Fairy Road

Chapter 379 Subduing the Central God King

Chapter 370 Eighth Subduing the Central God King

At this time, the Earth God King had only reached the fifth level of the Divine Weapon. Until now, he did not understand why his cultivation was lost to that strange particle, until Wang Hao appeared in front of him, and the Earth God Only then did Wang know that he had really failed this time!

"Earth God King, you didn't expect that a small middle-level God King would make you look like this, hahahahaha!" Wang Hao stood beside the Earth God King, frowning, staring at the Earth God King. Poor look, laughed loudly.The god king here wanted to put himself to death, and Wang Hao had no mercy for this person.

When the Earth God King saw Wang Hao, his expression changed drastically. In just an hour, Wang Hao was promoted from an intermediate God King to a high-level God King. I am afraid that the fire of the god king was directly swallowed by this guy.

"Wang Hao, you actually devoured my cultivation, I want to kill you!!!!" The Earth God King rushed towards Wang Hao frantically, Wang Hao's expression remained unchanged, he raised his hand slightly, and put The Earth God King pressed his shoulders, and said with a light smile: "In the past, you couldn't kill me, and now, you don't even have such a chance!"

As Wang Hao spoke, he spat out Yuanli slightly, and the Earth God King turned into ashes after a scream, and a generation of high-level God Kings fell into the hands of a new high-level God King.

After dealing with the Earth God King, Wang Hao unfolded his consciousness, and soon found the place where the East God King and the others were fighting with the Middle God King. Wang Hao disappeared in place in a flash. At this moment, Wang Hao decided to help the East God King first and win the seat of the King of God Kings, and then follow his plan and enter the Holy Maiden Mountain to meet the Holy Maiden.

At this time, the King of Gods and the others were at a slight disadvantage because they lacked the support of the King of Earth Gods.Although the strength of the Central God King is unparalleled, but under the pincer attack of the East and West God Kings, it is difficult to get much cheap.Just now I heard the Earth God King's cry for help, which made the Middle God King very depressed. In the eyes of the Middle God King, the Earth God King is not only scheming, but his cultivation level is only slightly higher than his own in the God Realm. Shameful.

Therefore, after chasing and killing a middle-level god king, he actually wanted to ask himself for help. How could this convince the middle god king that in this god world, who else could make the opponent of the earth god king besides himself? The high-level god kings in the God Realm are all here now, how could your earth god king still meet opponents!

However, when Wang Hao appeared in front of King Zhongshen, King Zhongshen's complexion suddenly became ugly.

"Senior God King, when did this kid become a high-level God King? It seems that the Earth God King was really defeated by this kid just now, and the biggest possibility now is that the Earth God King has fallen!" Thinking of this, the Middle God King couldn't help but His heart trembled slightly, if the Earth God King fell, and Wang Hao was added to the East God King's side, the situation would immediately undergo a subtle change!

"Hahahahaha, Wang Hao, you have actually been promoted to the realm of a high-level god king. That's great, what about that guy, the earth god king? He won't have been cleaned up!" Dong Shenwang smiled at Wang Hao at this time, just now Seeing the Earth God King going to chase and kill Wang Hao, the East God King didn't intend to help Wang Hao. At this moment, he felt uneasy, for fear that Wang Hao would have a gap with his own heart because of this matter, so he would be kind to him when he came up.

Wang Hao thought to himself: Hmph!If I hadn't been blessed by misfortune, I'm afraid I would have died at the hands of the Earth God King at this time.However, Wang Hao did not express his dissatisfaction on his face, but replied with a smile: "Eastern God King, Earth God King has been killed by me, now I will come to help you take down the Central God King, and then help you Climb to the seat of the king of gods and kings!"

"Okay, Wang Hao, this time, you have made great contributions, and the resources of the God Realm will naturally not be short of you!" The Eastern God King immediately began to promise Wang Hao benefits.

Wang Hao smiled slightly, and directly joined the battle group where the East and West God Kings pinched the God King.With the addition of Wang Hao, the situation immediately changed. Although Wang Hao is a high-level god king who has just been promoted, what Wang Haosheng is practicing is the supernatural powers in the ancient demon scriptures. , immediately made King Zhongshen feel pressure doubled.

Even the two god kings who pinched the god king were secretly startled at this time: "This guy has just been promoted to a high-level god king, and his combat effectiveness is so powerful. Within a hundred years, there will be a middle god king who will definitely appear in the god king!" In the world!" However, Wang Hao still has use value at this time, and the two god kings of the east and the west will naturally not take action against Wang Hao.

At this time, King Zhongshen also got angry, and sacrificed the strongest artifact in his hand, and attacked and killed Wang Hao and the three of them. Among the three, one always maintains a posture of one defending and two attacking. In this way, these three are immediately invincible.

Two hours later, King Zhongshen was finally hit on the right shoulder by King Dongshen's palm. With a muffled grunt, he stepped back a few steps, and a mouthful of golden blood protruded from his mouth.

Seeing the wounded King Zhongshen, the two god kings in the east and west began to attack more fiercely, and Wang Hao also suddenly shot out the sky-replenishing ring and ruthlessly put it under the head of the Zhongshen King.Seeing Wang Hao offering the Sky-Mending Ring, the King of the Central Gods immediately changed his expression. The King of the Central Gods knew the power of the Sky-Mending Ring, and he knew it clearly in his heart. The opponent of the God King, the reason why he was able to kill the Earth God must be because of the Sky Mending Ring.

Therefore, the Central God King directly chose to avoid the attack of the Sky-Mending Ring. After dodging the attack of the Sky-Mending Ring, the attacks of the East and West God Kings could no longer be avoided.Puchi puchi, Zhongshen Wang received two heavy blows on his face, causing golden blood to spurt out from his mouth.

"You bastards, today I will make none of you alive!" The King of Gods roared angrily, and suddenly there was something in the shape of a token in his hand.Seeing the token-shaped artifact, the two god kings in the East and West suddenly changed their countenance, and the East God King even exclaimed: "Qiankun Soul Ecstasy Token!"

"Wang Hao, let's fight together, don't let him sacrifice this token, or we will all die!" Knowing the power of the Qiankun Soul-Escaping Order, the Eastern God King roared and threw himself directly at the Middle God King's body. past.

At this time, Wang Hao also sacrificed the sky-filling ring to the top of the head of the king of the gods, and used it as a hood.At this time, Xishenwang also appeared behind Zhongshenwang like a ghost, a black light flashed in his hand, and a black dagger-shaped artifact directly pierced Zhongshenwang's body.

"Give it to me!" Wang Hao suddenly had a whim at this time, and wanted to collect the already extremely weak King Zhongshen into the Sky Mending Ring. Unexpectedly, this suddenly had a miraculous effect, and the body of the King Zhongshen He and the token in his hand suddenly disappeared in front of everyone.

"What's going on here, the Central God King escaped with a secret method!" The East God King never thought that Wang Hao could subdue the Central God King with the Sky Mending Ring, and immediately roared angrily.

At this time, the Western God King also looked puzzled, and said: "He has already been hit by my blood-transforming magic knife. Even if he escapes, his cultivation base must be greatly damaged, and he is no longer a threat to us!"

The East God King nodded, and then made a move with his right hand, saying: "Go, go and subdue those rebels!" After saying that, he and the West God King disappeared in place.At this time, Wang Hao was standing there blankly, his consciousness had already entered the sky-replenishing ring, and he wanted to imprison the Central God King directly in the sky-replenishing ring.

(Wang Hao's cultivation base has been promoted to the realm of high-level gods and kings, and the whole story is at the final juncture. The battle between immortals and gods will begin immediately. Wang Hao will kill all directions and become the most dazzling star in the entire two realms of immortals and gods. Dear judges, Hurry up and collect it, pass by, don’t miss it! Wow quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack!!!!!!!!!!!!)

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