Fairy Road

Chapter 384 Seeing Wushuang

On a plateau covered with ice and snow all the year round in the extreme north of the God Realm, stands an ice peak that never sees sunlight all the year round. On this ice peak, there is an extremely majestic ice and snow palace.This palace is the famous Saintess Hall in the God Realm, and this ice peak is naturally the destination of Wang Hao's trip - Saintess Mountain!

Wang Hao was dressed in white clothes, the white clothes were better than the snow, and he was integrated with the whole world.Wang Hao looked up at the Holy Maiden Hall, which was hundreds of feet high, and suddenly felt a little bit of excitement in his heart.He was finally getting closer to his mother, and his life experience could be revealed soon.

Before coming to the Saintess Peak, Wang Hao spent two days refining the Jiuzhuan Resurrection Pill, and gave it to Ziyan who was sleeping in the sky-filling ring. After waiting anxiously, Ziyan finally It was Yoyo who woke up and turned around.After seeing Zi Yan's slightly pale and peerless face, Wang Hao's face suddenly showed a hint of surprise.But soon he woke up from Zi Yan's confused eyes.

"Where is this place, who are you?" Zi Yan asked suddenly, the confusion in her eyes became more and more serious.Wang Hao was extremely depressed immediately, and the most worrying thing happened. Although the Nine-turn Resurrection Pill could revive the soul, it was difficult to awaken Ziyan's memory about her previous life.In other words, Zi Yan has lost her memory!

"Zi Yan, don't you think of me at all?" Wang Hao was still trying to wake up Zi Yan's memory!Zi Yan's eyes widened, a pensive look appeared on her face, but in the end she still shook her head in confusion.Wang Hao called Ye Qingqing in front of Ziyan again. After Ye Qingqing told her, Ziyan finally had a little understanding of the past, but her eyes still looked like Wang Hao and Ye Qingqing. strange feeling.

Just when Wang Hao was depressed, the King of Central Gods suddenly said to Wang Hao: "Master, has this girl taken the Nine-Turn Resurrection Pill?" Wang Hao nodded without saying a word.King Zhongshen continued: "After taking the Jiuzhuan Resurrection Pill, [-] out of [-] will lose memory! However, it's not that there is no way to save it!"

"Huh? Is there any way to save it?" Wang Hao asked in surprise.King Zhongshen said: "There is still a ninth-grade golden lotus in the Yaochi of the fairy world. As long as you can get this thing, after taking it, it will directly awaken the girl's memory!" "Ninth-rank golden lotus! It's in Yaochi again Among them, it seems that I have to go to Yaochi in the fairy world!" Wang Hao nodded, very satisfied with the change of the role of the king of the gods, and then said to the king of the gods: "After the war of gods and gods, I Then I can consider letting you go out from the sky-filling ring!"

King Zhongshen was overjoyed immediately, and became even more respectful towards Wang Hao.Wang Hao then ordered: "Xiaozhong, I will leave Butianhuanzhong to your care. If there is any change in Ziyan, please let me know at any time!" "Yes, master!" Zhongshenwang said respectfully.

After dealing with Ziyan's matter, Wang Hao just left for the Holy Maiden Mountain. Three days later, Wang Hao's figure finally appeared outside the Holy Maiden Hall.

"Who is here?" Wang Hao had just approached the Holy Maiden Hall when he heard the voice of a female cultivator suddenly, and then two white figures appeared in front of Wang Hao. Wang Hao swept his consciousness and found that it was The two divine generals and eighth-level female cultivators seem to be the guards in the Holy Maiden Hall!

"Wang Hao in Luoxia Village, came to the Holy Maiden Peak this time to ask to see Miss Wushuang!" Wang Hao said loudly, the reason why he didn't ask to see the Holy Maiden directly was because if he asked to see the Holy Maiden directly, Wang Hao's motives must be suspected by the people in the Holy Maiden Peak. Moreover, Wang Hao once helped Wushuang. On that day, Wushuang also gave Wang Hao a jade pendant and told Wang Hao that with this jade pendant, he could come to the Holy Maiden. Meet the peak.

"You want to see Wushuang?" A female cultivator who looked about [-] years old widened her beautiful eyes, and said, "Do you have a token from Sister Wushuang?"

"Yes!" Wang Hao said, and took out the red jade pendant that Wushuang gave him from the Butian ring. Seeing this red jade pendant, the cold expressions of the two female cultivators immediately eased.The girl-like female cultivator even smiled and said: "It turns out that you are the monk who helped sister Wushuang buy the ice spirit fruit. I really want to thank you this time. If there is no ice spirit fruit, the saint's injury may not be possible." Okay so fast!"

"Okay, Wuxia, needless to say, let fellow Taoist Wang Hao go in first!" The female cultivator next to her looked a little older, and she was naturally much calmer than Wuxia, "Wuxia, take fellow Taoist Wang Hao to see Wuxia. Sister Shuang, a male cultivator has come to the Saintess Hall, and this matter must be reported to the Saintess!"

When the female cultivator named Wuxia heard that she was asked to take Wang Hao to see Wushuang, she immediately pulled Wang Hao's sleeve and walked towards the hall of the saint with a smile.The hall of the Holy Maiden was extremely empty, and everything exuded a sense of coldness. Finally, in an igloo, Wang Hao saw Wushuang who had met once in the city of Zhongyang!

Wushuang was obviously not prepared for Wang Hao's arrival.She also never thought that Wang Hao would find the Saintess Peak in such a short period of time. "Fellow Daoist Wang Hao, why did you come here suddenly?" Wushuang asked Wang Hao to sit down and offered spirit tea.

Wang Hao said with a smile: "Fellow Wushuang, I came here to ask for something!" Wang Hao said it bluntly. Doubt that going straight to the point will have unexpected results.

There was a puzzled look on Wushuang's face, and he didn't answer Wang Hao's words directly, but asked: "Fellow Wang Hao has been in the city of Zhongyang, do you know about the change of the king of gods and kings in the city of Zhongyang?" Hao nodded, and said in his heart: The news spread really fast, it seems that this saint also has manpower in this central city!It seems that Wushuang should also understand what I did in the city of Zhongyang.

"The King of God Kings in Zhongyang City is no longer the King of God Kings!" Wang Hao said, "Now, the King of God Kings East has become the new King of God Kings!"

"I heard that Fellow Daoist Wang Hao also played a vital role in this matter!" Wushuang's expression did not change at all, and it seemed that he should be very familiar with the affairs of Zhongyang City.

Wang Hao smiled and said, "I'm just a pawn of the East God King, I can't help myself!" Wang Hao also knew in his heart that the people in the Hall of the Holy Maiden must be the same as the East God King and other high-level god kings. There is a lot of hatred between them, if they know that they are the king of the East God King, they will definitely be wary of themselves.However, if he explained his relationship with the East God King, he might give Wushuang a deliberate illusion.

"Hehehehe... Fellow Daoist Wang Hao, I heard that if it wasn't for you, the East God King would have been defeated by the Central God King this time. Your pawn is really powerful. Now, friend Wang Hao He is already a high-level god king, and Wushuang has not had time to congratulate his fellow daoist, but he did not expect that fellow daoist has already come to the Holy Maiden Hall on his own initiative, which is really surprising!" Wushuang's words showed neither disgust nor anger. Express joy.However, the polite words made Wang Hao understand in his heart that at this moment Wushuang already regarded himself as a subordinate of the East God King.

"Miss Wushuang seems to have misunderstood it. The reason why I came to Saintess Mountain this time is not because of the East God King!" Wang Hao said bluntly, "I want to see the saint, but I wonder if Miss Wushuang can introduce her to you? "

Wushuang's complexion changed, and then he smiled and said, "Fellow Daoist Wang Hao doesn't seem to have any relationship with the Holy Maiden. It's only been a few years since Fellow Daoist Wang Hao ascended to the God Realm, and the Holy Maiden hasn't left the Holy Maiden Mountain for a long time. , I don’t know what is the purpose of Fellow Daoist Wang Hao’s request to see the saint?”

After Wang Hao heard Wushuang's words, he couldn't help but smiled wryly: It seems that Wushuang is already wary of himself, and now the difficulty of seeing the saint has increased a lot!Wang Hao pondered for a moment, then suddenly raised his head and said to Wushuang, "Has the saint recovered from her injuries?"

"Basically recovered!" Wushuang said directly.

"Then, with the strength of a saint, is it possible to defeat several high-level god kings with one man?" Wang Hao asked solemnly.

"What do you mean?" Wushuang returned coldly, "Even if all the god kings in the God Realm attack the Saintess Peak, it is impossible to kill the Saintess!" Tell Wang Hao that the saint has the power to protect herself.

Wang Hao smiled, and suddenly lowered his voice and said to Wushuang: "I can help the saintess counterattack those high-level god kings and regain control of the power of the gods!"

(Wang Hao's cultivation base has been promoted to the realm of high-level gods and kings, and the whole story is at the final juncture. The battle between immortals and gods will begin immediately. Wang Hao will kill all directions and become the most dazzling star in the entire two realms of immortals and gods. Dear judges, Hurry up and collect it, pass by, don't miss it! Wow quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack!!!!!!!!!!!!)

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