Fairy Road

Chapter 308 Ask

After Wang Hao left, Mingzheng started to connect with Qingming with a thought.As for how far Wang Hao has achieved, Minglang just offered to help, and Mingzheng is very interested at this time, and wants to know a thing or two.But after a few breaths, Mingzheng frowned deeply.

"How is it possible? I can't get in touch with Mingming!" Mingzheng thought to himself, "Could it be..." Thinking of the worst possibility, Mingzheng appeared in a secret room in a flash. , has a large number of soul jade slips, one of which belongs to Qingming.

"Hey! Minglang's Soul Jade Jian Mingming looks intact. He should not even be injured. Why did I lose contact with him?" Mingzheng frowned, constantly guessing various possibilities in his heart. , "Could it be that Minglang met a monk at the level of a god king, and was collected by the god king into a space artifact?"

Thinking of this most likely situation, Mingzheng frowned even deeper. After all, Minglang is considered a very strong figure among the younger generation of Luoxia Village. A monk of the Great War.This time, Mingming's disappearance made Luoxia Village even worse in the competition for places.

"No! After three days, before the ceremony of entering the village, I must ask the little cultivator at the level of a magic soldier. Maybe he can know why Mingming is, or which god king has accepted it among the space artifacts. Right now!" Thinking of unexpectedly losing one of his generals because of his daughter's friend, Mingzheng's heart is full of regret at this moment!

Wang Hao, who has entered the state of cultivation, is in a surprisingly good state. After getting acquainted with the rich power of fairy spirits in the God Realm, Wang Hao's Sky Demon Swallowing Sun Skill is improving at a speed that would never appear in the lower realm. Wang Hao's cultivation.Of course, in the God Realm, even a cultivator at the level of a divine soldier would find it extremely difficult to improve his cultivation by one level.

The reason why Wang Hao was able to raise the cultivation level of the first level of the gods to the peak of the second level of the gods when he first entered the God Realm was mainly due to his accumulation in the lower realm.In the lower realm, in fact, Wang Hao's cultivation is already infinitely close to the second-level existence of a heavenly immortal. The main reason why one of them did not advance is the shackles of the lower realm world!Now in the God Realm, there will naturally be a lot of explosions.

Now, after three days of cultivation, Wang Hao, who is at the peak of the second-level magic weapon, stood up with a wry smile, and laughed at himself: "At this speed, I'm afraid it will take hundreds of years to become a god general." The kung fu, let alone the cultivation of the god king. It seems that I still have to find a better and faster cultivation speed!"

"It seems that you still need to practice the exercises in the Sun Scripture to improve your cultivation faster!" Wang Hao nodded slightly, and after confirming his cultivation direction in the God Realm, he began to walk outside.According to Xiaohui's message, it's time to hold the village entry ceremony, and I, the protagonist, should appear in front of everyone earlier.

"Wang Hao, it looks like you've been practicing for a few days, and you're in pretty good shape!" Xiaohui said excitedly when she saw Wang Hao walking out in good spirits.

"Hehe, I really have to thank Miss Hui'er and Miss Bing'er for successfully joining Luoxia Village this time!" Wang Hao laughed.At this moment, most of the cultivators in Luoxia Village had finished their training, and stared curiously at this boy who only had a second-level cultivation of Divine Weapon.

"Is the village chief crazy? How could he agree to a boy who is a second-level magic soldier to join our Luoxia Village?" A monk with a fourth-level magic general said to the people around him.

"Yeah! But I heard that the village chief didn't plan to let him join Luoxia Village. It's just that this kid didn't know what kind of luck he had, but he actually hunted and killed a fifth-level monster. The conditions of Luoxia Village!"

"Haha, what a joke, a second-level cultivator of the Divine Weapon can kill a monster of the fifth-level Divine Weapon, are you stupid!"

"Hey, you guys don't know, this kid is Miss Hui'er's favorite, the village head will naturally let him go. I heard that when this kid went hunting monsters, the village head sent Ming Lang to follow him , it seems that this monster was beheaded by Minglang on its behalf!"

"Yeah! That's pretty much the same. However, I haven't seen Mingming in the past few days. I don't know where this kid has gone. I should return the three high-grade immortal stones that I owe to me!"

While the monks in Luoxia Village were discussing a lot, a middle-aged monk came to Wang Hao's side in a hurry, and said to Wang Hao with a smile: "The village chief invites you to go!" Wang Hao responded, and then followed The man walked towards Mingzheng's house.

"Hahahaha, Wang Hao, first of all, I would like to congratulate you for officially joining my Luoxia Village. As long as you join my Luoxia Village, you can enjoy the cultivation resources in my Luoxia Village, and there are two yuan per month. The income of the middle-grade immortal stone is such a good thing, but it is the dream of every monk who has just entered the God Realm!" Mingzheng watched Wang Hao walk in, and smiled happily.

"I really have to thank the village chief for making this happen!" Wang Hao said, clasping his fists.For Mingzheng, Wang Hao felt grateful. After all, Minglang was originally sent by Mingzheng to protect him, and the responsibility for the later changes had nothing to do with Mingzheng.

"Hehe, I don't need to say more if I'm grateful. However, I don't know something, but I want to ask you?" What Mingzheng most wants to know at this time is Minglang's whereabouts!

"But it's okay to hear, I will answer truthfully!" Wang Hao said solemnly, thinking to himself: It must be related to Mingming's disappearance. Mingzheng, on the other hand, is bound to release Qingming to Mingzheng's disposal. At that time, the secret of owning the sky-replenishing ring will be revealed to the world!

It seems that Qingming still cannot be released for the time being!For my own safety, I can only temporarily conceal it!Although Mingzheng will not be greedy for his own treasures, who can guarantee that there are not a few greedy people among the thousands of monks in Luoxia Village?

"Okay, Wang Hao, let me ask you, did you kill this five-level magical beast Kui Niu alone?" Mingzheng asked.

Hearing Mingzheng's question, Wang Hao replied without any hesitation: "That's right, I killed this monster with my own hands!" Wang Hao didn't hide this point at all.

"But Wang Hao, you are only a monk of the second level of the magic soldier, how could it be possible..." Mingzheng asked doubtfully.Faced with Mingzheng's doubts, Wang Hao could only smile wryly and took out the top-grade divine weapon, the Extinguishing God Bow from the Butian Ring, and said slowly: "You don't need to hide this from the village chief, when I was in the lower realm, , I was fortunate enough to obtain a top-grade artifact, and it was with this top-grade artifact that I was able to hunt and kill monsters of the fifth level of Dao Shenbing! However, I hope the village chief will keep the matter of owning the top-grade artifact a secret!"

Staring at the top-grade artifact in Wang Hao's hands, Mingzheng showed a strange look in his eyes, and then sighed: "Wang Hao, since you are telling the truth, I will no longer hide it from you. When I asked you to hunt monsters, I treated you I don't have the slightest confidence, so I sent a general-level subordinate to help you. I don't know if you have seen this person?"

"A monk at the level of a god general? I haven't seen one below!" Wang Hao said.

Hearing Wang Hao's answer, Mingzheng's complexion darkened, and he thought to himself: It seems that Minglang encountered a strong enemy on the road and was captured. "Wang Hao, you hunted and killed the fifth-level monster of the magic weapon by yourself, which surprised the old man. The second-level monk of the magic weapon who hunted the fifth-level monster of the magic weapon alone in Luoxia Village last time is now Zhong You are a god king in the city of Yang! It seems that your potential is also great! Rest assured to practice in Luoxia Village, and I will go out with me to participate in the village entry ceremony later!"

Wang Hao nodded, and thought to himself: This deception is really out of helplessness. If it is possible in the future, he will definitely repay the village head of Luoxia Village!

The village entry ceremony was rather simple. Mingzheng invited eight elders from Luoxia Village Elders Group, and after explaining clearly the reason for accepting Wang Hao into Luoxia Village, the village entry ceremony was considered completed.Although many monks had objections in their hearts, it was nothing to do with it, and no one raised any objections in person.

After the ceremony of entering the village, Mingzheng then announced the upcoming selection meeting to participate in the Great War of Immortals and Gods. After talking about the severe situation in Luoxia Village, Mingzheng expressed his hope that all the monks in the village would be able to practice as soon as possible and try their best to fight for it. Get the quota given by Zhongyang City, and get more cultivation resources for Luoxia Village!

After everything settled down, Wang Hao entered the state of cultivation again.

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