Fairy Road

Chapter 330

While Shen Lang and the others were constantly beheading these gods and demons who had lost their sense of resistance, the figures of Wang Hao and Liu Dong also gradually approached.But Wu Song and the others are still standing still at this time, constantly repairing the energy they lost during this period of time.

"Master, look, what are the dense crowds in front of you?" Liu Dong suddenly said to Wang Hao with a look of horror.Wang Hao also released his consciousness at this time, and with a slight sweep, his face suddenly became extremely ugly: "There are so many monks gathered in front, what's going on? Could it be that something happened there!" Wang Hao thought to himself.

Liu Dong continued: "They! It's them! It's Shen Lang and the others!"

"Huh?" Wang Hao's spiritual sense at this time also found the figures of Shen Lang and others. At this time, Shen Lang and others were deeply trapped in these gods and demons. The gods and demons around him continued to kill, and those gods and demons seemed to have no resistance at all, allowing Shen Lang and the other four to kill them.

"What's going on here? Master, these gods and demons seem to have no resistance at all. What kind of supernatural power did Shen Lang and the others use? There is such a magical power!" Liu Dong was completely overwhelmed at this time. The scene in front of him was stunned, so many gods and demons were beyond Liu Dong's perception range, and the fierceness of Shen Lang and others made Liu Dong's heart beat continuously, what kind of people are these people? Man, it's scary!

Wang Hao was also surprised at this time. His divine sense kept scanning the boundless gods and demons, and when he found that these gods and demons were rushing towards one direction with dull eyes, he thought to himself: It seems that these gods and demons are What are they attracted by, but why do they lose the power to resist and let Shen Lang and others kill them?

"Liu Dong, let's go! Let's go in and have a look. I want to try it out. Is it because these gods and demons have lost consciousness themselves, or is it caused by the supernatural powers of Shen Lang and others!" Wang Hao said loudly.

After hearing Wang Hao's proposal, Liu Dong's legs trembled slightly. So many gods and demons really made Liu Dong already terrified in his heart.Now that Wang Hao actually wants to go deep into it, Liu Dong said to Wang Hao with a bitter face: "This...Master...Can I not go?"

"Hmph! I won't force you, but if you stay here alone and encounter a lot of gods and demons, I won't save you!" Wang Hao said with a sneer.

"Um...Master, the little one still decides to follow the lead of the master! Master, please go first!" Liu Dong said with a bitter face.

"Aren't you going to follow my lead? Then you should be in the lead!" Wang Hao said intentionally, then pulled Liu Dong and rushed towards the tide-like god and demon.

When the two got close to these gods and demons, Wang Hao realized that these gods and demons were no longer threatening at this time, because even if they came to these gods and demons, they would not attack him.This discovery immediately surprised Wang Hao, and Liu Dong was even more excited. He screamed and took out a high-grade artifact from the storage bag, and began to kill these gods and demons.

After all, the ten monks who came to God's Domain all had the idea of ​​killing gods and demons. Whoever had the most demon cores would even be rewarded by the god king, and Liu Dong was no exception.At this time, Wang Hao was not in a hurry to kill these gods and demons, but used his divine sense to observe what these gods and demons were attracted by at this time, and they actually lost the power to resist.

"Well, it's that black hole!" After some searching, Wang Hao finally found the location of the black hole.

"The target of these gods and demons is the black hole, and a large number of gods and demons are constantly rushing towards that black hole. It seems that there should be something in this black hole that makes these gods and demons extremely interested!" Thinking of this , Wang Hao probed his consciousness into the black hole again.

"I'd like to see what kind of thing caused these gods and demons to lose their sanity. Could it be some strange treasure that appeared in the God's Domain!" Wang Hao was secretly speculating in his heart, but he felt his divine consciousness It seemed that he was severely impacted by a strange force, Wang Hao suddenly let out a muffled groan, and a trace of blood gushed out from the corner of his mouth.

"What is this? It's so powerful. It's not a treasure, but a cultivator!" Wang Hao was terrified. This cultivator has attracted so many gods and demons. Extremely profound.The one hand that hurt his own consciousness just now is enough to kill him.

Thinking of this, Wang Hao's heart suddenly became vigilant, and he said to Liu Dong beside him: "If you encounter danger, you give up resisting, and I will put you in my storage space!"

"No, master, these gods and demons are already fools, what danger will they have!" Liu Dong was already too excited at this time, and he didn't care about Wang Hao's reminder.

In the black hole, the young man also opened his eyes that had been tightly closed at this time, and said in his mouth: "Two more monks came, hmph, one of them dared to use his spiritual sense to detect this place, he really didn't know what to do! You live a little longer, it seems that you can no longer stay here now!"

The young man murmured, and then, a strange knot was suddenly pinched in his hands, and then, the red light around his body suddenly became weaker and weaker.Later, it just disappeared into the black hole.

Just when the red light around the young man gradually disappeared, all the gods and demons outside the black hole suddenly regained a trace of clarity in their eyes, and then, roars came from the mouths of these gods and demons sent out.These gods and demons finally regained their sanity.

At this time, Shen Lang and the others were still constantly attacking the surrounding gods and demons, and their figures were already in the middle of tens of thousands of gods and demons.With a sword, Shen Lang slashed at a demon with a seventh-level cultivation of a general, and the demon turned his backhand to attack Shen Lang.

"Well, these gods and demons have recovered their sanity!" Shen Lang's face changed, and then he shouted wildly, "Go, these gods and demons have recovered their sanity!" He was scratched by an eighth-level god and devil by a god general, and died tragically in front of Shen Lang.

"Let's go!" Shen Lang continued to roar, but at this moment, he no longer had the slightest confidence in being able to break through, because there were already dense crowds around him, all of them were high-level gods and demons.

"Ah!!!!!!" After several screams, the three of Shen Lang were directly swallowed by these gods and demons, and even their bodies were bitten into pieces by these gods and demons.The only thing left are the several artifacts in their storage bags.

At this moment, although Wang Hao and Liu Dong were not surrounded by gods and demons, the gods and demons who were closer to them also started to attack them madly.Liu Dong's complexion suddenly turned pale, any of these gods and demons surpassed his cultivation, and soon surrounded him.

"Come in!" Wang Hao's figure rang in Liu Dong's ears, and Liu Dong remembered what Wang Hao had said. Once he relaxed his consciousness, he felt that he had entered a space rich in spiritual energy.

After Wang Hao brought Liu Dong into the sky-filling ring, he fanned out the five fire fans continuously, and countless fire dragons trapped the gods and demons around him. However, after a few breaths, the fire dragons that trapped the gods and demons disappeared. It was directly swallowed by the gods and demons who continued to dare to come, Wang Hao's complexion changed, and he finally took out Luo Tianpa from the sky-filling ring.

Luo Tianpa was sacrificed in mid-air by Wang Hao, and suddenly it was like a huge curtain, blocking those gods and demons a few feet in front of Wang Hao. Wang Hao breathed a sigh of relief, but immediately realized that More and more gods and demons attacked Luo Tianpa, making Luo Tianpa tremble more and more.

(Please collect it!!!)

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