Fairy Road

Chapter 314

Three days later, a large number of monks gathered outside Luoxia Village. These monks came to bid farewell to the monks who were about to go to the city of Zhongyang.After all, these monks carried the hopes of all other monks living in Luoxia Village. If they successfully joined the army of the God Realm, they would bring them enough cultivation resources.

The head of Luoxia Village led the elders of the group of elders to stand in front of the seven monks who were about to travel far away. After a little instruction, he said to Wang Hao alone: ​​"You don't have to be too persistent, if it is really difficult to join the God Realm Dajun, there is still a chance in the future!" Mingzheng actually knew in his heart that every time the competition between the genius teams was extremely fierce, even a genius like Wang Hao might not be able to gain any advantage. The time in the God Realm is too short, there is not even a year...

"Don't worry, village head!" Wang Hao nodded. He naturally didn't want to put too much pressure on himself. He thought that even if a monk like himself couldn't join the genius team, he would definitely be able to fight for Luoxia Village after a hundred years. Come for a place to join the army of the gods.

However, Wang Hao's goal this time is to lock up a place in the genius team, even if he fights for the next one, so as to obtain the right to live permanently in the city of Zhongyang.

The seven people bid farewell to the other monks in Luoxia Village, all sacrificed their artifacts and flew in mid-air. The distance from Luoxia Village to the city of Zhongyang was only a thousand miles away, and it only took half a day to fly slowly. time is all right.

Among the seven, except for Wang Hao, who is a monk of the second level of the general, the other six monks have the cultivation base of the sixth level of the general, and the highest cultivation level is the eighth level of the general, Gao Wuyong. It has been 200 years since a person ascended to the God Realm, he has been promoted to the eighth level of God General, and he is considered a remarkable figure.

In fact, among the original six people, there must be a quota for Qingming, but Minglang is now imprisoned by Wang Hao in the sky-filling ring. replaced by monks.Along the way, when Wang Hao was bored, he used his spiritual consciousness to enter the sky-filling ring. After seeing Ye Qingqing's practice, he looked at Mingming's situation, and found that Minglang was already Losing the confidence to escape from this place, he left with peace of mind.As for another monk, Lei Baotian, who was imprisoned by Wang Hao, Wang Hao didn't bother to care about him. Even if this person's current cultivation level is released, in the God Realm, he might not even be as good as an ant .

Soon, a gigantic city appeared in front of the seven people, which was extremely inadequate to describe it as majestic and magnificent. Among the seven people, except for Wang Hao, everyone else had obviously been to this central city before, so the face The shocked expression on the face is not as obvious as Wang Hao.And Wang Hao, who had ascended to the God Realm not long ago, was already stunned by the scene in front of him.

The majesty of this central city is really beyond Wang Hao's imagination!When he came to the city gate, he found that there were eight monks at the level of god generals controlling the city gate. Gao Wuyong handed the tokens of these people to the leader of the gatekeepers, and then he was let in.It was Wang Hao who was stopped outside the city gate.

"What are you doing in the city of Zhongyang?" the monk guarding the city gate asked arrogantly, because Wang Hao did not have the token issued by the city of Zhongyang to Luoxia Village in his hand.

"Fellow Daoist, this person is also a cultivator from my Luoxia Village. He came here this time because he wanted to participate in the selection of the talent team!" Gao Wuyong stepped forward and excused.

"Genius team?" The little boss glanced over Wang Hao, and found that Wang Hao's ascension to the God Realm had not been too long, and then found out that Wang Hao's level-two cultivation of God General, he immediately laughed and said: "God At the second level, I just want to join the genius team, hahaha, I am so ridiculous! I advise you to go back early, don't come to the city of Zhongyang to embarrass yourself!"

Hearing such mocking words, Wang Hao's complexion suddenly became ugly, but Gao Wuyong was well-versed in personnel affairs, and then he took out a middle-grade immortal stone from the storage, and said in a low voice: "Fellow Daoist, be flexible! "

The little boss turned out to be a middle-grade fairy stone, and his contemptuous eyes glanced at Wang Hao again, then he waved his hand and turned his head away. Naturally, Wang Hao didn't deal with these monks much, and then he followed Gao Wuyong and others towards Go inside the city.

The seven people were about to enter the city, when another mocking voice came from behind them: "Hey, isn't this a monk from Luoxia Village? One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, hahaha, only seven people came this time The city of Zhongyang, it seems that Luoxia Village is really about to fall!"

"Hmph, without the support of my Xiguan Village, this Luoxia Village is bound to decline! You see, Luoxia Village has even sent out second-level monks from the God General, which really makes people's teeth fall out of laughter. ,Ha ha ha ha!"

Amidst the laughter, about [-] or [-] monks walked into the city of Zhongyang, Gao Wuyong said to Wang Hao in a low voice: "These are all monks from Xiguan Village, we don't need to talk to them!"

Wang Hao nodded, and then followed Gao Wuyong to continue walking towards the city.Unexpectedly, at this time, a monk from Xiguan Village flew in front of Gao Wuyong, and said with a smile: "Gao Wuyong, I didn't expect that your Luoxia Village would even send monks of the second level of the gods to make a fool of yourself. Is there really no one under your command?"

Gao Wuyong's expression changed immediately, and he said immediately: "Ge You, although my Luoxia Village has not successfully formed an alliance with your Xiguan Village, you don't have to ridicule my Luoxia Village like this. If your Xiguan Village didn't have the support of several other villages , I am afraid that in terms of strength, I am not my opponent in Luoxia Village!"

"Hmph! Strength? I heard that Mingming in your Luoxia Village has disappeared, and now you rely on a second-level monk to support the scene, and still talk about strength with us?" Ge You said, his eyes swept over Wang Hao, and his face The contemptuous look.

"You!" Gao Wuyong was obviously irritated by Ge You, and said angrily, "Go away, good dogs don't get in the way!"

"Gao Wuyong, how dare you scold me!" Ge You said angrily. At this time, there was an extra pair of shining swords in his hand. This pair of swords was full of aura, and it was obviously a rare high-grade artifact.

"What? Ge You, you can't do it in the city of Zhongyang!" Gao Wuyong calmed down at this moment. After all, his own strength is really not enough to meet the opponent head-on.

Before Ge You could answer, the monks guarding the city over there shouted: "What's the matter, you are so courageous, you dare to fight privately in the city of Zhongyang, don't you want to die? If you disturb any god king , your villages are probably all wiped out in the God Realm!"

Ge You was taken aback for a moment, then withdrew the artifact in his hand, and then said embarrassingly: "Gao Wuyong, just wait, when it's time to select the Dabi, don't let your monks from Luoxia Village meet my monks from Xiguan Village! "Ge Rong, the son of the village chief, was beheaded by Zhong Wuqi in Luoxia Village because of Huier in Luoxia Village, which made the monks in the entire Xiguan Village regard the monks in Luoxia Village as enemies.

"Hmph, Ge You, don't talk too much, even if we meet at that time, who will die?" Gao Wuyong said, gestured to Wang Hao and others, and then walked towards the city of Zhongyang go.

After the seven entered the city of Zhongyang, they did not encounter any obstacles, and soon found an inn to live in. Two days later, it was the day of selection. Gao Wuyong and others also decided to make good use of this time to strengthen themselves of cultivation.Naturally, Wang Hao would not waste any time.

(The book "Xian Dao Xing" is Lao Shi's first novel. When it was first uploaded, because I didn't know what the new book list was, it resulted in poor grades, so there were not many recommendations. Up to now, the grades It's also very average. But no matter what the grades of this book are, Lao Shi will follow the outline and finish it completely, and give readers an explanation! After all, whether it is a eunuch or a bad ending, it is extremely unresponsible for readers Yes. So, don’t worry everyone, this book will definitely have a complete ending! In addition, please ask for collection and red tickets!)

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