Fairy Road

Chapter 306

"Come out!" Seeing Wang Hao's figure suddenly appearing in front of him, Ming Lang felt a sense of ecstasy in his heart, but there was no expression on Ming Lang's face, even as if seeing an ordinary Passers-by generally gave Wang Hao a lot of glances, then turned their eyes away, and looked at a fifth-level magic beast that was rushing not far away.

Minglang is also a smart person, he naturally knows in his heart that a monk like Wang Hao with a space artifact is the most difficult existence to deal with.As long as I show a little bit of hostility, it will immediately attract Wang Hao's alertness, and make him hide in that space artifact again.In this way, it will be more difficult for him to put Wang Hao to death.

Therefore, as soon as Wang Hao appeared, Minglang began to pretend, pretending to be a passerby who had nothing to do with Wang Hao, just slapped the rushing monster to death with one palm, and then casually looked at Wang Hao After looking at it, he asked: "How come there is a monster beast of the fifth-level magic beast here?" It seems that I have just arrived here.

Wang Hao raised his eyebrows, facing the cultivator whose aura was strong enough to kill him instantly, he was not in a hurry to take back the sky-replenishing ring that appeared on the top of his head. At this time, the sky-replenishing ring had turned from a speck of dust into a He took out a ring-shaped magic weapon, which hovered continuously above his head.

"This person should have discovered the sky-filling ring on the top of his head. I don't know if he can recognize this object. If he recognizes this object, I'm afraid another disaster will happen!" Naturally, Wang Hao did not expect that Minglang was actually It was aimed at him, but the exposure of the sky-filling ring made Wang Hao feel a sense of vigilance deep in his heart.

"Senior, I don't know why there is such a beast here! I just passed by here again, and I saw the senior show his power and killed several magical beasts of the fifth level in a row. If there is no senior to make a move, I will I'm afraid I have already been injured by these monsters!" Wang Hao said calmly, and slowly hid the sky-replenishing ring on the top of his head.

"Huh? What is that?" Wang Hao's actions finally did not escape Mingming's divine sense, "That ring-shaped magic weapon seems to be a sacred object that has long been missing in the God Realm! Impossible, how could this sacred object be lost?" It appeared in the hands of a monk from the lower world, but this thing is indeed too similar, and the body of that holy object is also a space-type artifact. Could it be that there is such a coincidence in the world?" Ming Lang thought secretly in his heart, his eyes Already unconsciously, a trace of greed appeared.

If this thing is really the sacred thing of the God Realm, not to mention the greed in Qinglang's heart, I am afraid that even a high-ranking god king will find it difficult to restrain his coveting for this thing in his heart when he sees it!

"Oops, this person is already greedy for his sky-replenishing ring!" Wang Hao saw a hint of greed flashing across Ming Lang's eyes, and suddenly became alert. In Wang Hao's mind, he has some experience in observing words and selves. "It seems that I have to be wary of this person. I am not a single enemy. As long as he has the intention of attacking, I will immediately enter the sky-replenishing ring again. It seems that after entering the sky-replenishing ring, it should be difficult for outsiders to kill me." Take it out of the sky-filling ring!" Wang Hao thought about it.But Minglang said with a smile at this time: "Hahahaha, I was also passing by, just helping to get rid of one or two monsters. Hey, why did this fellow Taoist suddenly appear in the territory of the fifth-level monsters of the Shenbing? You's cultivation is only the second level of a divine weapon, don't you know that appearing here will kill you?"

"I'm a monk who has just ascended to the God Realm, and I don't know enough about the God Realm, so I came here by mistake, and now I regret it!" Wang Hao said.

Minglang stared at Wang Hao, and said with a smile: "Hahahaha, you don't have to worry, fellow Taoists. I'm going to go to a few villages in the south to handle some mundane matters. You can go on the road with me next time. In this way, you can keep your way." Friends Zhouquan!"

"Humph! It's not that easy to lure me into the bait!" Wang Hao's heart moved, and he said immediately, "Senior's heart is in my heart, but my teacher is nearby, and I think I will find it soon, so, now I'm not too worried about safety!"

After hearing Wang Hao's words, a strange look flashed across Ming Lang's face, and he thought to himself: "This kid looks honest, but unexpectedly, he is full of lies. He came here alone. Hunting and killing monsters of the fifth level of the Divine Weapon here, you actually boast that your master is nearby. How can you, a little monk who has just ascended to the God Realm, have a master nearby? It’s a joke!" Thinking of this, Minglang said, He didn't directly expose Wang Hao's lies, but just nodded slightly and said, "Since you still have the commander nearby, then you don't have to worry about these five-level magical beasts. If that's the case, let's say goodbye!" Minglang said , pretending to be ready to leave.

Wang Hao was confused by the bright appearance, and he was secretly happy: it seems that this person really thinks that he has a teacher nearby!I have never been good at lying, I didn't expect to get such good results by doing it occasionally.

Wang Hao was secretly complacent, when Mingming suddenly shouted: "Little brother, pay attention to the monster behind you!" As he spoke, his figure flashed, and his right hand grasped towards the place where Wang Hao was standing.

"Monsters? There are no monsters behind me!" Wang Hao's subconscious consciousness swept away, and this time he suddenly realized: "This person's target is not a monster, but himself. The lie I just told didn't deceive this person at all. People!" Wang Hao's thoughts were anxious, but at this moment, Minglang's right hand had already caught his right shoulder!

"Enter the Sky Mending Ring!" Wang Hao wanted to hide in the Sky Mending Ring without hesitation.The burly monk in front of him was capable of killing himself [-] times instantly, and he didn't even have the qualifications to fight him.

"Huh?" At this moment, Qingming, who was grabbing Wang Hao's right shoulder, suddenly felt that Wang Hao's body was being pulled by a powerful force, wanting to get rid of his control over Wang Hao.want to go?no way!Minglang let out a roar, and a destructive force was transmitted along Wang Hao's shoulder towards Wang Hao's dantian.

"Hey! It's like a mud cow entering the sea!" But the power suddenly disappeared completely, and Ming Lang was startled suddenly. At this time, Wang Hao's figure had gradually faded in front of his eyes.

"We must not let this kid enter the space artifact again. If we lose this opportunity, I am afraid that it will be difficult for me to obtain the artifact I have dreamed of!" Ming Lang anxiously urged the power of the fairy.At this moment, a very strong force suddenly passed along Wang Hao's shoulders towards Minglang's body.

"This is the power of that space-like artifact!" Mingming's heart moved, and the power of the fairy on his body instantly protected his body, preventing his body from being attracted by that power.Wang Hao's figure had already disappeared in front of Minglang at this time, and Minglang turned his heart and gave up resisting, allowing the force to attract his body, and then Minglang felt a flash in the whole space, and immediately I have already appeared in another space.

"This is the space inside that kid's spatial artifact! Huh? How could it be so big? This... is simply unimaginable! I can conclude now that this magic weapon must be the sacred object in the God Realm, held by the saint. The sky-replenishing ring! But, why did this sky-replenishing ring appear in the hands of this kid? Could it be that there is some relationship between him and the saint? No matter, no matter if it matches, I will kill this kid and get This sacred object of the God Realm, in this way, I can directly advance to the rank of God King! Hahahaha, at that time, even if the saintess blames me, what can I do?" Thinking of what he was proud of, Ming Lang couldn't help laughing Get up: "Hahahahahaha!"

This laughter caused the entire space of the Sky-Mending Ring to buzz. After a long time, the laughter gradually disappeared. At this moment, Minglang suddenly heard a business that made him very excited: "You actually followed I came in?"

This voice was naturally made by Wang Hao. Following the source of the voice, Mingming looked over and saw Wang Hao floating in the air, looking at him with a pair of eyes, with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth. Smile.

"Hahahaha, boy, I didn't go looking for you, but you ran out to seek death by yourself! Seeing that you are so self-aware, I can consider leaving you with a little bit of spiritual knowledge, so that you can be reincarnated in the future! Alright, now I will put all the artifacts in my hand Hand it over, and die!" Ming Lang stared at Wang Hao, as if he was looking at a piece of fat that had already been cooked.

"What did you say? Let me die?" A strange look crossed Wang Hao's face, and he continued, "Do you know where this place is? Don't you think you can still do whatever you want to me when you're here? ?"

"Hmph! I don't know how to live or die!" Seeing Wang Hao's teasing words, Minglang rushed his head angrily, and slapped Wang Hao with his palm. The cultivation base of the seventh level of the god general was beyond doubt!

However, this extremely powerful palm was easily dispelled by Wang Hao. Afterwards, Wang Hao said with a smile: "In this space, I am the strongest existence. I control it!" Wang Hao said, stretching out his right hand, he grabbed Minglang's shoulder, shook it violently, and threw Minglang to the ground, unable to get up for a long time!

(For collection!!!)

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