Fairy Road

Chapter 380 Closing

As soon as Wang Hao's consciousness entered the sky-filling ring, he immediately felt a fierce aura rising into the sky. Wang Hao thought to himself: We must seize the time to subdue the Central God King, or let him mess around in the sky-filling ring Come on, maybe Ye Qingqing and the others will be accidentally injured.Fortunately, there is a huge space in the Mending Sky Ring, and the Central God King has just been taken in, and he hasn't had time to search for the breath of other monks in this space.

"Son Wang Hao, you are so courageous, you dare to put this god king in this sky-replenishing ring, let me out quickly, otherwise this god king will definitely make you die!" The sky ring roared angrily.

Hearing the hysterical roar of King Zhongshen, Wang Hao couldn't help showing a smile on his face, and said slowly: "King Zhongshen, now you have been included in this sky-replenishing ring by me, your life and death are uncontrollable How can you make me want to live or die?" Wang Hao said, and with a palm of his right hand, he immediately slapped the Central God King flying tens of feet away. All have no ability to resist.

In the sky-replenishing ring, Wang Hao is the supreme ruler of all things. Even if a king of gods as strong as the king of gods enters the sky-replenishing ring, he will still be easily killed by Wang Hao like an ant!

King Zhongshen spat out a mouthful of golden blood, and then he seemed to understand something, his ferocious look slowed down slightly, and his tone was much gentler than before: "Wang Hao, if you let me out, I will How about passing the position of King of God King to you, then God King East also wants to use you, and now your use value is gone, you should have heard the allusion of Asuka's perfect bow!"

Wang Hao looked at the King of Gods with a smile, and said in his heart: Hard is not enough, I just want to be soft, this King of Gods is really interesting!

"King of the Middle Gods, do you think that you still have the final say on the position of the King of the Kings of Gods? The King of the Earth Gods has been beheaded by me, and the King of the Heavenly Gods and others may also be captured by the King of the East Gods now. collapsed, and now you are alone!"

After hearing Wang Hao's words, the face of the Central God King finally turned dark, and the thought that the situation was over suddenly sounded in the heart of this high-level God King who has dominated the God Realm for thousands of years!

"Wang Hao, how do you want to deal with me?" Zhongshen Wang suddenly asked.

"How to deal with you? I haven't figured it out yet! But, having said that, it seems that you have been dealing with me all the time, but I have never tried to deal with you!" Wang Hao jokingly said, "So, if you are willing to be my Slave, I will spare your life. Otherwise, I will directly refine you in this sky-replenishing ring to improve my cultivation."

Regarding the power of the Sky-Bending Ring, the Central God King naturally knew it well. When Wang Hao said that he used the Sky-Bending Ring to refine himself, he was naturally not threatening words. The Sky-Bending Ring did have such a terrifying ability.However, it is really difficult for the king of gods to accept it for a while if he wants to bow his head and become someone else's slave!

"What? If you don't want to be my slave, then you will die!" Wang Hao said, and with a light finger of his right hand, a white light immediately rolled towards the King of Gods.

"Stop!" The King of Gods suddenly yelled, "Okay, Wang Hao, I promise you, but I can only promise you to be your servant for 1 years. After 1 years, you must give me freedom! "If you have been someone else's slave, the King of Gods would rather die.

Wang Hao pondered for a moment, nodded and said, "Okay, 1 years is 1 years!" Then, Wang Hao tapped his right hand, and a ray of light penetrated into the body of King Zhongshen.

"I have already imprinted a soul mark in your body. If you have the slightest rebellious thought, I just need to move my mind, and you will explode and die!" Wang Hao said with a sudden smile, "You will die in the future!" Don’t be the king of the gods, I will call you Xiaozhong!”

Small and medium?The face of the King of Gods suddenly showed an expression uglier than crying. The King of Gods who once ruled the God Realm has now become someone else's servant, and he was given such a funny name by his master , It really made King Zhongshen feel pain in his heart, but, his life is in the hands of others, what can he do?

Small middle school is small middle school!The King of Gods didn't speak, which was acquiescence to Wang Hao's statement.

"Xiao Zhong, you stay in this sky-replenishing ring to heal your injuries now! When I need you to come out, I will send you a voice transmission, and then you will come out quickly. If you neglect anything, be careful!" Wang Hao now Taking the life of the King of Gods in his own hands is equivalent to having an extra powerful thug!

"Yes, master!" The role of the king of gods changed quite quickly, and soon he became a servant.

After dealing with the Central God King, Wang Hao's consciousness left the sky-filling ring. After a little searching, he found the figures of the East God King and the others. fly everywhere.

When Wang Hao appeared in front of the East God King and the others, the Heavenly God King, the Phantom Baby God King, and the Zhongli God King had already been captured by the East God King and the others. After seeing Wang Hao's figure, the East God King immediately jumped up. He said with a smile: "Wang Hao, have you seen that these rebellions have already been subdued by this king, but you have made great achievements in this matter, and the resources in the future will naturally not be short of you!"

Since ancient times, winners and losers.The Eastern God King soon called the Heavenly God King and others rebellious!Wang Hao replied with a smile: "Then I have to thank the Eastern Divine King, but I don't know how the Eastern Divine King wants to deal with these rebellions?" The main reason why Wang Hao asked this question was because the Zhongli Divine King was Binger's father.

"Hmph! These rebels, I will suppress them in the eternal hell below the city of Zhongyang, and suffer all the punishments from the God Realm!" said the Eastern God King viciously.

"The King Zhongli will also be suppressed?" Wang Hao said directly.After all, among the three high-level god kings, the only thing Wang Hao cares about is this god king Zhongli.

"What? Wang Hao, do you have an old relationship with this Zhongli God King? Although he was coerced by the Central God King to defect, it caused a disadvantage for us. Therefore, I must punish him!" Dong Shenwang Then, with a wave of his right hand, he ordered people to take down the three high-level god kings whose cultivation had been sealed.

After Wang Hao listened to the words of the East God King, his eyes narrowed slightly, and then he stopped talking coldly.He was secretly thinking in his heart: This East God King is indeed a guy who crosses rivers and demolishes bridges.Thinking of this, Wang Haoye was no longer willing to beg him. After all, before going to the Holy Maiden Peak, he didn't want to get into trouble with this person. It would not be too late to rescue Binger's father.

But now, Wang Hao decided to go to the place where the Earth God King lived and rescue Binger first.Thinking of this, Wang Hao no longer hesitated, and his spiritual sense penetrated into the sky-filling ring and asked, "Xiaozhong, where does the earth god king live!"

The King of the Middle Gods quickly told Wang Hao the address of the King of the Earth God, and Wang Hao's figure flickered, and then he headed south!

(Wang Hao's cultivation base has been promoted to the realm of high-level gods and kings, and the whole story is at the final juncture. The battle between immortals and gods will begin immediately. Wang Hao will kill all directions and become the most dazzling star in the entire two realms of immortals and gods. Dear judges, Hurry up and collect it, pass by, don’t miss it! Wow quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack!!!!!!!!!!!!)

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