Fairy Road

Chapter 309 Quota

Since Wang Hao officially joined Luoxia Village, apart from practicing the Sun Sutra, Wang Hao rarely appeared in front of the monks in Luoxia Village.Of course, there are more than 2000 monks in the entire Luoxia Village. Except for the few monks who have lost confidence in their cultivation, the rest of the monks are busy practicing, just like Wang Hao. Rarely walk around in the village.

Therefore, during the three months, except for Ming Zheng and Xiaohui, the village chiefs of Luoxia Village, Wang Hao had no contact with anyone else. In this way, it saved a lot of greetings time.Except that everyone went to the designated place on time to receive the fairy stone, Wang Hao just stayed in his room and practiced hard!

After receiving the fairy stone for the first time, Wang Hao started research on the fairy stone in the fairy world. After some research, Wang Hao discovered that this fairy stone is actually equivalent to the spirit stone in the lower realm. Of course, the power of the fairy spirit contained in it is It is not found in the spirit stones of the lower world.The three middle-grade immortal stones that Wang Hao gets every month are enough to allow Wang Hao to improve his cultivation at a high speed within three days.Wang Hao was excited for a while when he thought that if he could obtain a large number of fairy stones, he would be able to practice with half the effort.

However, in this God Realm, the resources of immortal stones must be extremely limited. With my current cultivation base, it is undoubtedly an impossible task to obtain a large number of immortal stones.So, in the end, Wang Hao decided to practice honestly and down-to-earth.Even without the help of the fairy stone, Wang Hao raised his cultivation level from the second level of the divine weapon to the fourth level of the divine weapon within three months.

The speed of this kind of cultivation is already extremely astonishing. When Wang Hao appeared in front of Ming Zhengming with the fourth-level cultivation base of the Divine Weapon, a look of surprise flashed across Ming Zheng's face. Wang Hao promised that as long as he cultivated well, he would be allowed to join the village guard once he was promoted to the rank of god general.At that time, the fairy stones obtained every month will be doubled.

Wang Hao naturally understood that the speed of his cultivation made Mingzheng have some expectations for his future. Of course, Wang Hao was also full of confidence in his heart, because for a person born with pure yang spiritual root, the Sun Sutra was very important. It couldn't be more appropriate.

Another month passed, and this day Wang Hao was attacking the fifth level of the Divine Weapon in the room, when he suddenly heard noisy voices outside the room, and then Wang Hao also finished his training and walked out of the room.Driven by curiosity, Wang Hao also walked towards the meeting hall in the village together with the crowd.

Along the way, listening to the discussions of the people in the village, Wang Hao also understood the whole story of some things more or less.It turned out that soon it was time for the Zhongyang City in the God Realm to select talents, and today the Zhongyang City sent an envoy to send Luoxia Village a pass to enter the Zhongyang City.

It was originally a very common event, but the reason why so many monks from Luoxia Village came to watch it was mainly because the envoy from the city of Zhongyang who came to Luoxia Village this time was actually an extremely beautiful female cultivator.It is heard that this female cultivator has the cultivation base of the ninth level of the god general, and it is possible to be promoted to the god king at any time.Several times before, the envoys who came to Luoxia Village were only around the fifth level of the god general, but this time it was so special that it aroused everyone's interest.

Wang Hao also wanted to see what this female cultivator who was about to be promoted to the level of a god king looked like, so he walked towards the hall quickly.Walking near the hall, I found that the hall was surrounded by monks from Luoxia Village. It seemed that this beautiful female nun was still very attractive.

Wang Hao took advantage of a loophole and entered the crowd, then approached the window of the hall and looked inside.Sure enough, he saw a woman in palace attire sitting in the middle of the hall, and Ming Zheng was sitting at the bottom with him, looking respectful.Looking at the woman's appearance, Wang Hao really felt amazed.

Not to mention the beauty of this girl's face that makes all men's blood spurt, just looking at her curvaceous figure is enough to make all men look sideways at her.Wang Hao stared blankly at the woman for a few breaths, and thought to himself: The women in the God Realm are really prettier than the other. The Binger and Xiaohui I have been in contact with are already considered beauties that are unique in a million. The woman who arrived is even more fascinating!

After sighing, Wang Hao released his consciousness slightly and listened to the conversation in the hall.Of course, this conversation is not a secret, so with Wang Hao's current consciousness of the fourth level of the Divine Weapon, he was not hindered by anything, and he easily heard the voice inside.

"Miss Luoyue, is there really no room for turning around this matter? You should know that I, Luoxia Village, contributed seven disciples to the God Realm army in the city of Zhongyang in the last selection. Theoretically speaking, this time at worst there will be seven places to enter the city of central yang to participate in the selection, why did it become five all of a sudden? Sigh... this matter, it's really... really..." Mingzheng frowned , He stopped talking, obviously extremely dissatisfied with Zhongyang City's actions, but he seemed afraid to say it directly.

The beautiful woman named Luo Yue saw Mingzheng's embarrassing look, but she didn't move at all, she just said blankly: "Mingzheng village chief, as the master of Luoxia village, you should also understand. This selection Well, a village of the size of Luoxia Village basically unites several villages to form an alliance, so naturally it can get a few more places. But you Luoxia Village still doesn't have any allies at all, so, Zhong Yang The fact that the city can give you five places is already taking into account the favor of the previous session!"

After hearing Luo Yue's domineering explanation, Mingzheng's complexion darkened. In fact, he also knew in his heart that his alliance with Xiguan Village had failed because of the stalemate with Xiguan Village, which resulted in such consequences.But it is difficult to accept for a while when the consequences appear.

After all, five people who entered the city of central yang to participate in the selection may not be able to be selected. That is to say, there are no more than five monks from Luoxia Village who joined the army of the God Realm this time.In this way, in the next hundred years, the cultivation resources allocated by Luoxia Village will become extremely limited.With a lack of cultivation resources, it is not known whether the village chief's strong men are still willing to stay in the village.As the vicious cycle continues, the decline of Luoxia Village seems to have appeared before Mingzheng's eyes.

Just when Mingzheng was silent, Luo Yue, who was sitting in the middle of the hall, suddenly let out a light sigh, and then a shocked expression appeared on his face, and then two extremely sharp gazes shot out from his eyes, and he looked around the hall The monks swept past.These onlookers' cultivation bases were naturally under Luo Yue's, and after being swept by Luo Yue's sharp eyes, they all felt unnatural.

When Luo Yue's eyes swept over Wang Hao's body, she paused for a few breaths, and then Luo Yue's face changed again, from shock to calm, and soon returned to the original expressionless expression look.Mingzheng, who was depressed, didn't pay attention to this change, but Wang Hao felt it deeply.Because, when Luo Yue's eyes fell on her, she seemed to become a transparent person, and there was no secret at all in front of Luo Yue.

"Did this woman discover something? Sky-replenishing ring!" Wang Hao thought to himself, "If she discovers the secret of the sky-replenishing ring, I'm afraid it will be really difficult for me to keep the treasure left by my mother!" Just as Wang Hao was preparing When turning around to leave this place of right and wrong, Luo Yue spoke again.

"Mingzheng Village Chief, the reason why I came to your Luoxia Village to announce the quota this time is also because I was requested by Binger, the little princess of the Zhongli God King's family. Moreover, Miss Bing'er is also the one recommended by the Zhongli God King's quota. Got it, this time I will give it to Luoxia Village!"

"What? The quota recommended by God King Zhongli!" Mingzheng's face was filled with joy. It seemed that his daughter and Miss Bing'er had a good relationship, and it was not at all beneficial.

"That's right, God King Zhongli is the high-ranking God King in the city of Zhongyang, and he has three recommended quotas. This time, it's because of Miss Bing'er that I sent one of them to Luoxia Village!" Luo Yue said slowly. .

"So, please ask Miss Luoyue to take me to Luoxia Village to thank God King Zhongli and Miss Bing'er for their generous gifts!" Mingzheng said excitedly, Mingzheng naturally knew what one more quota meant.If one more monk can join the army of the God Realm, it will be able to obtain tens of thousands of fast middle-grade immortal stones for Luoxia Village in a hundred years.

"However... Before I came to Luoxia Village, Miss Binger wanted me to tell Miss Huier of Luoxia Village that I will come to Luoxia Village to visit her again soon!"

"Don't worry, I will tell my daughter about Miss Bing'er's intentions!" Mingzheng's mood was not as bad as it was at the beginning because he won an extra quota.

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