Fairy Road

Chapter 226

Wang Hao stared helplessly at the black calamity cloud above his head, still unable to move the slightest situation under his feet, the calamity cloud above his head had begun to condense black lightning at this time, facing With such a color of lightning, Wang Hao's heart couldn't stop beating.

The power of this color of catastrophe must be much greater than the two cataclysms just now. Can the power of the fairy in the sky-replenishing ring that I rely on help me survive this crisis safely.

Sure enough, after tens of breaths of deliberation, a new bolt of lightning appeared under the black cloud. The whole body of this bolt of lightning was black, although its thickness was similar to that of the second wave of golden lightning , but the terrifying aura it exudes is not comparable to the golden lightning just now.

"I've just heard that there is a golden catastrophe. Today's lightning is actually black, which is really unheard of. It seems that the power of this catastrophe should also be higher than the golden lightning. Now the body is limited. , I can’t dodge it, I can only resist it!” Thinking of this, Wang Hao shook his heart, and the power of the fairy spirit in the sky-filling ring suddenly rushed towards his body.

Wang Hao didn't sacrifice any magic weapon. He knew in his heart that under the current situation, any magic weapon, even the middle-grade artifact over there, would not be able to help him.The only thing that can help him is the Sky Mending Ring in his body.

Rumbling, finally, the black catastrophe landed on top of Wang Hao's head, as if a black sharp blade had been cut from the top of Wang Hao's head, Wang Hao's body trembled slightly, and then his whole body seemed to be shaking. is starting to twist up.After the black lightning entered the body, the powerful destructive force produced made Wang Hao feel in pain.

"Ah!!!!!!!!! This feeling is really too painful, it's like thousands of sharp knives stirring in the body!" Wang Hao roared. In fact, he didn't know. Part of the destructive power, I am afraid that his body has already been torn apart by this time, and he exploded to death.The power of the fairy spirit in the body continuously counteracted the terrifying destructive power, and Wang Hao was still enduring unbearable pain.

Gradually, every capillary on Wang Hao's body began to ooze out drops of blood. Although Wang Hao's physical body is practicing supernatural powers such as the Heavenly Demon Nine Refinements, it still cannot bear such a burden.If it was an ordinary cultivator at the early stage of transforming gods, I am afraid that his body would be crushed as soon as he came up.

Wang Hao's white shirt was already stained bright red by his own blood, and his face became distorted at this time. This kind of pain is really not something ordinary monks can bear. Fortunately, Wang Hao's Xingzi was extremely resolute, and even though she was in so much pain, she still didn't have the slightest thought of shrinking back in her heart.

Um?What's going on, the feeling of pain seems to have eased a lot... Wang Hao's heart moved, and he looked down at himself. On the white shirt that had been stained red with blood, at this time, black streaks began to appear. se stains, the area of ​​the stains is still expanding.With the expansion of the stained area, the pain in Wang Hao's body gradually disappeared, and what followed was an extremely unobstructed sense of relief.

Phew... Wang Hao let out a long sigh of relief, his body became more and more comfortable at this time, the pain just now had already been thrown out of the sky, his white long gown had turned into a black one at this time, and he was emitting bursts of light. Wang Hao frowned at the stench, and couldn't help reaching out to touch the gown.Immediately, he felt something greasy.

Wang Hao stared at the filth in his hands, and felt ecstatic: These should be the impurities in his body, but they were all forced out of his body under the baptism arranged by the owner of the treasure.Um?I now have a feeling that I want to break through to the middle stage of transformation, this feeling is so strong!Wang Hao was overjoyed in his heart immediately, took a step forward, and found that he was able to move freely again.

So, Wang Hao sat cross-legged on the ground regardless, and the energy in his body began to run at a high speed. The bottleneck in the mid-stage of transformation of the gods had completely disappeared at this time. With a little breakthrough, he could advance to the mid-stage of transformation of the gods.This baptism of the catastrophe actually has the effect of cutting hair and washing the marrow, which is really a surprise.

Just when Wang Hao hit the mid-stage of God Transformation, the scene around Wang Hao's body changed again wonderfully, the stars all over the sky disappeared completely, and the surroundings of Wang Hao turned into an empty stone house again. The formation in this stone house has been broken by Wang Hao.Suddenly, at a corner of the stone house, a piece of bluestone slowly moved, and then a small hole appeared on the wall of the stone house.However, at this moment, Wang Hao didn't have the mind to pay attention to such situations, and the impact on the mid-stage of transformation of gods had reached the most critical juncture.

At the same time, Wuxiang is also going through the same test as Wang Hao, and Wuxiang forcibly resisted the final black catastrophe. However, most of the credit must be attributed to Wuxiang. A top-grade defensive artifact—Boye Golden Bowl, this top-grade artifact was given to Wuxiang by the long-browed monk before he set off to save his life.

Before the black calamity cloud fell, Wu Xiang knew very well in his heart that if he relied on his cultivation in the late stage of becoming a god, he would definitely die if he resisted such a catastrophe, so he could only sacrifice the wave leaf golden bowl, and finally He saved his life, and Wu Xiang was pleasantly surprised to find that after being struck by the black robbery cloud, the quality of the golden bowl seemed to have improved slightly.

Although Wuxiang saved his life by using the golden bowl, he also lost the opportunity to cut the hair and wash the marrow. After all, the black robbery cloud did not hit him at all, so naturally it would not make his body reach the level of hair cutting and washing. marrow effect.However, if it is really hit, I am afraid that Wuxiang's body may have exploded before the hair is cut and the marrow is washed. After all, not everyone has the sky-replenishing ring and a lot of fairy power like Wang Hao of.

After Wu Xiang resisted the black robbery cloud, the entire starry sky disappeared again, and an empty stone house appeared, and then, a small hole appeared in the stone house, Wu Xiang was full of surprises, stepped out and entered the hole among...

Except for Wuxiang and Wang Hao, who have already passed the test of such a catastrophe, among the others, only three late-stage cultivators from the Tianzhu Continent and the four green-haired ancestors entered the stone house. On Wang Hao's side, Lu Da also desperately walked to the stone house, but it was the last three steps that became an insurmountable barrier for Lu Da, so he finally gave up and sat down three steps away from the stone house. on the remote ground.

Except for these few people, the others are staying on the small road at this time. There is no hope of moving forward, and they don’t know where the road is when they are retreating. Everyone can only stop on the road alone. They stopped in a daze, some sat cross-legged, and some directly started practicing.Because, they all know that once the treasure here is obtained, all the formations will disappear automatically. At that time, they will naturally be able to leave here, and there is no need to rush.

If you hit by mistake, the result may be swallowed by the formation, or even lose your life. Naturally, these are not the results that everyone hoped for.

Ye Qingqing and Hong Sheng were also sitting on the path at this time, and they both went straight to half the distance, so they couldn't make an inch of it. It is only natural that the weakest of the monks in this treasure should continue in the same way.

However, although the two of them stopped at this moment, their hearts were on the same person at the same time, and that person was naturally Wang Hao.At this time, Wang Hao had reached the most critical moment to hit the mid-stage of God Transformation.

The surroundings of his body were already covered by thick dense air. At this time, the energy in his body seemed to be boiling, and it kept hitting the tendons, and the tendons quickly doubled in size. more than enough.However, Wang Hao doesn't have to worry about the lack of energy when he hits the middle stage of transformation.After all, who in the entire comprehension continent has so much fairy power.

The power of the fairy spirit in the sky-replenishing ring is more than enough for Wang Hao to attack hundreds of times in the late stage of transforming the gods. In addition, the talent of cutting hair and washing the marrow made Wang Hao's dantian and tendons at the same time obtained. Expansion, so, the impact of the mid-stage of the transformation of the gods, did not feel any obstacles at all.

Finally, the dense fog around Wang Hao gradually dissipated, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of Wang Hao's mouth at the same time.Finally, he has reached the mid-stage of the transformation of the gods. Wang Hao's mid-stage of the transformation of the gods is not comparable to that of ordinary monks. One step, if he could use this opportunity to raise the level of Tian Yao Jiulian again, it would be even more perfect. However, at this time, Wang Hao did not have enough time to raise the level of Tian Yao Jiulian.

Treasure hunting is the most important thing for Wang Hao now. Although Wang Hao doesn't know that Wu Ping is also in this treasure hiding place at this time, he feels faintly in his heart that the sooner this matter ends, the more important it will be for himself. There are no small benefits.

Wang Hao stood up, restrained the powerful mid-stage aura emanating from his body, and looked towards a corner of the stone house with piercing eyes. There was a small hole there, and he didn't know where it led.However, this is an obvious mechanism, and it must be the intentional arrangement of the treasure owner. If you want to continue playing the game arranged by the treasure owner, you must enter this unknown cave.

Wang Hao pondered for a while, and then stopped hesitating. With a flash of his figure, he disappeared into the hole in the corner of the stone house...

(Favorites!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!)

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