Fairy Road

Chapter 321

The monks like Wang Hao, who had just become members of the genius team, were arranged to an extremely luxurious palace in the city of Zhongyang after some instructions from the intermediate god king, and each of them had their own cultivation room. room and a servant.After Wang Hao entered his room, he was surprised to find that all his servants had the cultivation level of a god general. This immediately made Wang Hao feel uneasy.

After all, I am only a monk of the second level of the god general, so it is a bit unreasonable to let a monk of the first level of the god general be my servant.However, it was only later that Wang Hao learned that this cultivator at the first level of the god general was promoted to the first level of the god general after ten thousand years of ascension to the God Realm.Therefore, if these monks without any potential want to gain a foothold in the city of Zhongyang, they can only act as the servants of other monks, so as to obtain some rewards of immortal stones.

Wang Hao asked this divine servant about the situation in the city of Zhongyang, and soon Wang Hao was pleasantly surprised to find that there was actually a large medicinal material chamber of commerce in the city of Zhongyang, and almost all the rare medicinal materials could be found in You can buy it inside.Wang Hao thought that there are still a few days left before he enters the God's Domain anyway, so he might as well get all the medicinal materials for refining the Nine Revolutions Resurrection Pill!

Thinking of this, Wang Hao asked for a map of the city of Zhongyang from the servant of the god, and then left the palace directly and walked towards the streets of the city of Zhongyang.Wang Hao felt excited when he thought that he would be able to collect all the medicinal materials for refining the Nine-Turn Resurrection Pill soon. If Zi Yan could be revived, it would be a great thing!

Walking on the wide roads of the city of Zhongyang, one would see one or two high-ranking monks from time to time, and sometimes even monks at the level of god kings would fly by in the air.There is a rule in the city of Zhongyang, that is, all monks below the god king are not allowed to fly in the air, but can only walk on the road.So Wang Hao could only walk on the road, following the directions on the map, and headed towards the medicinal material merchant's guild.

After entering the Chamber of Commerce, Wang Hao felt the difference between the God Realm and the Lower Realm. Those rare medicinal materials that were unthinkable in the Lower Realm were actually sold outside like cabbage in the God Realm.

"Sure enough, it's the God Realm. In this place with ample aura, even medicinal materials are so abundant. The Ganoderma lucidum that has been around for ten thousand years is actually being sold outside like ordinary medicinal materials. It's really..." Wang Hao was sighing in his heart, At this time, a member of the chamber of commerce has already greeted him.

"My dear guest, what kind of medicinal materials do you want to buy? Or do you just want to take a look?" This guy is also a sixth-level monk, but he is extremely respectful in front of Wang Hao.

Wang Hao smiled and reported the few herbs he needed. The guy didn't show any surprise on his face, and after a very natural response, he said, "Please wait a moment, honored guest!" He turned around and walked towards the back room.

Wang Hao thought to himself: It seems that the medicinal materials should be collected this time!Thinking of this, Wang Hao wandered around the hall happily. The medicinal materials in this chamber of commerce were extremely rich, and the hall was full of monks who came to buy medicinal materials.Among them was a female cultivator who was so beautiful that many male cultivators who came to buy medicinal materials looked at her!

That beautiful female cultivator also attracted Wang Hao's attention. Everyone has a love for beauty, not to mention that this woman's beauty is so amazing that it can be described as a country and a city!Although the female cultivator also felt that many eyes were wandering around her body, she was looking at the medicinal materials in the hall indifferently.

At this moment, several monks suddenly walked in from the entrance of the hall. These monks were all dressed in brocade robes, and the monk walking in the middle was even more luxuriously dressed, with an arrogant look on his face!Seeing this situation, many monks at the door voluntarily moved out of the way. At this time, a shopkeeper in the chamber of commerce greeted them with a smile.

"Hehehehe, Mr. Ling, everyone is here, but please forgive me for not being able to welcome you!" The shopkeeper said respectfully.

The monk called Mr. Ling waved his hand arrogantly, and his eyes glanced at the monks in the hall, but when he saw the beautiful woman, Mr. Ling's gaze changed obviously!

"Mr. Ling, please go upstairs to drink tea. I will present you the medicinal materials you need right away!" The shopkeeper bowed and made an inviting gesture.When Wang Hao saw the appearance of the shopkeeper, he immediately understood in his heart: this monk named Linggong must have a high status in the God Realm. After all, it seems that his cultivation is not a god king, but a It's just the appearance of a ninth-level god general.

"Don't worry, I'll take a look below, you just go and prepare the things and present them!" Young Master Ling said suddenly at this time, his tone was also extremely arrogant.

"Yes, then please ask Mr. Ling later, the old man will come as soon as he goes!" The shopkeeper bowed and retreated as he said.

After the shopkeeper left the hall, Mr. Ling signaled his followers to stand guard at the entrance, while he walked slowly towards the beautiful female cultivator.After walking to the female cultivator, Mr. Ling smiled and said to the female cultivator: "This fellow Taoist, I don't know what kind of medicinal materials you need to come to this chamber of commerce this time?"

The beautiful female cultivator obviously didn't expect that Mr. Ling would come up to strike up a conversation suddenly, her expression changed, and then she showed a disgusted expression, and said coldly: "You don't need to worry about this matter, I just look at it casually." Just look!"

Mr. Ling didn't think it was boring, but he still smiled and said: "Fellow Daoist, the owner of this chamber of commerce has some kind of friendship with me, if you have any needs, you might as well say it. As long as there is such medicinal material in the Chamber of Commerce, even if it is listed as not for sale by them, I will have the face to make them sell it!"

"Oh?" The beautiful woman softened her cold expression a little after hearing these words, and said, "I want to buy a kind of medicinal material, but just now the clerk of this chamber of commerce said that there is no such thing! I am now looking for a substitute for this medicinal material, but I have found nothing!"

"I don't know what kind of medicinal material Daoist bought?" Mr. Ling asked with a look of joy when he saw the woman's attitude changed.

"Ice Spirit Fruit!" The female cultivator said calmly, but when the name of this medicinal material was mentioned, almost all the monks in the hall changed their complexion drastically. This ice spirit fruit is extremely rare in the God Realm The medicinal materials are basically impossible to buy in the Chamber of Commerce, and it can even be said that this thing cannot be purchased with fairy stones!

"Oh? It's such a medicinal material!" Young Master Ling's face changed slightly at this time, but he still smiled, "Fellow Daoist, wait a moment, go down and ask!" Go back to the back room.

Wang Hao didn't pay too much attention to these situations, but he was somewhat curious about the Ice Spirit Fruit, and secretly said in his heart: This thing is actually a rare thing in the God Realm, I don't know what it is like nice one?

Wang Hao was curious in his heart. At this time, the guy who entertained him just now walked towards Wang Hao with the medicinal materials Wang Hao needed, "My dear guest, all the medicinal materials you need are here!" Handing the storage bag to Wang Hao, Wang Hao nodded with satisfaction after sweeping his consciousness, and asked, "How many fairy stones in total?"

The guy said with a smile: "Together with all the medicinal materials, we need ten middle-grade immortal stones!"

"Ten pieces of middle-grade immortal stones?" Wang Hao was greatly surprised, because there are a large number of high-grade immortal stones in his sky-replenishing ring. He originally thought that these medicinal materials needed a lot of high-grade immortal stones, but he didn't expect that he only needed ten middle-grade immortal stones!

Seeing Wang Hao's surprised look, the guy smiled wryly and said, "My dear guest, although these herbs are not too rare, they are not common herbs either, so..." Seeing the guy's embarrassment, Wang Hao immediately knew that he had misunderstood As for what he meant, he smiled and took out a high-grade immortal stone from the Butian ring and said, "The price is quite fair!" After saying that, he handed the high-grade immortal stone to the waiter.

"Top-grade fairy stone!" Seeing Wang Hao taking out the top-grade fairy stone, the guy's eyes suddenly became more radiant. A piece of high-grade fairy stone is enough to exchange for 100 yuan of middle-grade fairy stone. Monks on background.

"Guest, please wait a moment! I'll give you some change right now!" the man said respectfully.

"No need, the rest will be your reward!" Wang Hao said with a wave of his hand.After all, the high-grade immortal stones in his sky-filling ring are worth millions, and a piece of high-grade immortal stone is really nothing to Wang Hao!

Hearing that Wang Hao rewarded himself with 90 yuan of middle-grade immortal stones at once, the guy immediately looked happy, and said excitedly: "Thank you for the reward, little one, thank you for the reward!" VIPs, but they are all out of reach of these little guys!This time, the little guy had a big luck.

(For collection!!)

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