Fairy Road

Chapter 376 Chaos

The face of the Eastern God King became more and more difficult to look at, and the original plan had now all been turned ridiculous by the sudden defection of the Huanying God King and Zhongli God King.The great situation was instantly reversed by the King of Gods.At this time, Wang Hao's complexion also became gloomy. If Dongshenwang and others were defeated, his end would definitely be bombarded and killed by Zhongshenwang and others. Even Butianhuan would definitely become Zhongshenwang. The object pursued by the god king and others.

"How about it, East God King, do you have any other thoughts about the position of my God King King?" Zhong Shen Wang said coldly, the situation at this time is already very favorable to him, so the expression of Zhong Shen King is also become extremely relaxed.

"Hmph, King Zhongshen, do you want to overthrow the results of the previous discussions easily?" Dongshen King said angrily. At this time, Dongshen King has reached the point where the arrow is on the string and has to be fired, so he can only bite the bullet Discuss with the King of Gods.

"Hahahahaha, what a joke, East God King, don't pretend to be stupid anymore, don't you know that in the God Realm, everyone speaks on the basis of strength? If your strength is stronger than mine, I'm afraid you have already started You're attacking me!" said the King of Gods, and with a wave of his right hand, the several gods behind him all released their auras.

The sky over the central city of the entire God Realm was now covered with cloudy clouds, and the daytime even became like night. There seemed to be countless lightning bolts contained in the dark clouds, which were about to burst out in an instant.

At this time, the other monks in the city of Zhongyang were also shocked by the aura emanating from these high-ranking god kings, and they all hid tremblingly, for fear that the high-ranking god king's anger would destroy the entire city of Zhongyang. The city was destroyed, and the fire at the city gate affected the fish in the pond. These monks with high-level god generals and even junior god kings were not willing to become like the fish in the pond.

"What's going on? How could there be enmity between those high-ranking god kings? Are they going to destroy the entire city of Zhongyang?"

"Should we hurry up and leave the city of Zhongyang? Otherwise, after the high-level god king takes action, the city of Zhongyang will be turned into ashes under the wrath of the high-level god king, and we will all fall with the destruction of the city of Zhongyang!" !"

Almost all the monks in the city of Zhongyang began to frantically rush out of the city of Zhongyang. At this moment, several figures flew away from the city of Zhongyang like arrows leaving the string, and all the monks were He let out a long sigh of relief.

"It seems that although these high-level god-kings started fighting, they are not willing to destroy the city of Zhongyang. We don't have to worry, they have already left the city of Zhongyang!"

At this time, these high-level god-kings had already left the city of Zhongyang, and arrived at a deserted place thousands of miles away from the city of Zhongyang. Among them was a figure whose aura was stronger than those around him. Much weaker, obviously Wang Hao who has been following the Eastern God King.

"Do it!" The Central God King is no longer willing to waste his time talking. What he wants to see most at this moment is to directly kill the Eastern God King, his greatest threat, and then continue to rule the entire city of Zhongyang as his god. king of kings.

"Boom, boom, boom..." Several god kings shot at the same time, and it was the first time Wang Hao saw such a strong aura in his life. Wang Hao hurriedly sacrificed the sky-replenishing ring, covering his body firmly, for fear of He was injured by the aura exuded by the high-ranking god king.However, it is absolutely impossible for Wang Hao to stay out of the matter.

Just when Wang Hao sacrificed the sky-replenishing ring, the Earth God King was the first to pounce on him. Wang Hao's complexion changed, and the Nine Transformations of the Heavenly Demon was used instantly, and his figure flickered several times in a row. The son is hundreds of feet away from these high-level gods.

"Boy, let's see who can save you this time!" The Earth God King once again sacrificed the magic weapon in the headband, intending to trap Wang Hao directly and kill him directly.Wang Hao's complexion changed suddenly, and he read out the formula of the demon saint transformation, and the avatars of several big monsters appeared around Wang Hao's body in an instant. It turned out to be an intermediate god king, and several god kings shot at the same time, attacking the magic weapon in the hoop.

"Well, the avatar of the great ancient demon, boy, you actually cultivated the supernatural powers in the ancient demon scriptures. I really didn't expect that the ancient demon scriptures would fall into your hands when they fell into the lower realm!" With a hint of joy, he knew the value of this ancient demon scripture in his heart.

"Boom boom boom..." The headband-mounted artifact of the Earth God King is indeed extremely powerful. After sweeping over, it instantly killed several big monsters in front of Wang Hao. Wang Hao's expression changed, and he thought to himself: I don't know this item How does the artifact compare to my Sky Mending Ring?Wang Hao didn't think too much in a hurry, he could only quickly pick up the Heavenly Demon Nine Changes and start to escape.

It's just that the speed of this earth god king is much faster than Wang Hao, and this hoop-shaped magic weapon seems to be able to predict the location of Wang Hao's next appearance in advance. As soon as Wang Hao's figure appears, the magic weapon will be under the hood, It made Wang Hao very distressed, so he could only use the Nine Transformations of the Heavenly Demon to avoid the pursuit of that artifact.

At this time, the Earth God King was also extremely depressed. He never thought that Wang Hao could practice the Nine Transformations of the Tai Yao in the Immemorial Demon Scripture to such a level. With a thought, he could easily hide his body. It made it difficult for his own sky hoop to catch it directly.

After a few breaths, the Earth God King finally couldn't hold back anymore. Although the Huntian hoop was extremely powerful, it was actually difficult to kill Wang Hao in a short time under Wang Hao's constant escape.And the King of the Middle Gods was already sent by voice transmission, ordering him to quickly Wang Hao, and then went to help out. Without the King of the Earth Gods, the King of the Middle Gods and others could only draw with the East God King and others.

Under the repeated urging of the King of Gods, the Earth God King finally gritted his teeth and took out a spell that he had refined for hundreds of years, and then slammed it at Wang Hao.

"Give it to me!" The Earth God King shouted loudly, and the talisman immediately turned into a mysterious and incomprehensible symbol, and quickly appeared in front of Wang Hao. It was frozen in mid-air, without the slightest ability to move.

"Oops, this earth god king really has extraordinary means, he can actually hold my body in place! It seems that I can only enter the sky-replenishing ring!" Wang Hao faced the trap coming towards him in mid-air The Huntian hoop didn't dare to hesitate at all, and directly flew into the space of the sky-filling ring.

As soon as Wang Hao's figure disappeared, the sky-filling ring above his head immediately turned into a speck of dust, floating in the sky. Even the Earth God King stared at the direction where Wang Hao's figure disappeared, looking at The Huntian hoop was empty, and he said angrily: "Bastard, what kind of magical power is this kid using? It can disappear in an instant, and even my spiritual consciousness is hard to catch!" I don't know the magical function of the sky-replenishing ring. If I were the King of Gods, I would be able to know that Wang Hao had already hid in the sky-replenishing ring.

The Earth God King was not reconciled, because he coveted the Sky-Mending Ring in Wang Hao's hands. Although he didn't know the true power of the Sky-Mending Ring, the Sky-Mending Ring was the most powerful holy object in the hands of a saint. On this point, the Earth God Wang is very clear.The power of the Holy Maiden's holy object is naturally conceivable, let alone the strongest science among the holy objects.

Second, if Wang Hao is captured, he will be able to obtain the Immemorial Demon Scripture that Wang Hao has practiced. The Immemorial Demon Sutra contains the magical power of the demon saint. Recruiting several demon saint avatars with high-level cultivation bases of god kings, this level of strength is probably enough to make the entire god world proud. At that time, even the king of gods may have to act according to their own eyes.

Therefore, the Earth God King was not reconciled, and kept using his spiritual consciousness to search for everything within a range of thousands of feet.Moreover, after checking one by one bit by bit, he knew that there is a supernatural power in the God Realm that can transform the body into other things. will suddenly disappear before my eyes.

Wang Hao, who entered the sky-filling ring, felt a little uneasy in his heart. Although he once hid in the sky-filling ring under the siege of a large number of monsters, and those monsters did not find him, but the situation he was facing at this time But the most top existence in the God Realm, a high-ranking God King, can Bu Tianhuan escape from the consciousness of the Earth God King?

Wang Hao began to absorb the spirit energy of those high-grade fairy stones in the ring of mending the sky. At this time, a little more cultivation base is more life-saving reliance.After half an hour of spiritual search, the Earth God King finally found an extremely abnormal existence among countless particles, because this particle has been floating in one position without moving at all. .This tiny discovery immediately made the Earth God King ecstatic.

"Humph! All dust particles will move under the action of the wind, but this one particle is not affected by the wind at all. Wang Hao, Wang Hao, you actually turned your body into a dust, what a shame! Amazing!" At this time, even the Earth God King admired Wang Hao a little bit, after all, a middle-level God King would be instantly killed in front of him, and he didn't expect Wang Hao to be able to drag it out for such a long time. , and made myself exhausted to find it, which really exceeded the expectations of the Earth God King.

(Wang Hao's cultivation base is about to be promoted to the high-level god-king realm, and the whole story is at its final juncture. The battle between immortals and gods will begin soon. Wang Hao will kill all directions and become the most dazzling star in the entire two worlds of immortals and gods. Readers , quickly collect it, pass by, don’t miss it! Wow quack quack quack quack quack quack quack!!!!!!!!!!!!)

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