Fairy Road

Chapter 316

At the very center of the city of Zhongyang, there is a strange building. This building is entirely carved from a huge piece of top-quality spiritual stone. Its shape is very much like a sailing boat with sails. This is where all the monks in the God Realm They are all extremely longing for the holy land of the gods - the sailing ship of the gods!

This day, the most powerful god kings in the god world gathered in the interior of the god's sailboat.Among these god kings, of course there are seven senior god kings with the oldest qualifications. In addition to these seven senior god kings, there are three new high-level god kings, and among them is the figure of Zhongli god king.

Among the seven high-level god kings, the middle god king is the strongest.Therefore, in the past hundreds of years, the Central God King has also held the highest power in the God Realm. Although the other six God Kings also have the power to advise, the final decision must be made by the Central God King.

In fact, with the strength of the Central God King alone, it is naturally impossible to fight against the other six God Kings.Therefore, the King of Gods also recruited two extraordinary god kings, the King of Heaven and the King of Earth, to join his camp.And the other four god kings, east, west, north, south, even if they work together, it is difficult to be the opponent of these three god kings.

For hundreds of years, the four god kings in the east, west, north, south, and north have been suppressed to death by the three god kings in the middle, and they are in a disadvantaged position in the distribution of all the cultivation resources in the god world.

However, the current situation does have a tendency to reverse, because in the past hundred years, the God Realm has produced three high-level god kings. .Among these three people, God King Zhongli and God King Huanying are very close friends with the four god kings from east, west, north, south.But God King Zhu Tong has been vacillating between the two major forces.

However, in any case, with the addition of the two god kings Zhongli Huanying, the strength of the four god kings in the east, west, north and south has naturally been greatly improved, and there is a faint tendency to surpass the three god kings in the middle.Now, it's the day when the God Realm's army is selected once in a hundred years. After the selection of the God Realm's army, a God King will be elected to become the new King of God Kings and take charge of the entire God Realm.Therefore, the king of the Central God has held the seat for hundreds of years, and it is finally time to lose it.

However, the King of Gods will naturally not give up the power in his hands easily!

"Everyone, after half a year, it will be the period of the battle between gods and gods. To select the army of the gods this time, you must choose the most powerful monks in my gods, and strive to win this battle!" The king of gods He said slowly, "Also, regarding the selection of the king of the gods in the God Realm, you all have to prepare well. After all, I have sat in this seat for hundreds of years, and I am tired of it. I hope someone will take my place. , let me relax!"

"Central God King, if you want to get out, I'm afraid you can't. After all, where is your strength? In the entire God Realm, who is your opponent?" The Heavenly God King said with a smile, his eyes swept east, west, north, south The meaning of the several god kings is very obvious: with your strength, it is not enough to challenge the god king of China.

"Hmph! Heavenly God King, what are you talking about? Could it be that the Heavenly God King is greedy for this seat because of his superior strength? We high-ranking God Kings also have the responsibility to share one or two for the Middle God King!" The Eastern God King was also not to be outdone. , said.Hundreds of years of forbearance made Dong Shen Wang and others unable to hold back at this moment.

Although when it comes to fighting alone, no one is the opponent of the King of Gods, but now the power on his side has faintly surpassed the strength of the King of Gods, and the change of power should be inevitable.

"Okay, you don't have to fight anymore!" The Central God King frowned slightly, staring at the East God King meaningfully and said, "Of course I won't be greedy for this seat, but you also have to show the strength to be able to secure this seat Come out. After the God Realm army is selected, I can start to accept your challenge, if anyone can beat me, I can naturally retire with peace of mind!"

After the formation of the God King's army, the King of God Kings began to accept challenges from other God Kings. This has been the rule for tens of thousands of years in the God Realm. If there is a God King who wins the final challenge, he can naturally succeed the King of God Kings to become the new king of gods and kings!However, according to the previous rules, there is no god king who can shake the position of the king of gods.After all, the strength of the King of Gods is there, and there is no King of Gods who can be his opponent.

After hearing the words of the Central God King, the four god kings from east, west, north and south all smiled and shook their heads at the same time. Obviously they had discussed it, and the East God King said directly: "The Middle God King, the king of the God King Challenging the rules has lasted for tens of thousands of years, I think it should be changed!"

"Change it?" The king of the gods changed his face, and then he said angrily, "The rules of tens of thousands of years, you can change it if you want to? Who do you think you are?"

The East God King didn't care about the reprimand of the Middle God King, and he still smiled and said: "As for how the King of God Kings came into being, I'm afraid you can't decide by yourself, the King of God!"

"That's right, how the king of gods came into being has always been decided by all the senior god kings together! We, the four god kings of east, west, north, south and north, and the two god kings Zhongli Zhudong have a new idea!" The Nan god king also spoke. Said.

Ten high-level god kings, six against three, and one person is vacillating.Which is stronger and weaker is obvious.The Earth God King said with a gloomy face at this time: "It seems that you guys have already planned it!"

"Hehehe, premeditated? What are you talking about, Earth God King? We just think that the God Realm has been suppressed by the Immortal Realm for hundreds of years, and all want to reform!" The Eastern God King said with a smile , A pair of radiant eyes looked towards the King of the Gods, and then said, "King of the Gods, the opinions of our six gods should be able to influence the final result!"

The King of the Central God pondered for a few breaths with a gloomy face, and then slowly said: "You guys have new ideas, you might as well tell them about it!" The King of the Central God also thought to himself: Let's see what tricks you can play?

"Okay!" The East God King slapped his thigh and said, "The result of the discussion between the six of us is that we will take turns in charge of the God Realm!"

"What! Take turns to be in charge of the God Realm!" The King of Heavenly God changed his expression and exclaimed, "It seems that you are really stunned by that power!"

"What? Heavenly God King, the emperor will take turns to come to my house next year, and one person can't always occupy this seat!" At this time, the Phantom Baby God King suddenly said, although this Phantom Baby God King has just been promoted to a high-level God King within a hundred years , but its strength should not be underestimated, especially a top-grade artifact in its hands, the fantasy city!Its power is so strong that it can simply ignore all other top-quality artifacts!

"Huh!" King Zhongshen didn't expect King Dongshen and others to come up with such an idea. Although he was extremely reluctant in his heart, he still felt a little helpless because of the current situation. After all, his power is not as good as it is now. If the other party strongly opposes it, it will be difficult for him to gain the upper hand after the situation becomes stagnant!

"Take turns, and there is always a priority? Should this be decided later?" The King of Gods had no choice but to agree with the other party's proposal!

"This is naturally easy to handle! Each of our god kings can choose a monk from the genius team as their representative, and then let them enter the realm of the gods to practice. Whoever kills the most gods and demons will be the god king behind him. Be the first to take charge of the God Realm! Then go down in order, and after a thousand years, the ten people will take turns to complete the training again!" The Eastern God King was prepared and said his thoughts directly!

After all the premeditation was said, there was a strange silence.The three god kings on the side of the god king are naturally unwilling, but what can they do?After all, the strength on his side is not as good as that of the East God King now, so he can only admit the bitter fruit.

And the god kings on the Eastern God King's side naturally sat in their seats with great contentment. After all, they had been planning this idea for many years, and now that they brought it up, it was finally a sigh of relief.They have been suppressed by the King of Gods and others for too long. Although this time it may not be possible for the monks on their side to sit on the seat of the King of Gods, at least they have a lot of chances of winning!

"Okay, I'll follow you! But when the time comes, it's more fair to choose the monks from the genius team by drawing lots!" In desperation, King Zhongshen had no choice but to agree with the words of King Dongshen and others. Opinion!

Dongshenwang and others have achieved their goals, so naturally they won't say much!After some discussion, the god kings returned to their own residences!

(For collection!!)

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