Fairy Road

Chapter 382

"What? The earth god king was killed by you!" The division-level god king immediately changed his face in shock after hearing Wang Hao's words, and his body began to tremble slightly.If Wang Hao had uttered such arrogant words before making the move, it would not have convinced the junior god king, but at this moment, in the face of Wang Hao's powerful strength, the junior god king had no other choice but to believe.

At this time, the monks in Xiguan Village were all dumbfounded looking at the situation on Biwu Pavilion, and their hearts were more than half cold. With such an end, it seems that the cultivation of the young monk in Luoxia Village must be unfathomable.

Only the monks in Luoxia Village are all happy at this moment, the humiliation of the past days can finally be returned to those arrogant monks in Xiguan Village today.

"Are you abolishing your cultivation yourself, or let me take your life?" Wang Hao's words poured over the head of the junior god king like a basin of cold water.The body of the junior god king trembled violently a few times, and finally he said in a trembling voice: "The villain will abolish his cultivation, and I hope that the senior will spare the villain's life!" As he spoke, his whole body trembled violently, His cultivation also regressed from the junior god king level to the magic weapon level in an instant.

Looking at the pale face of the junior god king, Wang Hao nodded in satisfaction, and thought: This person is somewhat self-aware!He waved his hand lightly, indicating that he could leave. , Immediately, Wang Hao said to the monks of Xiguan Village, Your Excellency in the martial arts competition: "Do you have no one to slap fifty by yourself, or do I directly abolish your cultivation?"

Wang Hao didn't kill all the monks in Xiguan Village. After all, these people were only used by the Earth God King, who wanted to use their humiliation to Luoxia Village to force him to come out of the East God King's mansion.Therefore, for these monks, Wang Hao just chose to punish them lightly!

However, what made Wang Hao smile bitterly was that the monks in Xiguan Village were not afraid at all when they saw the junior god king in front of them, and instead they yelled: "Abolish our cultivator!" Why, do you think you are the king of gods and kings? Now we are all soldiers in the army of the gods, and soon, we will represent the army of the gods and go to the junction of the two worlds to fight against the army of the gods! You abolished our army Cultivation is a capital crime, and the king of gods and kings will naturally take your life!"

It turned out that they actually had such a support in their hearts. Wang Hao thought to himself, and then thought of the monks in his Luoxia Village. Although they have suffered a lot of humiliation these days, none of them were seriously injured or died. It should be because of this reason. up.

"Hahahahahaha..." Wang Hao suddenly laughed, "You guys still dare to threaten me, do you know my current cultivation?"

"Hmph! So what if you are a high-level god king?" The monks in Xiguan Village were determined not to give in at this moment.At this moment, an extremely powerful aura suddenly came from midair, Wang Hao frowned, and then said, "Who is sneaking in the air, show up quickly!"

Before Wang Hao finished speaking, an old man in a brocade robe appeared in front of Wang Hao, bowed towards Wang Hao and said, "The villain sees the king of Wang Hao!"

King Wang Hao?Wang Hao felt a little uncomfortable with this new title. However, in the God Realm, only those who have reached the level of a high-level God King can directly add the word God King after their name. Wang Hao now deserves his name, so soon Wang Hao said with a smile: "Why are you here?"

"Shenwang Wang Hao, the villain is the Eastern God King, who is the king of the god king in the central city of the God Realm, sit down to worship, and under the order of the God King King, I am here to invite you to the God Realm Zhongyang Discuss important matters in the hall!" The worship words of the Eastern God King's men were extremely respectful, and it seemed that they were instructed by the Eastern God King.

Um?The East God King invited me to discuss important matters. It seems that I have mentioned the matter of going to the Holy Maiden Mountain. However, with my current strength, I can use the Holy Maiden Mountain to find my mother. Now, it is exactly what I wish for!Thinking of this, Wang Hao nodded and said, "I'll go see the East God King after I get rid of the troubles here!"

"Trouble? I don't know what kind of trouble God King Wang Hao encountered, but the villain can take care of it!" The priest said, looking at the monks in Xiguan Village.At this time, the monks in Xiguan Village had already known from the conversation between Wang Hao and Wang Hao that Wang Hao was already a high-level god king, and even the king of god kings in the god world wanted to invite him to the central yang hall to discuss matters. It was too appalling, and immediately made all the monks in Xiguan Village dumbfounded.

When the monks in Xiguan Village felt the sharp eyes of the priest of the king of gods and kings, one of the more clever monks immediately smiled flatteringly: "It's okay, it's okay, we won't cause trouble for the king of gods Yes!" As he said that, he stretched out his hands and slapped his cheeks fiercely.

Seeing the monk next to him start to slap himself, the other Xiguan Village monks just woke up like a dream, and they shot at the same time, and several people slapped themselves at the same time, the scene was quite spectacular.

Seeing the embarrassment of the monks of Xiguan Village, the monks of Luoxia Village all laughed happily at this moment, and even the gloomy mood of the day and night was completely resolved at this moment.

"Shenwang Wang Hao, these people offended you, just slapped them too cheaply, let the villain take them back to the central yang palace, and imprison them for a thousand years!" The priest was also a second person, Deliberately intimidating the monks in Xiguan Village.

At this time, when the monks in Xiguan Village heard these words, they were all frightened and trembled all over. Some of them knelt down on the ground and begged Wang Hao for mercy: "God King Wang Hao, it's the villains who have eyes. If you don’t know Mount Tai, let us be spared this time, from now on, we will never dare to provoke monks from your village again!”

Seeing that his goal had been achieved, Wang Hao nodded in satisfaction and said, "If news of you messing with Luoxia Village reaches me in the future, I don't mind destroying your Xiguan Village!" It is too simple for a senior god king to destroy a village.Therefore, when Wang Hao said such a thing, no one would doubt it.

"Yes, yes, yes..." The monks in Xiguan Village were kowtowing like garlic.Wang Hao waved his hand to signal them to stop, and then explained to Gao Wuyong.Finally, he said to the priest: "Go, lead the way!"

"Yes!" The priest bowed, and then disappeared in front of everyone in a flash, and everyone didn't notice how Wang Hao's figure disappeared.

Gao Wuyong looked into the air, and murmured: "I really didn't expect that a monk who was only a second-level god general, came to this city of Zhongyang for such a short time, and actually raised his cultivation to the level of a high-level god king. The speed of cultivation is so fast that the ancients have never been seen before! Wang Hao, Wang Hao, I am so lucky to have you in Luoxia Village!"

(Wang Hao's cultivation base has been promoted to the realm of high-level gods and kings, and the whole story is at the final juncture. The battle between immortals and gods will begin immediately. Wang Hao will kill all directions and become the most dazzling star in the entire two realms of immortals and gods. Dear judges, Hurry up and collect it, pass by, don’t miss it! Wow quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack!!!!!!!!!!!!)

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