Fairy Road

Chapter 373 Conspiracy

Hearing what the Eastern God King said, Wang Hao secretly said in his heart: It turns out that he didn't want my sky-replenishing ring. It seems that my guess was wrong!

"Wang Hao, you don't know. In this God Realm, in addition to us high-level God Kings, there is an existence above our high-level God Kings. Over there is the Holy Maiden of the God Realm. The Holy Maiden's The status is much higher than that of the king of gods and kings. Moreover, there are eight holy objects in the hands of the saint, and their strength is also steadily surpassing that of the king of gods. The sky-replenishing ring is the most powerful of the saints. A holy object!"

"Saint?" Wang Hao asked pretending to be surprised, "This is the first time I've heard of it.

The East God King nodded and said: "You didn't have many days to ascend to the God Realm just now, so it's understandable not to know the Holy Maiden, after all, it has been many years since the Holy Maiden was abolished by us high-ranking God Kings! "

"Abolished by you?" Wang Hao asked. At this time, Wang Hao's heart was already excited, and he secretly said: It seems that the secret of the saint can be found out from the mouth of the East God King.

"That's right!" The Eastern God King's face suddenly became solemn, "What a noble existence the Goddess is, I didn't expect that she would have a relationship with an ordinary monk in the lower realm, and she was even pregnant in the end." , gave birth to a boy in the lower realm. This incident shocked all the high-ranking god-kings in the city of Zhongyang. In the end, we god-kings discussed and decided to abolish the saint of the gods and imprison her in the holy In the female mountain!"

"So that's the case, are those saintesses still in the Saintess Mountain?" Wang Hao asked.

"That's right. However, news came out from the Saintess Mountain recently that the saintess' injuries have almost recovered, and her current cultivation level has improved. Among us high-level god kings, the earth god king once went to the saintess alone. Shan inquired about the saintess' cultivation, but he didn't expect to be defeated by the saints within a few moves! Therefore, the high-level god kings in the city of Zhongyang are worried in their hearts, worrying that the saints will one day produce saints Shan, take revenge on us!"

Wang Hao's heart was already extremely resentful at this time, but his face was already calm and calm, and he even asked deliberately: "Then why don't you join forces to remove the saint!"

"Impossible!" said the Eastern God King, "the saint holds a sacred object called the Heart of the God Realm. This is the hub of the entire God Realm. Possessing this sacred object is tantamount to living and dying with the God Realm. As long as If the God Realm is not destroyed, the Saintess will not be killed!"

"Heart of the God Realm? There is such a treasure in the world..." Wang Hao sighed, but he felt relieved in his heart. It turns out that you have nothing to do with the saint, hahaha!

"So, Wang Hao, what I hope you do is related to the saint!" Dongshenwang said

"Eastern God King, please tell me, if I can do it, I will definitely do it!" Wang Hao replied, but secretly said in his heart: I want me to help you deal with the saint, hahahahaha, okay, I will promise you first , when the time comes, you will know how wrong this decision is!

"Wang Hao, you have the Heaven-Mending Ring, a sacred object in the God Realm, when the time comes, you will go to the Holy Maiden Mountain under the pretext of dedicating the Mending Sky Ring to the Holy Maiden, and beg for something like the Holy Maiden. This thing is called the Holy Maiden." Blessings, if a cultivator in the God Realm can receive the blessing of the Holy Maiden, he will be able to improve his cultivation to a higher level. You are now an intermediate God King, and by then, you will be able to become a high-level God King. And, you enter the Holy Maiden Mountain After that, you can take the opportunity to steal the heart of the gods from the hands of the saint. If you can steal this thing from the hands of the saint, you will be a great achievement. In the future, I will pass on the seat of the king of gods to you It's not impossible!" The Eastern God King said with a sly look in his eyes.

Actually asked me to steal things from the saint, this East God King is really treacherous!However, you are not the King of God Kings yet, yet you start to promise me to be the new King of God Kings, it is really ridiculous.Wang Hao's face changed, and he said: "This matter is very dangerous. If the saint finds out, with my cultivation base, I will definitely end up in ruins!"

Seeing Wang Hao's refusal, the East God King said, "Don't worry, we will always pay attention to you when the time comes. Once the matter is revealed, we will naturally go to the Holy Maiden Mountain and rescue you!"

After Wang Hao pondered for a while, he just nodded and said: "Okay, since it is the East God King who has spoken, I can't refuse, but I hope the East God King will not forget his promise!" I have already made a decision, and when I enter the Holy Maiden Mountain, I will unite with the Holy Maiden to wipe out all of you pious fellows!

Seeing that Wang Hao agreed, the East God King immediately looked happy. Before he formally pulled the old guy Zhong Shen Wang from his seat as the King of God Kings, the East God King had already begun to plan for himself A big plan in the God Realm.A young God King with unlimited potential like Wang Hao is naturally the object that the East God King needs to try his best to win over.

After the two exchanged pleasantries for a while, the East God King said goodbye and left. Before leaving, the East God King repeatedly told Wang Hao not to go out alone. After all, they will go to the Middle God King the day after tomorrow. In the days when he was in the palace, Wang Hao was the most critical person who could prove the victory of the East God King. At this time, the East God King didn't want Wang Hao to do anything.

Of course, the king of the gods at this time didn't think so.At this time, the King of the Gods is discussing with the two God Kings of Heaven and Earth about the upcoming time of the East God King and others.

King Zhongshen slammed a glazed lamp on the ground, and said angrily: "How could this happen? Among the ten monks in the genius team, the other nine died, but this Wang Hao survived alone. And he was able to survive in Honghuang's belly, is it God's will that I step down from the position of the king of gods and kings?"

The King of Gods frowned and said: "King of Gods, this may be a coincidence. After Wang Hao was swallowed by Honghuang, he obtained the sacred object of the sky-replenishing ring in Honghuang's belly. After he accidentally recognized the master, the sky-replenishing ring automatically protected the master. , This is also very normal! However, if the East God King wants to sit on the seat of the King of God Kings, we will not let them succeed easily!"

The Earth God King also said: "That's right, the East God King wants to become the King of God Kings, but he doesn't have the qualifications yet!"

The Central God King suddenly sighed at this time: "Now the four East God Kings plus the three newly promoted God Kings, their strength has already surpassed us by a lot, even if we are unwilling to give up the seat of the King of God Kings , so what?"

At this time, the Heavenly God King suddenly smiled strangely: "Central God King, who said that the three newly promoted God Kings will help the East God King, at least I have reached an agreement with the Phantom Baby God King, and he will definitely support us! "

"What? The Phantom Infant God King agrees to support us?" Zhongshen Wang said pleasantly, and then his face turned down again, "Even if there is one more Phantom Infant God King, I am afraid it will not have much impact on the general situation. They are six against four , although the three of us have relatively strong cultivation bases, I am afraid it will be difficult for us to secure victory!"

"That's right, so, some time ago, I quietly left the city of Zhongyang, hehehehehe..." The Earth God King suddenly laughed sinisterly.

A surprised look appeared on the face of the King of the Middle Gods, and he asked, "What does the King of the Earth Gods mean?"

"God King Zhongli!" Earth God King said suddenly.

"Impossible, he has a very good relationship with Eastern God King, it is impossible for him to defect!" said Central God King.

"There is no need for him to defect, as long as he doesn't attack, the four of us can steadily defeat the five of them!" The King of Earth God said, his voice suddenly became quieter, "Zhongli's daughter is now in my hands... . . . "

"What!" The face of King Zhongshen suddenly became ecstatic, and three rough laughter immediately resounded throughout the hall.

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