Fairy Road

Chapter 311

Bing'er finally decided to leave after wandering in Luoxia Village for several days.During this period, Wang Hao seldom came to chat with Binger, but on the day when Binger decided to leave, Wang Hao just came out of closed-door training, and was going to send Binger off with Xiaohui.

Although several days of practice did not allow Wang Hao to advance again, but the cultivation base of the sixth level of Shenbing has become more stable.In the meantime, Wang Hao also practiced the supernatural power of the demon saint again, and was pleasantly surprised to find that his current strength was enough to summon a whole seven demon saints.Of course, Wang Hao felt more and more incomprehensible to the cultivation base of these demon saints.

Not only the few demon saints summoned just now, Wang Hao, couldn’t see their cultivation level clearly, but even the two demon saints, Pitie and Qin Yuan, whom he had contacted the most, Wang Hao also felt that since they entered the God Realm with him, their cultivation bases were not clear. The reason is also becoming obscure.But there is one thing that Wang Hao can be sure of. The cultivation base of Bi Tie at this time is definitely no longer the late Yuanying stage.

Wang Hao also used the time of these few days to probe into the sky-filling ring with his spiritual sense. In the Treasure Pavilion, Wang Hao did not get the artifact again. After all, now that he has a sixth-level cultivation of the magic weapon, there are many artifacts. On the contrary, it will bring disaster to oneself, so it is better to extract these artifacts after one's cultivation base has been raised to the level of a god general.

Wang Hao looked at the artifacts all over the sky in the Treasure Pavilion, and suddenly had a whim, wanting to try to go to the last floor of the Treasure Pavilion, to see if he could enter the last floor smoothly.In the end, Wang Hao was pleasantly surprised. Now that Wang Hao's cultivation is able to enter the last level!

After Wang Hao happily entered the last floor, he discovered that the entire last floor was filled with huge fairy stones. "These fairy stones, judging by the intensity of their fairy spirit, are they high-grade fairy stones?" Wang Hao was already stunned by the scene in front of him.

What is the concept of so many fairy stones? It can almost be said that with these fairy stones, hundreds of monks at the level of gods can be created!In the God Realm, if you have enough fairy stones, it is very easy to improve your cultivation.However, it is extremely difficult for a god general to become a god king.

Even with a large amount of fairy stones, it is impossible to pile up a god king. This is why many disciples in the god king family are god general ninth-level monks, but they have been unable to cultivate to the god king level.However, Wang Hao doesn't need to consider whether he can become a god king.The current Wang Hao just wants to raise his cultivation level to the level of a god general, so that he can enter the city of Zhongyang smoothly.

Wang Hao was about to take out some of these fairy stones for cultivation, so as to raise his cultivation level to the level of a god general as soon as possible. At this time, Xiaohui came to visit suddenly and told Wang Hao that Binger was going to leave, and asked Wang Hao if he would like to send him off together. Naturally, he would not refuse. Wang Hao has always been extremely friendly to those he has favored.

After the three of them left Luoxia Village, they walked in the direction of Zhongyang City. Because Wang Hao is still unable to fly with the imperial weapon, the three of them walked on a small road.Soon, the three of them left Luoxia Village a hundred miles away. At this time, Bing'er proposed to make Xiaohui and Wang Hao stop.

"Wang Hao, Xiaohui, you can just send it here. If you send it any further, I'm afraid it will be impossible for me to rush back to the city of Zhongyang before dark!" Bing'er said with a smile. The flight was much slower.

Wang Hao blushed, and said: "Alright, then we will send it here, Miss Binger, I wish you a smooth journey!" Xiaohui also smiled and hugged Binger and said: "The next time we meet, we will be at The city of Zhongyang!"

"Well, Xiaohui, I'll be waiting for you in the city of Zhongyang. Before you come, contact me first, and I will pick you up outside the city of Zhongyang!" Binger said, her eyes swept over Wang Hao intentionally or unintentionally, There was a look of regret on his face.

The three exchanged pleasantries again, and finally parted ways Yiyi.

Looking at Binger's graceful figure flying in the air, Wang Hao thought to himself: With a lot of fairy stones, I have the possibility of being promoted to a god general in half a month. Hui, I need to be added, Binger, I will visit you!

After Bing'er bid farewell to Wang Hao and Xiaohui, she felt an inexplicable melancholy in her heart. This kind of melancholy seemed to be something she had never encountered for so many years.Bing'er thought about it, but suddenly her face turned red, and she thought to herself: Did I really fall in love with this stunned boy who just entered the God Realm?Even so, my father will definitely not allow me to associate with him.Sigh... Wang Hao, if you are now a cultivator at the level of a god general, how wonderful it would be!In this way, I don't have to make false claims with Zhu Tao, the son of King Zhu's God.

"Father means that it seems that he wants me to have more contacts with Zhu Tao. Alas... this Zhu Tao is so romantic, do I really want to marry such a person?" Bing'er thought, and suddenly His expression froze, and he suddenly felt a hint of danger in his heart.

"Who, why are you sneaking behind me?" Bing'er suddenly turned around and said to her back, at the same time she took out the divine weapon, the Ice God Sword.

"Quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack... the little girl's alertness is quite strong, she was able to spot the old man, very good! However, it's a pity that such a smart little girl will die soon!" A strange voice came in mid-air There was a sound, and then a black shadow gradually solidified in front of Bing'er.

"Who are you?" Bing'er asked in surprise when she saw the face of the black figure which was hard to see clearly.

"Quack quack quack quack, do you think I will tell you who I am? However, I do know your identity, the daughter of God King Zhongli, the city of Zhongyang in the God Realm, tsk tsk tsk tsk, if such a noble status is suppressed by the old man Under the body, this kind of taste is really fascinating!" The cold voice reached Bing'er's ears, which immediately made Bing'er's heart feel cold!

Since this person knows my father's name, he must have come prepared, so confident, it seems very likely that he is my father's enemy.My father has persuaded me many times not to appear alone outside the city of Zhongyang, otherwise it is very likely to attract enemies, if it is fulfilled now.Fortunately, I have a jade talisman in my hand, which can summon Zhong Wuqi at any time!

Thinking of Zhong Wuqi, who is already at the ninth level of the god general at this time, Bing'er's heart calmed down a little. After all, the person who came here should not have reached the level of the god king, because the monks of the god king level don't even bother to treat such a person as himself. The little girl did it.

With a puff, when the black shadow was getting closer and closer to her, Bing'er finally crushed a blue jade pendant in her hand, this jade pendant was an artifact of Summoning Zhong Wuqi.With a whoosh, Zhong Wuqi's figure immediately appeared in front of Bing'er, which slightly surprised the black figure not far from Bing'er.

Immediately, the cold voice of the black shadow came again: "Zhongli's shadow-following boots are actually given to you, kid. It seems that he has some confidence in your strength. I want to see if you can keep this girl." comprehensive!"

At this time, Zhong Wuqi also had a little bit of solemnity on his arrogant cheeks. The enemy in front of him, he was not fully sure that he would be able to win against him. Even, the dangerous aura this person gave him actually made him There is a feeling of timidity, which is a feeling that I rarely have.Could it be that this person is a master at the level of a god king?

Thinking of this, Zhong Wuqi said in a deep voice: "Who are you and why are you hiding your body? If you have the guts, I will show your true colors, so that you can understand!" Naturally, he refused to admit defeat.

"Hehehehe, I should let you die to understand! Boy, you will soon be able to see the true face of the old man, but it is before you die!" Heiying said, and suddenly there was a black dress in his hand. Immediately, the strange blade turned into a cloud of black mist and directly attacked Zhong Wuqi.

Zhong Wuqi let out a low growl, and said, "Bing'er, stand aside!" As he said that, he shot the magic weapon in his hand, and directly drew it on the dark cloud of black mist.However, the black mist distorted slightly, directly removing Zhong Wuqi's attack, and then, the black mist covered Zhong Wuqi's hood, making it impossible for Bing'er to distinguish the figures of the two, let alone understand the present situation. The battle is over!

After a few breaths, there was a bang, and Zhong Wuqi's figure appeared in front of Bing'er again. At this time, Zhong Wuqi's complexion was a little paler, but the black mist looked dim.Zhong Wuqi sneered, and said: "Your strength is nothing more than that, I'm afraid it's not that simple to take my life!" As he spoke, his figure flashed and he attacked the black shadow.

At this time, the black shadow seemed to have realized Zhong Wuqi's strength, and he fled towards the distance like a gust of breeze. Zhong Wuqi was not willing to give up, and just chased after him.

(For collection!)

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