Fairy Road

Chapter 327 Killing Gods and Demons

Chapter 320: Killing Gods and Demons

Wang Hao escaped from the encirclement of five high-level gods and demons in an instant by using the magical power of the nine transformations of the sky demon, and then he attacked and defended without revealing anything, which immediately reflected the experience of many battles in the lower realm. stand up.Several arrows of spiritual power swished and swished towards the five gods and demons, causing them to scream continuously.

These gods and demons already knew at this time that the monk he was facing didn't want the guy who directed the escape just now. Not only was his cultivation level no worse than his own, but even the divine weapon in his hand was extremely powerful.

These spiritual power arrows were shot in front of the gods and demons, and these gods and demons were quite interested, and then they dodged their bodies to avoid the attack of the spiritual power arrows.

At this time, Wang Hao was quite pleasantly surprised to find that the sky-butting ring hovering above his head had changed again, and his eighth-level cultivation base made the sky-butting ring look like a A strange change has taken place.Now the disc-shaped sky-filling ring is obviously exuding an aura of majesty.

"Ho Ho Ho!" After the five gods and demons escaped Wang Hao's attack, they all rushed towards Wang Hao with bared teeth. Although these gods and demons did not have artifacts in their hands, the nails on their hands seemed to be like ten sharp swords , coupled with the final sharp teeth, is the most powerful weapon for gods and demons to attack monks.Moreover, the movement speed of these gods and demons is extremely fast, and their figures are erratic, which makes it extremely difficult for ordinary monks to fight against them.

At this time, Wang Hao can be considered to have learned the strength of these gods and demons. Although the divine arrows shot by his God Extinguishing Bow made these gods and demons quite afraid, their movements were extremely erratic, and they wanted to shoot them. The bodies of these gods and demons are almost impossible to look like.

Therefore, before the gods and demons rushed to his side, Wang Hao directly put the God Extinguishing Bow into the sky-replenishing ring, and then took the five fire fans out of the sky-replenishing ring, and fanned them out fiercely. Several fire dragons.The Extinguishing God Bow was powerful afterwards, but the area it attacked was not large, unlike the five fire fans, one fan covered the entire area in front of it, and all of them became places to attack.

Several fire dragons quickly trapped these five gods and demons firmly. The current fire dragons are several feet thick. Its true power up.Originally, it could only deal with the fifth-level magic weapon, the five-fire fan, but at this time, it was able to firmly bind even the sixth-level gods and demons.And began to refine it with flames.

"Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho..." These gods and demons finally knew how powerful Wang Hao was, their expressions were full of fear, and at the same time they let out a shrill roar.

Wang Hao looked at these gods and demons who were trapped by him and could be easily refined at first glance, smiled with satisfaction, and secretly said in his heart: It seems that my cultivation during this period of time has added a lot to my experience in this God's Domain weights.Thinking of this, Wang Hao slashed out with a palm, and a thick fairy power was transmitted to the fire dragons, and the fire dragons roared again and again, biting the gods and demons trapped by them into pieces.

After a few breaths, the fire dragon and the gods and demons disappeared in front of Wang Hao at the same time, leaving only five bright magic cores. The eyes of these magic cores were all purple. With a wave of Wang Hao's sleeve, these The magic core was put into his hands, and after a few glances, he threw it directly into the Sky Mending Ring.

After receiving the five crystal bright demon cores, Wang Hao thought about it for a while, and finally decided to stop cultivating and start killing some gods and demons in this God's Domain. After all, he still has the identity of a representative of the Eastern God King. If he can win the first place in the trial, it seems to be of great benefit to himself!

Thinking of this, Wang Hao sacrificed the sky-replenishing ring and started to fly in the realm of the gods. After flying for hundreds of miles, Wang Hao did not find a few decent gods and demons. These are all magic weapons. The gods and demons really couldn't arouse Wang Hao's interest in killing them.

"It seems that the place where I am now is only on the outskirts of the God's Domain. These gods and demons are all elementary-level gods and demons, and they only have the cultivation base of the magic soldier level. If you want to kill those advanced gods and demons, you must go deep into the God's Domain In the middle, it seems that those gods and demons just now were lured by Liu Dong from the depths of God's Domain. This guy is sinister and cunning, and if I meet him again, he will definitely look good.

When Wang Hao was flying to the depths of the God's Domain with all his strength, near the core of the God's Domain, these monks representing various god kings had formed two camps at this time.

Of these two camps, one is headed by Shen Lang, the representative of the Heavenly God King, and the other is headed by Wu Song, the representative of the Western God King. A large number of gods and demons with advanced cultivation bases, if they fight alone, it will be difficult to save their lives at this core.

Among these teams, a very fair tacit understanding has been formed. When encountering gods and demons, whoever kills the gods and demons in the team will own the magic core. If they work together to kill the gods and demons, is it difficult? These magic cores will be evenly distributed. In this way, both fairness and their own safety are guaranteed.

There are four monks in each team, only Wang Hao and Liu Dong are on orders at this time.Because Wang Hao has been practicing, he has not penetrated into the core of God's Domain.Because Liu Dong has always been relatively timid, he dared not go deep into the core of God's Domain.Therefore, these two people can only fight alone at this time.

Liu Dong led the five gods and demons who were chasing and killing him to Wang Hao's side, and finally heaved a long sigh of relief. He was chased by these gods and demons for a distance of hundreds of miles, which really made him exhausted Unbearable, if I hadn't met Wang Hao, I might have become the food in the mouths of these gods and demons.

Of course, in addition to being lucky, Liu Dong still has a little bit of worry in his heart. After all, Wang Hao's cultivation seems to be much stronger than his own. If Wang Hao kills these gods and demons, Wang Hao will meet him again , will definitely avenge the two monks under him.It seems that it is better for me to stay far away from here!

Liu Dong's figure looked extremely erratic, and his speed was like a shooting star, but even so, he was still discovered by several gods and demons not far away. It is indeed several times that of those gods and demons just now, reaching more than 20.

Just after Liu Dong entered the range of these gods and demons, these gods and demons immediately surrounded Liu Dong. Liu Dong was stunned, and instantly thought of a word: escape!Faced with such a situation, if he didn't escape in time, there might be only one word left for Liu Dong: die!

Liu Dong frantically fled towards the outskirts of God's Domain. The more than 20 gods and demons had already discovered Liu Dong's aura, and desperately chased after him.If it weren't for Liu Dong's best skill at escaping, Liu Dong would be besieged and killed by gods and demons in less than a cup of tea!

Coincidentally, after Liu Dong fled for hundreds of miles, he bumped into Wang Hao who was flying towards the core of God's Domain again. Wang Hao was also very surprised at this time, and thought to himself: Could it be that this monk has a grudge against him? , every time I meet this person, I bring a lot of gods and demons with me.However, Wang Hao was not allowed to think too much, Liu Dong had already brought more than 20 gods and demons to Wang Hao.Liu Dong repeated his old tricks, trying to pass Wang Hao again with that weird movement technique.

However, Wang Hao was already prepared at this time. Just when Liu Dong twisted his body and wanted to walk past him, Wang Hao suddenly stretched out his right hand and grabbed Liu Dong's arm. , Liu Dong's body froze and was frozen in place by Wang Hao.In any case, Liu Dong never expected that Wang Hao's most proud supernatural power would be easily broken by Wang Hao. Therefore, without even the slightest resistance, he was directly controlled by Wang Hao.

(The superb in the God Realm is coming soon, please collect it quickly, quack quack!)

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