Fairy Road

Chapter 374 The Power Struggle

A satisfied smile finally appeared on the face of King Zhongshen. He didn't expect that his right-hand man was actually planning ahead, and had already kicked two of the three promoted Kings out of the camp of King Dongshen and others.Moreover, the Imaginary Infant King is now on his side, and the King Zhongli loves his daughter very much. This matter is already well known in the city of Zhongyang, so if he uses this to blackmail the King Zhongli, he will surely succeed. At the critical moment, Zhongli Shenwang turned against him.

"It seems that in the God Realm, one or two high-ranking God Kings will perish again!" the Central God King said suddenly, but there was no trace of regret in his words, but an expression of excitement.

"That's necessary. It's best to get rid of the East God King. This time I used Zhongli's daughter to threaten Zhongli. Zhongli must have resentment in his heart. When the time comes, I will find an opportunity to get rid of Zhongli as well!" Earth God Wang said viciously, in his heart he was also worried that King Zhongli would take revenge on him because of his daughter.

"It's best for you to kill the surviving cultivator in the genius team. Without this person, the East God King's forced palace will become unjustified!" the Middle God King continued.

"Wang Hao is the King of Gods talking about?" asked the King of Gods. "That's right, it's this kid, and there are many secrets about this kid, among which the origin of the Sky Mending Ring is yet to be explored!" The King of Gods said, with a hint of greed in his eyes. Among them, only the King of Gods understands the true power of the sky-butting ring, because he is the only one who has suffered from the sky-butting ring!

"It's easy to kill Wang Hao. He's just an intermediate god king. It's just that the East God King arranged Wang Hao in his own mansion and didn't let Wang Hao out at all. It's a tricky thing!" He frowned and looked towards the Earth God King. Among the three, the Earth God King was the most sinister and cunning one.

"It's easy to handle at this time. I have already ordered the hall to be clear. Wang Hao is from Luoxia Village, and there is a lot of hatred between Luoxia Village and Xiguan Village. Therefore, I have sent people to provoke the monks of Xiguan Village. Go and attack the monks in Luoxia Village. In this way, I am afraid that Wang Hao will not be able to do anything! :" The Earth God King said with a sinister smile, "As long as Wang Hao comes out of the East God King's Mansion, I will I will shoot and kill him in one fell swoop!"

"Okay! Earth God King, you have made great achievements this time, and I will never treat you badly!" Zhong Shen Wang laughed excitedly, and the situation gradually began to change in a direction that is beneficial to him .

In an inn in the city of Zhongyang, the monks of Xiguan Village were discussing passionately at this time. Among them, the leader of the monks slapped the table directly and said to the other monks: "This time we will give Luo Let the monks in Xia Village teach me a lesson, and let them know that my monks in Xiguan Village are not so easy to mess with!" Saying this, he got up and walked outside.At this time, all the monks of Xiguan Village followed behind him aggressively towards the inn where Luoxia Village was staying.

These monks of Xiguan Village, under the instigation of the monks sent by the three Earth God Kings, were already furious in their hearts. They wished to kill all the monks of Luoxia Village. One of them, someone has already proposed to slaughter all the monks in Luoxia Village.

Soon, the monks of the two villages confronted each other on the street. At this time, the monks of Luoxia Village were more sensible, Gao Wuyong said: "What's the matter with your monks of Xiguan Village? Is it forbidden to fight privately? You are looking for death yourself, don't drag us into the water!"

"Huh! Gao Wuyong, you are too timid! Well, you should have heard of the martial arts arena in the city of Zhongyang, we will go there, and the king of gods will not care whether you do it or not, do you dare to fight?" !?" The monks in Xiguan Village were deeply concerned about the murder of the village chief's son.

"Hmph! It seems that you have forgotten your identities now. You have joined the army of the God Realm and become a sergeant. How can you act privately?" Gao Wuyong knew that his strength was not from Xiguan Village. Opponent, so deliberately delayed.

"Gao Wuyong, don't talk nonsense. I will ask you now whether you dare or not. If you dare not, kneel on the ground and kowtow to us a few times, and we will bypass you, how about it?" Seeing that Gao Wuyong had no intention of making a move, the monk immediately became even more arrogant.

The mud bodhisattva was also very angry. Hearing such provocative words, Gao Wuyong finally couldn't bear it anymore, and said angrily: "Okay, since you want to compete, then do it. If you lose, don't regret it!" After saying that, he turned around and walked towards the competition arena in the city of Zhongyang.However, when Gao Wuyong turned around, his lips moved slightly.

"Go to the East God King's Mansion quickly and tell King Wang Hao about this!" Gao Wuyong knew that his strength was not the opponent of Xiguan Village, so he thought of Wang Hao. At this time, Wang Hao had already been promoted to the middle level God King, almost everyone in Zhongyang City knows about this matter.If Wang Hao can be invited over, these monks in Xiguan Village will naturally no longer be arrogant.

Tomorrow is the day when the East God King will go to the Middle God King to force the palace, but Wang Hao has not wasted any time, he is already practicing diligently in the East God King's mansion.At this time, a monk who looked like a servant knocked on Wang Hao's door.

"Shenwang Wang Hao, there is a man outside the door who claims to be a monk from Luoxia Village, begging to see him!"

"Huh?" Wang Hao opened his eyes suddenly, and said, "Cultivator of Luoxia Village, invite him in!" No small affection.

After meeting the monks in Luoxia Village, Wang Hao found that he was anxious, and asked directly: "Did something happen in Luoxia Village?"

"God King Wang Hao, nothing happened in Luoxia Village, it's just that the monks of Xiguan Village in this central city actually challenged the people of Luoxia Village. Now Gao Wuyong took the people of Luoxia Village to the competition stage , Our strength here is not as good as Xiguan Village, so Gao Wuyong asked me to invite you, King Wang Hao!"

"What! Gao Wuyong and others have already gone to the martial arts arena!" Wang Hao thought to himself, "It doesn't matter whether life or death is in this martial arts arena. Gao Wuyong and others are in great danger." Thinking of this, Wang Hao said directly: "Okay, I'll take a trip with you to have a look!"

At this moment, the East God King was not in the mansion, so Wang Hao was not hindered at all when he came out of the East God King's mansion.The East God King didn't expect Wang Hao to come out privately, so he didn't tell people not to let Wang Hao go out of the house!

Wang Hao had just walked out of the East God King's mansion following the monk from Xiguan Village, but at a distance of only a few tens of feet, he suddenly felt an extremely powerful coercion suddenly appearing above his head.Wang Hao swept his consciousness and found a huge palm grabbing towards him.

Wherever this palm went, there was a rumbling sound of thunder, and the surrounding sky suddenly became like night. The cultivator of Luoxia Village was already under such pressure at this moment, so he directly He just fainted, and even though Wang Hao was an intermediate god king, he felt a breath of death gradually approaching him.

"This must be the high-level god king who shot at me. The East God King is really right. What the Middle God King and others want most is my life. If I die, the East God King will become It's not right to say it!" Wang Hao's thoughts flashed, and a ruddy white disk had already appeared on top of his head.

Wang Hao wanted to use the sky-replenishing ring to resist the blow of the high-level god king. However, this was not a direct attack from the high-level god king, but the earth god king used his divine sense to turn into a giant hand in his own mansion to attack Wang Hao. consciousness attack.Wang Hao has never been too afraid of divine consciousness, after all, the sky-filling ring can absorb the attack of divine consciousness.

After the giant palm hit the sky-butting ring, it really didn't pose any threat to Wang Hao, and the ray of consciousness was absorbed by the sky-butting ring in an instant.The face of the Earth God King who was far away in his mansion changed, and he finally murmured: "It seems that this sky-replenishing ring is really a good treasure. It can even easily swallow my spiritual consciousness. I need to personally I shot at the kid!" As he said that, his figure turned into a wisp of smoke and disappeared into the room.

After Wang Hao used the sky-filling ring to dissolve the giant palm transformed by the divine consciousness, he didn't dare to stay at all, and fled directly towards the mansion of the East God King, because he knew in his heart that this was the high-level God King who wanted to take his life. If he could return to the East God King's mansion in time, relying on the restrictions placed by the East God King, he would be able to withstand the attacks of some high-ranking God Kings.

However, Wang Hao's speed was obviously not as good as that of the Earth God King. When Wang Hao was about to enter the East God King's Palace, a figure, almost a cultivator without a trace of human fireworks, suddenly appeared in front of Wang Hao.Wang Hao knew this person, he was the famous Earth God King in the God Realm.

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