Fairy Road

Chapter 370

Surrounded by a large area of ​​dead energy, Wang Hao's heart immediately sank to the bottom of the valley.The sound that just rang in his ear made Wang Hao immediately take out the sky-replenishing ring and hover over his head, and the sky-replenishing ring released ten thousand rays of light to cover Wang Hao firmly. There was a trace of calm.

"It can be seen that I have the cultivation base of an intermediate god king, and he still treats me as food. What kind of monster is this?" Wang Hao was still very disturbed.

"Ho Ho Ho!" Suddenly, loud roars resounded in mid-air, Wang Hao couldn't help feeling awe-inspiring, and looked up, only to see a huge shadow covering the entire sky.There are two sun-like balls of light in the sky, which are moving slowly at this time.

"This ball of light, could it be the eyes of this monster? How big is this monster in God's Domain?" Wang Hao was covered in cold sweat immediately. He didn't expect that he had entered the territory of this monster while running away. From the looks of it, compared to fighting to the death with Li Li, fighting this divine beast would definitely not be much easier.

Wang Hao released his consciousness, wanting to detect the cultivation of this monster. After all, with Wang Hao's current cultivation of an intermediate god king, even if he encounters some extremely powerful monsters, Wang Hao will definitely have the ability to make him succumb. of strength.However, this time, Wang Hao was too careless.

Just after Wang Hao released his consciousness, the black shadow in mid-air suddenly became extremely clear. A monster with extremely weird appearance, only its head was hundreds of feet in size, and it opened its mouth wide. Mouth, a white light suddenly spit out from the mouth, and it rolled onto Wang Hao's body all at once.

Wang Hao suddenly felt that his body could no longer be controlled, and it was impossible to even use the Nine Transformations of the Heavenly Demon.

"This white light can actually make me lose all the mana in my body. It seems that the cultivation of this monster is probably much higher than mine. Could it be that this is a monster with the cultivation of a high-level god king!" Here, Wang Hao just realized why Mo Li chased here, but he disappeared. It seems that Mo Li should know that there is such a monster here, and he should have been tricked.

A thought flashed in Wang Hao's mind. At this moment, his body was already drawn by the white light emitted by the monster, and he couldn't help but fly towards the monster's big mouth. "It's over, this time it actually became the food in the mouth of this monster. It's really not as good as the sky!" Wang Hao was extremely depressed at this time. ,

At this time, although the sky-replenishing ring above Wang Hao's head still emitted a ray of light, covering Wang Hao firmly, it could not prevent Wang Hao from being swallowed by this monster.After one breath, Wang Hao felt his eyes darken, and his body entered a dark and damp place. , this should be the inside of the monster.

A stench and unpleasant smell immediately poured into Wang Hao's nostrils. Wang Hao swept his consciousness and found that the monster's body was at least thousands of feet in size, which was really shocking.Wang Hao's body involuntarily slid to a place filled with light green liquid.Wang Hao's body was immediately soaked in it, and after a few breaths, Wang Hao's face became extremely ugly.

"This green liquid actually has the effect of corroding the physical body. Even though I practice the Heavenly Demon Nine Refinements and my physical body is extremely strong, I still feel the result of an irreversible corrosion! If it is an ordinary cultivator, I am afraid that I will be counting breaths." Afterwards, the fleshy body will be directly turned into puddles of puddles by these green liquids." Wang Hao thought to himself, at this moment, the light emitted by the sky-replenishing ring became stronger at first.

After a few breaths, cobweb-like things were released from the sky-replenishing ring, wrapping Wang Hao's body tightly in it. Wang Hao thought to himself: Originally, I was planning to hide in the sky-replenishing ring. There is no need to come, the things released by the sky-replenishing ring can prevent one's body from being corroded by those green liquids!

After Wang Hao's body was directly wrapped, the stone in his heart was also put down, and then he began to close his eyes in the monster's body to rest his mind. The long escape had already made Wang Hao feel exhausted, but Wang Hao directly used this After a while, I started to cultivate.

Three days later, Wang Hao's eyes opened again.After thinking about it for a while, he felt that it was impossible for him to leave here in a short time, so he simply practiced directly in the monster's body.

"I don't know if those high-ranking god kings can find this monster after the god's domain is opened again, and subdue or even kill this monster, so that I can get out of this beast's body. Otherwise, I'm afraid I'll grow old." It’s time to stay in this beast’s body, and before I cultivate to a high-level god king, I’m afraid there is no hope of getting out!” Wang Hao no longer has too much extravagant hope for himself to get out of the beast’s body.

At this time, Li Li had already left God's Domain and returned to the Immortal Realm by using the secret technique. The return of a high-ranking Immortal Emperor caused the entire Immortal Realm to shake.After all, although Li Li's previous cultivation base was good, he was not considered an outstanding existence in the fairy world.

But the meaning of high-level immortal emperors is different. Originally, the most top-level existences in the fairy world and the god world were high-level immortal emperors and high-level god kings. Among them, if one of them has a new Immortal Emperor and God King born, it will naturally play a role in breaking the balance in the comparison between the two realms.

Therefore, as soon as Mo Li returned to the fairy world, he had received invitations from the high-level immortal emperors in the fairy world, entered the fairy emperor's heavenly palace, and began to discuss the upcoming battle between immortals and gods together.

In the God Realm, it is finally time to start the God Domain again. On this day, ten high-ranking God Kings appeared outside the God Domain at the same time. This time, the meaning of the start of the God Domain is very different from the previous ones. Because, the ten monks in the genius team each represent a high-level god king.

Whichever monk kills the most gods and demons will give this god king the opportunity to take over the power of the gods in the future. Therefore, the faces of the ten high-ranking gods became extremely dignified before they opened the gods.Although everyone knew in their hearts that the cultivators representing themselves possessed the artifacts bestowed by them, but other cultivators naturally also had powerful artifacts in their hands.

"Everyone, the time has come, why don't you wait any longer, how about starting the God Realm directly?" After all, the Heavenly God King is still the King of God Kings in charge of the entire God Realm, so he was the first to remind.

"What the King of Heavenly God said is very true!" The King of Earth God directly echoed.Naturally, the other god kings had no opinion. After all, sooner or later, the door to the domain of the gods needs to be opened.

Ten sources of energy directly impacted on the gate of God's Domain, and the gate of God's Domain gradually opened, and the aura inside burst out.The faces of the ten god kings are all extremely dignified, and the time to reveal the final mystery has finally come.

However, after the door of God's Domain was fully opened, the expressions of all the God Kings became unusually dignified. Among them, several God Kings changed their expressions drastically, and began to shout: "In this God's Domain, there is no Any monk's breath, could it be that all the members of the genius team have fallen in this God's Domain!"

The Heavenly God King said: "You all stay calm and don't be impatient. I will release my consciousness and search carefully before I say it." As the Heavenly God King said, another vertical eye suddenly opened in his eyes. In the middle, a burst of golden light burst out, directly probing into the realm of the gods.

All the god kings stopped talking at this moment. The supernatural power of the god king is unmatched by other god kings. Therefore, it is better to wait quietly for the final result.

Half an hour later, the vertical eyes between the Heavenly God King's eyes suddenly closed, and then the Heavenly God King sighed and said, "I've searched the entire God Realm, but I didn't find a monk's aura!" His face also dimmed, and the faces of other god kings became extremely rich.

Unexpectedly, the King of Heavenly God suddenly continued to say: "However, in the forbidden area of ​​God's Domain, Hong Huang's body seems to have the aura of a monk, but I can't be sure that this monk is a member of the genius team!"


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