Fairy Road

Chapter 320 God King Representative

Wang Hao took back all the other big demon clones. On the ring, only two big monsters, Fei Lian and Fei Dan, were left to guard him.Fei Dan is the big monster summoned by Wang Hao for the first time. It looks like a mouse. In fact, he is also a member of the Yu clan, but his appearance is extremely wretched, but the two soft whips in his hands emit a wave of The breath of terror.

Just when Wang Hao thought that no one would attack him, he suddenly felt a dangerous aura slowly approaching him. Wang Hao was alerted in his heart, and his consciousness swept away, only to find that a faint figure had come He arrived at a distance of less than two feet from his side.

Wang Hao's complexion suddenly changed. Judging from the appearance of that person, he was actually the handsome monk he had met. The time for this person to settle the battle in the second round was very short, but it was left to Wang Hao. Made a deep impression.At this time, he didn't know what secret method he used, but he actually concealed his figure. If Wang Hao hadn't used his divine sense to observe, he might have fallen into this person's way at this time.

Although Fei Lian and Fei Dan are powerful demons, they are not real monks after all, they are just clones of the demons, so they have no consciousness at all, but they did not realize that there is a monk who has already broken through the two demons. The human guardian quietly approached Wang Hao's side.

"This person is really treacherous!" Wang Hao thought in his heart, and then his thoughts moved, Fei Lian and Fei Dan turned their heads, and smashed the artifact in their hands towards the man. That person obviously didn't expect Wang Hao to see through his sneak attack plan so easily.

Under the pincer attack of two big monsters, he fled in embarrassment. Just after he escaped less than four feet away, he was hit by a high-grade artifact released by a god general sixth-level cultivator, and he screamed. Just fell under the ring.

There are 11 people left!Wang Hao thought to himself, at this moment, he didn't dare to attack other monks with only two big monsters, but he just hid behind the two big monsters, not seeking merit but nothing wrong.If one more monk goes down, he will be considered to have reached his final goal.

At this time, the situation on the field became even more weird. All the monks of the sixth level of the gods were carefully manipulating the artifacts, and they were all like Wang Hao, and they stopped attacking others rashly.At this time, if any monk attacked others rashly, the flaws in the defense exposed after the attack would definitely be caught by other monks, and they would be hit!

Therefore, such a stalemate lasted for half an hour. Wang Hao leisurely hid behind the two big monsters, without any anxiety, but the other ten gods on the field The face of the sixth-level monk became more and more nervous.

At this time, it is no longer a competition of strength, but a test of wisdom and perseverance!Finally, a sixth-level cultivator couldn't hold back, the divine weapon in his hand surged with aura, and fiercely attacked a cultivator beside him.As a result, the other eight monks shot at the same time and sacrificed their artifacts towards him!

With a bang, the cultivator who shot first screamed, and flew out of the ring like a kite with a broken string!

"The competition is over!" The middle-level god king shouted, and the ring immediately disappeared in front of everyone. "The last ten people come up to register their names. From now on, you will be members of the genius team!"

After hearing the words of the middle-level god king, ten people including Wang Hao walked towards the place where the god king was with joyful expressions on their faces. A man of great wisdom.The eyes of the middle-level god king stopped on Wang Hao for a long time.

The artifact I left on top of Wang Hao's head recorded all the scenes of Wang Hao's battles. Although Wang Hao's cultivation base is not unique, the powerful artifact in his hand and the magical power to summon a powerful demon saint are reserved for him. This middle-level god king is very impressive!

"It seems that this son's situation must be good to report to the East God King, and the East God King will definitely have a lot of interest in this person!" The intermediate God King secretly said in his heart.

After recording their respective histories and first and surnames, Wang Hao received a golden token with a small number engraved on it - "ten".Wang Hao thought to himself: It seems that I will be the No. [-] member of the genius team from now on.My god general level [-] cultivation base is really weak.

The selection was finally over, and all the selected monks were arranged by the middle-level god king to return to their respective residences at this time, and they were asked to report to the Military Aircraft Department of the city of Zhongyang after three days.

However, Wang Hao, the ten members of the genius team, was directly retained by this intermediate god king.

"You wait here, the high-level god-kings of Zhongyang City will come here in a while!" The middle-level god-king said solemnly.

At this time, Wang Hao and the other ten people also changed their complexions drastically, and some monks even trembled slightly with excitement.What kind of character is the high-level god king?He is the core powerhouse in the entire God Realm, the master of Zhongyang City!Even ordinary god kings rarely have the chance to meet high-level god kings.I didn't expect them to have such an honor when they just joined the genius team, so why isn't it exciting?

But at this moment, Wang Hao secretly speculated in his heart: According to common sense, even if we attach great importance to the members of our genius team and the big shots in the central city of God Realm, they will not all come here!It seems that these high-ranking god kings must have some purpose in coming here?

Everyone waited for half an hour, and finally felt a change in the surrounding fairy air, and then several golden-colored figures appeared in the sky.Everyone looked up at the sky, feeling the majesty of these high-level god kings, and their hearts were filled with excitement.

But Wang Hao looked at the sky silently, but he was worried that the secret of his sky-replenishing ring would be discovered by these high-level god kings!However, Wang Hao's worry is obviously unnecessary!Because after these high-level god kings came, they didn't pay attention to the members of their genius team at all, but listened to the return of the middle-level god king.Next, these senior god kings waved their hands at the same time, and ten auras appeared in the sky.

Next, these auras continued to criss-cross in the air, intertwined together, and then finally fell slowly, and each aura fell on a member of the genius team.

At this time, Wang Hao also felt that there was a small token in his hand, and a small golden character was engraved on the token-"Dong"!

Wang Hao didn't know the meaning of the token, so he looked up at the sky again. Unexpectedly, at this time, the figures of all the high-ranking god kings had disappeared into the sky.

After the high-level god king left, the middle-level god king appeared in front of everyone again. At this time, the face of the middle-level god king had a trace of solemnity and a trace of excitement!Staring at everyone, he said: "Congratulations, you are honored to be the representatives of the high-level god kings this time, and then enter the realm of the gods to kill the gods and demons in the realm of the gods! Whoever can win the competition of killing gods and demons, It is to be able to obtain the best artifact bestowed by the god king!"

"What? The representative of the god king, killing gods and demons in the realm of the gods?" Wang Hao's heart moved. It turned out that those high-level god kings came for a purpose, but which god king did the token in his hand represent?Wang Hao, who knew nothing about the city of Zhongyang, was at a loss at this time.

At this time, a member of the genius team said: "God King, there is a word "Tian" in the token in my hand, is it the representative of His Majesty the God King?"

The middle-level god king nodded slightly and said, "Not bad!"

The members of the genius team suddenly looked happy that day, after all, the King of Heaven dominates the entire city of Zhongyang.It's a well known secret!

Then does the token in my hand represent the East God King?Wang Hao frowned, wondering whether this trip to God's Domain was a blessing or a curse?It seems that the water in the God Realm is really deep, I have to be careful everywhere! ! ! ! !

(For collection!!)

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