Fairy Road

Chapter 328

The next scene surprised Liu Dong even more. After controlling himself, Wang Hao calmly took out a fan with a simple style from the storage bag, and then ruthlessly directed at the chasing gods and demons. Slapped it fiercely, and then, dozens of fire dragons trapped those gods and demons.

After a few breaths, after those fire dragons roared, all the gods and demons were refined into ashes by these fire dragons, and more than 20 magic cores appeared in front of Liu Dong's eyes, making Liu Dong's eyes greedy, but at this time Liu Dong What Dong has to consider is not these magic cores, but what Wang Hao will do with himself next.

Wang Hao put away those magic cores with a calm expression, then walked up to Liu Dong with a sneer, and said coldly, "I have a grudge against you?"

"Absolutely not, fellow daoist, this matter is definitely a misunderstanding!" Liu Dong hurriedly explained, seeing that Wang Hao didn't directly take action against him, Liu Dong thought to himself: It seems that this person didn't want his life .

"Hmph! No hatred, why did you attract these gods and demons over and over again? Could it be that you want to try my skills?" Wang Hao said with an angry look on his face.

"This... Fellow Daoist, to be honest, the gods and demons I attracted for the first time were really helpless. At that time, I really had no way to escape. Until..." When Liu Dong said this, he knew he was wrong, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

"Fellow Daoist, because of my reasons, it is really my fault for causing the fall of my friend's friend... I just hope that when I am punishing you, Fellow Daoist, you can stay in the next life!" Liu Dong thought of his wrongdoing, It's not like Wang Hao completely forgave him.

Wang Hao secretly said: Although this person is cunning, he is not a heinous person. This second encounter is probably a coincidence.He probably regards the big demon avatar as my friend, but there is no need to mention this matter.Thinking of this, a trace of grief crossed Wang Hao's face, and then he said, "Ah... my two friends really died unjustly. If it weren't for you, they wouldn't have died either!"

"Yes, yes, fellow daoist, I really know that I was wrong! I only hope to save my own life, and let fellow daoist order the rest!" Liu Dong said with a bitter face.

"Forget it! Since you entered this God's Domain with me, let's bypass you for now. However, from now on, you will be my servant wherever you go, so you are willing!" Wang Hao said with a straight face. .

Hearing Wang Hao's intention to circumvent him, Liu Dong suddenly received amnesty. Originally in this god's domain, because he lost contact with other monks, it made it difficult for him to survive. Now Wang Hao intends to accept himself as a servant. On the contrary, he gave himself a chance to be protected by a master.

Thinking of this, Liu Dong hurriedly replied: "Yes, I am willing!"

"Okay, tell me, what's your name?" Wang Hao turned pale when he heard Liu Dong's straightforward promise, and said to himself: If you accept this servant, you can use this person to stay in God's Domain during this period of time. Let's wander around and learn a little about the situation in God's Domain.

"Reporting to Master, the younger one is named Liu Dong, representing the Earth God King!" Liu Dong's role changed quite quickly, and he bowed and said to Wang Hao immediately after Wang Hao regained his control .

"Well, Liu Dong, you should know where the core of God's Domain is? Lead the way!" Wang Hao said directly.

"This...Master, there are a large number of high-level gods and demons at the core of God's Domain. If you want to go to the core, it may be dangerous!" Liu Dong said embarrassingly.

"Huh?" Wang Hao raised his eyebrows and said to Liu Dong, "Why, are you doubting my ability?"

"No, no, the little one doesn't dare, the little one will lead the way for the master!" Thinking of Wang Haofa beheading more than 20 gods and demons in just a few gestures, Liu Dong naturally didn't dare to say anything more, so he had to bite his head The belt led Wang Hao to fly towards the core area of ​​the God Realm.

At this time, in the central area of ​​the God Realm, members of the two groups of genius teams are fighting with those gods and demons. None of these genius team members are facing the attacks of several gods and demons at the same time. There are very powerful artifacts in the hands of these monks.There are magic weapons bestowed by various god kings. With these magic weapons, these monks are at least invincible.

With a ruthless sword, Shen Lang cut a demon with a seven-level god general in half, and then put his magic core into the storage bag. After sweeping his consciousness, he found that his storage bag had already There are hundreds of magic cores, and there is a hint of joy on his face. If he wins the first place in this trial, he will definitely be favored by the king of the gods. At that time, he can ask the gods The king accepted himself as a disciple.

Thinking of the three opponents around me, although they have gained a lot, compared with myself, I am afraid there is still a big gap. On Wu Song's side, he also met his pair three days ago. After the exchange, it was known that Wu Song and others entered the core area of ​​the God's Domain very late, and all four of them had only a hundred magic cores.

Naturally, it is impossible for these people to compete with him, and his own strength is also the strongest existence among these eight people. In addition, the divine sword bestowed on him by the King of Heaven makes him even more powerful.

Shen Lang made another sword strike, and after beheading a fifth-level demon, he thought to himself: It's just that I haven't seen the representatives of the Eastern God King and the Earth God King. What are these two people up to?If you don't enter the core area of ​​God's Domain, do you want to get the first result in the trial?However, the cultivator representing the Eastern God King seems to have only the second-level cultivation base of a god general. I am afraid that with such a cultivation base, he will be besieged and killed by gods and demons on the way to here.

And that cultivator named Liu Dong, who looked timid and afraid of getting into trouble, was very likely to hide somewhere and be sent out directly after the time was over.These two people shouldn't pose any threat to themselves.

Thinking of this, the divine sword in Shen Lang's hand became even more powerful, and in an instant he directly killed a demon next to him.

"Captain, the gods and demons here are almost killed, should we continue to go deeper, this place should be only a few miles away from the core of God's Domain!" said a monk beside Feng Lang.

"Of course we have to keep going. The purpose of coming here is to kill gods and demons. The closer to the core area, the more gods and demons are there. Go! Keep going!" Shen Lang said, and flew forward first.

Seeing this, the other three also flew up to follow.

However, these cultivators following behind Shen Lang also have their own ulterior motives. In fact, which one of the members who can enter the genius team is not a scheming person, can ascend to the God Realm in the lower realm, and stand out among the cultivators in the God Realm. These people It is conceivable how powerful it is!

"Hmph, relying on his outstanding cultivation and the divine sword bestowed on him by the King of Heavenly God, Shen Lang can already beat us to death. This team, go alone to kill gods and demons, so that it is possible to surpass Shen Lang and become the monk who kills the most gods and demons!" A monk thought to himself.

The other two directly communicated to each other: "Brother, does this Shen Lang regard us all as fools?"

"Yeah, if this continues, he will definitely win in the end!"

"Brother, it seems that we can't go on like this, otherwise we won't have a bright future at all!"

"It's okay, let him be happy for a few years first. In the last year, the two of us will join forces to get rid of this guy. Isn't the magic core in his hand all ours?"

"It's... just, how do we divide the magic core at that time?"

"This...hehe, this, let's talk about it later!"

These monks are constantly scheming in their hearts, and no one believes anyone. This is only the first year of entering God's Domain, and naturally there will be no cannibalism. However, when it comes to the last year, maybe .

At this time, Wang Hao was also gradually approaching the core area of ​​the God's Domain. Along the way, Wang Hao encountered many gods and demons. However, most of these gods and demons were relatively low-level existences, and occasionally had Some gods and demons who were cultivated by the gods were also directly refined by Wang Hao with the five fire fans.

Liu Dong, who was beside Wang Hao, was completely overwhelmed by Wang Hao's strength at this time, and thought to himself: As long as I follow him, at least my little life will not be lost here...

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