Beheaded, and your aptitude seems to be even higher than Fatian!" The long-browed monk opened his brows and stared at Wang Hao, and then continued: "It turns out that it is the pure yang spiritual root. , it seems that Fatian’s death is not wronged! Now I will give you two choices: [-]. Be a disciple of my Kuchan Temple, become a monk of my Kuchan Temple, and become a monk of my Kuchan Temple in this Yanhuang Continent The endorsement of Yanhuang Continent will be included in the control of Tianzhu Continent!" The long-browed monk said, and gave Wang Hao a meaningful look.

At this time, Wang Hao, with a proud face, suddenly smiled at the long-browed monk: "What about the second road?"

"Death!" the long-browed monk said, phantom's whole body exuded a terrifying aura, which made all the monks around tremble and tremble.

Wang Hao already looked proud, and said slowly: "A phantom, do you really think you can easily get me?"

The long-browed monk let out a long breath, shook his head slowly, and spit out four words: "Don't-know-dead-live!" As he spoke, the monk's stick in his hand danced a stick flower, a flower A lotus flower floated out of the monk's stick, spun in mid-air, and flew towards Wang Hao.

"Buddha is angry with the red lotus!" The long-browed monk shouted in a deep voice, "With the cultivation of the old monk, even a phantom is not something you, a little Nascent Soul cultivator, can resist!"

Dozens of red lotus flowers were floating in mid-air, exuding terrifying auras. Wang Hao felt awe-inspiring. At this time, the Blue Rain Sword had been included in the sky-replenishing ring. Wang Hao's right hand turned into a fist. It is to hit dozens of palm winds, hitting the red lotus in midair.

However, although the palm winds of those "God's Palms" are fierce and mighty, but when they hit those red lotuses in mid-air, it was like a breeze blowing over flames, making those red fire lotuses, The fire became more intense, and its speed in mid-air became even faster. In an instant, it arrived in front of Wang Hao. Dozens of fire lotuses formed a large formation of fire lotuses in the air. The son shrouded Wang Hao in the middle.

"Leader!" Seeing Wang Hao's critical situation at this time, Lu Da roared like a tiger. Regardless of his own serious injuries, he flew up and attacked the phantom of the long-browed monk.And Ye Qingqing and Fang Rou also sacrificed their flying swords at the same time. Although they knew in their hearts that it was impossible for them to pose a threat to the long-browed monk with their cultivation base, and maybe they would cause death, but they still had no hesitation Attacked towards the long-browed monk.Even Shang Changhe threw his heart out and flew up, ignoring his old life, in order to repay Wang Hao for saving him!

When the long-browed monk saw everyone's actions, he didn't even look straight at him. He just waved his right hand lightly, and Lu Daye Qingqing was immediately sent flying a few feet away by a majestic force.The long-browed monk snorted coldly, looked at everyone with disdain, but fixed his eyes on Wang Hao who had been surrounded by those karmic red lotuses at this time.Among his eyebrows, there is already a little more cautious expression at this time, because the karmic fire red lotus that could have been detonated in an instant seems to be locked tightly by something at this time, and it cannot burst at all. Surrounding Wang Hao's body, they kept spinning in circles, but those fire lotuses were constantly shrinking.

"This son must have a magic weapon that defies the sky!" The long-browed monk moved in his heart, stepped forward, and approached Wang Hao.

However, Wang Hao at this time was extremely distressed, his body was no longer under the control of his own consciousness, and the sky-replenishing ring on his chest became the center that governed all his actions.The red lotuses around his body seem to be extremely appetite for the sky-butting ring, making the sky-butting ring salivate, and want to suck those red lotuses into the sky-butting ring to become a great tonic.

The red lotus is gradually shrinking, and the origin force in the sky-filling ring is becoming more and more majestic, and even begins to be unacceptable. Wang Hao suddenly feels that his limbs and bones are full of origin force , The injury he suffered just now was healed in an instant.Moreover, his spiritual consciousness at this time also has a trace of enlightenment, and this trace of enlightenment comes from the sky-filling ring.Putting the Buddha is like someone putting a law of heaven and earth in the sky-filling ring. At this time, Wang Hao obtained it, and Wang Hao's eyes instantly showed a look of enlightenment.

This sliver of understanding is a clear understanding of the entire cycle of life and death, and a clear understanding of the origin of the entire life.Wang Hao broke through life and death in an instant, understood the profound meaning between life and death, and his life immediately entered a state of infinite reincarnation and eternal immortality.From now on, as long as Wang Hao's consciousness is not destroyed by others, Wang Hao will live forever between the heaven and the earth, live the same life as the heaven and the earth, and enjoy the same glory of the sun and the moon!Because, the law of life and death in the law of heaven and earth has become the ultimate truth that Wang Hao realized when he transformed into a god!At this time, Wang Hao is about to start transforming into a god!

However, the long-browed monk would not let Wang Hai succeed in transforming into a god easily. He stepped forward and approached Wang Hao's body. The black monk stick in his hand ruthlessly smashed down on Wang Hao's head, intending to smash it Wang Hao was strangled in the cradle.

But Wang Hao's body is still out of his control at this time, facing the black monk stick of the long-browed monk, he can only choose to bear it directly.This blow was enough to smash several mid-stage cultivators into meatloaf, but Wang Hao couldn't avoid it.At the moment when the black monk's stick hit Wang Hao's head.The sky-filling ring on Wang Hao's chest suddenly shot out ten thousand silver lights, soaring into the sky, and directly hit the black monk stick.

With a puff, the black monk stick in the long-browed monk's hand not only failed to hit Wang Hao's head, but was shot through the air by the sky-pounding ring's blow, directly breaking away from the long-browed monk's control .At this moment, the long-browed monk couldn't help screaming strangely: "The sacred object of the gods! Why did this object appear in the Yanhuang Continent? What is your identity?" The long-browed monk said, shaking his arms, and suddenly appeared Thousands of arms, each arm was beheaded towards Wang Hao.The long-browed monk was already terrified in his heart at this time, and immediately used his trump card, the supreme supernatural power of Buddhism-the palm of the Buddha with great compassion and thousand hands!This supernatural power is the supreme supernatural power in the Tianzhu Continent. The long-browed monk has traveled across the Tianzhu Continent for thousands of years, and he has only used it a few times. This time, the degree of fear in his heart can be seen.However, the supernatural power used by this phantom is naturally not as powerful as the deity's, but it is still enough to kill a master of the late stage of transformation!

At this time, Wang Hao was already under the control of the sky-filling ring and couldn't help himself. However, even if his body could move freely, he still couldn't escape the blow from the palm of the merciful and compassionate thousand-handed Tathagata!

However, just as that blow was approaching, another astonishing phenomenon appeared on the sky-replenishing ring on Wang Hao's chest!


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