Fairy Road

Chapter 227 Deduction Formation

When Wang Hao entered the entrance of the cave, he immediately felt that the surrounding scene began to change constantly. After a few breaths, Wang Hao found that he actually appeared in a study room. There were simple books on display around the study room. Hao casually opened a book, and there were four large characters written on it——The Dao of Myriad Tribulations.

Wang Hao couldn't help but be very curious. This Master of Ten Thousand Tribulations is a legendary alchemy madman. Before he ascended to the ascension, he once refined the elixir that is unprecedented in the cultivation world of the Yanhuang Continent—the Ten Thousand Tribulations Pill.It is said that as long as monks in the late Yuanying period swallow this elixir, there is a [-]% certainty that they can be promoted to the stage of transformation.

Since Wang Hao entered the treasure of the Master of Myriad Tribulations, he has always felt the superb cultivation of this person in formations, and there are indescribable mysteries in every formation. It seems that this Master Wanjie is not only an alchemy prodigy, but also a master of formations. This book of Wanjie formations should be the experience of formations left by this person.

Wang Hao was meditating, when suddenly, an old voice rang in his ears, Wang Hao was stunned, and then found an old man with a ruddy complexion and a kind expression appeared in the book in his hand, of course, this was just an old man phantom.

"Congratulations, you have passed the previous catastrophe. Your cultivation should be good. This requires you to be able to read all the old man's eight books of array experience in this study, and then you can push forward. Perform the phantom array in this study room, so as to leave here and enter the real treasure place, hahahaha, I look forward to your early breakthrough!"

With the disappearance of the sound, the phantom of the old man on the book also disappeared immediately, but Wang Hao frowned greatly at this time: "Eight books of array experience, you have to read them all, and you have to understand the essence of them. How much time would it take to deduce the phantom array in this bookstore?I am pressed for time now, how can I spend so much time here!

Wang Hao couldn't help feeling crazy. After all, he knew almost nothing about formations. Now he started to learn slowly, and he didn't know when he would learn it!Thinking of this, Wang Hao stopped hesitating immediately, and put all the eight copies of the Dao of Myriad Tribulation Formation in the bookstore into the ring of mending the sky, and then searched around the bookstore for a way to break the formation.

An hour later, Wang Hao was holding a khaki-colored dagger in his hand, which was a middle-grade divine weapon, thick earth. At this time, Wang Hao wanted to use his full strength to break through the illusion in the study room here.Rumbling, after a loud noise, the thick soil flew back into Wang Hao's hands, but the walls in the study room did not change at all.

Wang Hao was not reconciled, so he tried several times, but in the end it still didn't work.Finally, after a long sigh, Wang Hao sat down on the ground, pondered for a while, and finally took out the first part of the Dao of Myriad Tribulations from the Mending Sky Ring, and began to practice slowly.Now, with the method given by Master Wanjie, there should be no other way to leave this place!

Opening the first volume of the Dao of Myriad Tribulations, Wang Hao suddenly had an extremely surprised expression on his face. It turned out that there were no words in this first book, and Wang Hao was puzzled. Immediately, in the consciousness, he felt countless messages rushing towards his consciousness.Wang Hao immediately calmed down and began to receive these messages.

In less than half an hour, Wang Hao sent off with a nervous expression, put the first Myriad Tribulation Formation Dao in his hand on the ground, and muttered in his mouth: In just half an hour, all the formations will be destroyed. Master Wanjie has put in so much effort into designing such a basic learning of Daoism!

It turned out that in just half an hour just now, Wang Hao actually received all the basic knowledge about the Dao of Formation, which is the way to get started with Dao of Formation.As the saying goes: One can know everything!Without these basic knowledge, it is absolutely impossible to achieve something in the formation.

Now, after mastering all the basic methods related to formations, Wang Hao couldn't help feeling a little more confident. After all, if the other seven books of the Dao of Myriad Tribulations Formation were like this first one, he could enter his own. Divine consciousness, then it is really easy to practice.

Thinking of this, Wang Hao couldn't help but hastily took out the second volume of Dao of Myriad Tribulations Formation from the Mending Sky Ring, and opened the book, Wang Hao's heart suddenly felt extremely disappointed. It turned out that in the second book, , not without any handwriting like the first one, but filled with densely packed words and icons.

There are actually hundreds of formations in the second part of the Dao of Myriad Tribulations. Although these formations do not look too complicated, for Wang Hao and other people who have just grasped the basic knowledge, they seem to be very complicated. Incomparably complicated.

If these formations are practiced one by one, I am afraid that it will be difficult to complete in less than a month, and this is only the second part, and there are six other ones, how long will it take?Wang Hao was very anxious in his heart, but sometimes he was extremely helpless. After all, there was no other way now but to bite the bullet and practice.

Three days later, Wang Hao's deep frown suddenly spread slightly. After practicing the first formation, Wang Hao began to practice the second formation. At this time, Wang Hao was surprised to find that this The second formation is actually very similar to the first formation. In less than a day, Wang Hao finished learning the second formation.

In the following time, the more Wang Hao learned, the easier it was. A total of [-] formations were learned in half a month. Wang Hao was also secretly delighted: I never thought that I was a formation Fa genius, wow ha ha ha ha.

It's just that he didn't expect that at this moment, Wuxiang was also practicing the same formation. At this time, Wuxiang not only finished the second part, but even the third part was about to end.In fact, before this, Wu Xiang had never dabbled in formations. This is the way of formations written by Master Wanjie.

But Wang Hao is still complacent at this time, thinking that his speed is extremely fast.After holding the third Dao of Myriad Tribulation Formation in his hand, Wang Hao already had incomparable confidence in his heart.The third part of the Dao of Ten Thousand Tribulations Formation recorded eighteen formations, and Wang Hao learned them one by one, but he didn't feel the slightest blockage.In just seven days, Wang Hao finished the third part.

From the fourth part to the seventh part, in each part of the Dao of Myriad Tribulations Formation, there are four complicated formations recorded, but Wang Hao did not encounter any obstacles when he practiced it. In a month's time, Wang Hao had fully comprehended these formations. At this time, Wang Hao's confidence in practicing the formations had already reached the point of bursting.

However, after Wang Hao picked up the eighth book of Myriad Tribulation Formation, the expression on his face began to change drastically. It turned out that there was only one formation in the last book of formation, which was Myriad Tribulation Great array.If you can learn this formation, you will be able to arrange a formation that can produce a catastrophe like Master Wanjie.

However, the complexity of this Great Formation of Myriad Tribulations was beyond Wang Hao's expectations. After half a month had passed, Wang Hao still had no clue about this formation. The formation method recorded was beyond all the knowledge Wang Hao had learned before, which caused Wang Hao a headache.

Another half month passed, and Wang Hao became more and more anxious. If he continues to consume like this, when will he be able to learn this formation and leave this phantom formation?The more anxious you are, the more difficult it is to calm down and practice with peace of mind, and the more difficult it is to understand this complicated and complicated formation.

However, at this time, Wuxiang was also blocked in the last formation of myriad calamities. This last formation also caused Wuxiang a headache. After countless deduction, Wuxiang even had an idea. He felt like giving up, but he had cultivated to the late stage of becoming a god, and his will was extremely firm. He quickly calmed down his impetuous heart and continued to deduce.

These two people don't know at this time that in a parallel space, there is another person competing with themselves. If one of them can deduce the formation first, the other will waste all previous efforts and be defeated. The phantom array is teleported outside the treasure cave.And the successful person can inherit all the elixir and magic weapon of Master Wanjie.

At this time, the monks on the path are becoming more and more impetuous. As time goes by, they feel that there is no hope of going out. Some monks have already started to walk back towards the way they came, but no matter No matter how he walks, there is no way to leave this path. This path seems to be an endless road, which will never end.

Wang Hao is still deducing it continuously. This has been deduced more than [-] times, but this last formation has not yet been deduced by Wang Hao. can be deduced from within.But as time went by, Wang Hao's heart became more and more peaceful.

After all, if you don't feel at ease to deduce, you may be trapped in this phantom formation forever. Only by practicing with all your heart can you have a chance to get out.Finally, after deducing it 20 times, Wang Hao finally had some insight.At this moment, Wang Hao suddenly had unprecedented panic in his heart, as if if he continued to deduce this formation, he would be swallowed by the formation.Only by stopping the deduction can you save your own life.

At the same time, Wuxiang was also blocked by this inner demon, and the expression on his face was constantly changing, fighting against his own inner demon.At this time, Wang Hao was even on the verge of giving up.

Do you really want to give up?Wang Hao kept hinting in his heart, but if he continued to practice, what he would face would most likely be the end of death!

(Favorites!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!)

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