Fairy Road

Chapter 312 God General

"It seems that the black shadow is not Zhong Wuqi's opponent, and he has escaped a catastrophe this time!" Bing'er stayed where she was, thinking with lingering fear that she is now a god general with a fifth-level cultivation base, and she is really a leader in the entire God Realm. It's nothing, if there is no father's protection, I am afraid that even the central city will be difficult to live in for a long time!

Bing'er was still secretly rejoicing, and Zhong Wuqi had disappeared at this time, at this moment, an abrupt voice suddenly appeared in Bing'er's ears, and immediately, Bing'er felt his eyes darken, his own The body seemed to be absorbed by a space artifact, and then he lost consciousness and passed out directly.

After Wang Hao and Xiaohui returned to Luoxia Village, they didn't know what happened to Bing'er. After the two exchanged pleasantries, Wang Hao was about to bid farewell to Xiaohui and go back to practice. Unexpectedly, Xiaohui suddenly smiled and said: "Wang Hao, I think Sister Binger likes you a lot? I wonder if you like Sister Binger?"

Wang Hao was stunned for a moment, and then blushed and said: "Bing'er is the daughter of the king of gods, how could I be able to claim such a high status!" In fact, Wang Hao's remarks were just to excuse himself , for Binger, Wang Hao has a bit of affection, but it's just a favor, far from liking!

"Hey...you men are so careless, can't you see Sister Bing'er's intentions? Now Zhu Tao, the son of King Zhu's God in the central city of Yang, wants to marry Sister Binger, but Sister Binger has never married her. I agree, it seems that it is very likely because of you?" Xiaohui said here, and suddenly sighed, "What's the use of telling you these things, you are only at the sixth level of the magic weapon, if you get entangled in it I'm afraid it will kill you, so it's better not to say anything!"

As Xiaohui said, she walked away alone in melancholy.Wang Hao froze in place, and thought to himself: Son of the God King, if this person really regards himself as a rival in love, I'm afraid he will suffer a lot!Thinking of this, Wang Hao couldn't help shaking his head with a wry smile, and walked towards his residence.Today, Wang Hao's greatest wish is to cultivate to the level of a god general, and then enter the city of Zhongyang to find news about his mother!

Another half month passed, and this day, Wang Hao reached a critical moment in his cultivation in the residence, and suddenly felt a strong coercion, which made him seem to be unable to breathe, so Wang Hao Hastily ended the practice, and stepped out of the gate with one kick.

At this time, many monks in Luoxia Village came out of their residences and looked into the midair. In the midair, a middle-aged scribe appeared in a long robe with a few strands of beard on his face. This middle-aged scribe gave Wang Hao an unfathomable feeling. The astonishing coercion emanating from his body actually made the clouds in the mid-air avoid far away and dare not approach his body.

At this time, the middle-aged scribe frowned, and said slowly: "The Lord of Luoxia Village came to answer!" At this time, Ming Zheng had already hurriedly arrived below the middle-aged scribe, and said respectfully: "Ming Zheng See Divine King Zhongli, I wonder if the Divine King has come to my Luoxia Village this time, what orders do you have?"

"Mingzheng, let me ask you, did my daughter Zhong Bing come to Luoxia Village half a month ago?" It turns out that this middle-aged scribe is Binger's father, the God King Zhongli!

"Report to God King, Miss Bing'er has indeed been to Luoxia Village!" Mingzheng replied respectfully.

"Then let me ask you, when did she leave, and who did she have contact with in Luoxia Village?" Divine King Zhongli continued to ask.

"Reporting to the God King, Miss Binger only had some contact with the little girl Huier in Luoxia Village. By the way, there is also the monk Wang Hao in the village, who is also Miss Binger's friend!"

"Okay, you ask the two of them to come and talk back!" The God King Zhongli's expression was unkind, which made De Mingzheng's heart beating non-stop!When Xiaohui and Wang Hao appeared in front of the Divine King Zhongli, the expression of the Divine King Zhongli changed suddenly, but soon returned to normal.

"Let me ask you, when did Bing'er leave Luoxia Village?"

"Half a month ago, Binger left Luoxia Village. Ms. Huier and I saw each other off all the way, about a hundred miles away, and then Binger left alone with a sword!" Wang Hao replied neither humble nor overbearing. Dao, just now when Zhongli's eyes passed over him, his complexion changed slightly, which made Wang Hao secretly think: It seems that my secret is really going to be lost. This god king obviously knows the secret in my hand Sky Mending Ring, otherwise it wouldn't change color suddenly.

In fact, Wang Hao didn't know that the reason why the God King Zhongli changed his color slightly was because Wang Hao had the most noble bloodline of the God Race on his body. Even the God King Zhongli had never owned such a bloodline. He didn't expect it to appear It landed on the body of a little magic sixth-level monk.

Seeing God King Zhongli's tightly furrowed brows, Xiaohui asked timidly: "God King, I wonder if something happened to Sister Bing'er?"

God King Zhongli stared at Xiaohui, sighed slightly and said: "You are Xiaohui, but Binger often mentions you. Since you are Binger's friend, I might as well tell you that Binger is missing!"

"What!" Wang Hao was shocked, "Bing'er is missing? How is this possible? Who dares to kidnap the daughter of a high-ranking god king? Could it be that he is looking for death!"

However, only a monk like Wang Hao who doesn't understand the God Realm would think about such thoughts. All monks who understand the God Realm know that in the God Realm, the weak eat the strong, even if you are the God King, it is impossible to protect everyone all the people around me.As the saying goes, even tigers have naps!

"Sister Bing'er is missing..." Xiaohui murmured, but her face was full of anxiety.Immediately, she asked, "Does the Divine King have any clues?" In her desperation, Xiaohui didn't care how different her identity was from the Divine King Zhongli!

God King Zhongli did not blame Xiaohui, he shook his head and said, "There is no clue at all! Even my subordinate, Zhong Wuqi, disappeared along with him! This matter is very strange, so I came to Luoxia Village to ask What happened!"

Wang Hao suddenly said: "Bing'er and Zhong Wuqi once killed a monk named Ge Rong, is this related?"

"You're talking about the son of the owner of Xiguan Village?" Zhong Li shook his head and said, "Even if they borrow some courage from Xiguan Village, they will never dare to touch Bing'er! Well, I have my own opinion on this matter!" As Zhong Li spoke, he waved his long sleeves and disappeared from everyone's eyes.

After God King Zhongli left, all the monks in Luoxia Village scattered, while Wang Hao and Xiaohui stood there in a daze.Xiaohui said: "Wang Hao, what should we do?" Wang Hao smiled wryly and said: "Even Zhong Wuqi has disappeared, what can we do? It seems that this matter should be related to Zhongli's enemies, what about other people?" Maybe you dare to touch Binger!"

Xiaohui nodded and said: "I hope sister Binger will be fine! Hey, Wang Hao, you actually... unexpectedly..." Seeing the surprise on Xiaohui's face, Wang Hao said with a smile: "Yes, these few days Tian has a lot of experience in cultivation, and accidentally broke through to the level of a god general!"

"Huh..." Xiaohui breathed a sigh of relief, and sighed: "If you are not careful, you know that I have been stuck in the eighth level of Shenbing for a long time and have not been promoted. , actually became a god general, really... really..."

Xiaohui was so shocked that she didn't know what to say!

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