Fairy Road

Chapter 387

After all the discussions were over, Wang Hao got up and said goodbye.After walking a few steps, Wang Hao finally couldn't hold back, and turned back and said, "I wonder if the saint can take off her veil so that I can see the true face of Lushan Mountain next time?" The phantom in the sky-filling ring.Wang Hao's heart is naturally very deep about his mother's face, so Wang Hao made a request to see the real face of the saint.

Obviously, the saint was extremely surprised by Wang Hao's request. She shook her body slightly, and after pondering for a long time, she just said, "God King Wang Hao, I didn't expect you to be interested in my face, really. It really surprised me!" The saint said, walking slowly in front of Wang Hao.He reached out and lifted the veil from his face.

Wang Hao originally thought that the saint would not easily agree to his request, but he did not expect that the saint would simply take off the veil on her face.After Wang Hao saw the true face of the saint, the expression on his face changed greatly.because.At this time, the face of the saint was exactly the same as the mother he had seen in the Ye family!

However, what surprised Wang Hao even more was that the look in the saint's eyes was very different from that of his mother.My mother's eyes are so clear, but the eyes of the saint in front of me are cunning, sinister, and even[email protected]Evil feeling!

Why is there such a situation!Wang Hao's heart suddenly became confused: If you look at the face, it is definitely the mother, but if you look at the eyes, it is so different from the mother.More importantly: if it was really her own mother, how could she not recognize herself, and how could she not know that the Sky Mending Ring was left in her own hands by herself back then.

"What? Could it be that Wang Hao Wang Hao has seen me before?" The saint laughed and said, her face like a peony in full bloom immediately made Wang Hao stunned. "Hehe, the saint is just joking. It's only been a few years for me to ascend to the God Realm, and it's only a matter of time to be promoted to the God King. How can I have the honor to look at the peerless face of the saint?" Wang Hao lowered his head with a wry smile. , slightly concealing the embarrassment on his face.

Wang Hao didn't continue to chat with the saint, and found an excuse to leave the hall of the saint.Under the arrangement of the saint, Wang Hao lived alone in a house made of huge ice. Wang Hao calmed down in the house, and after thinking about it, he finally made a bold guess. : My mother's body is occupied by someone else's consciousness!

Wang Hao is very reluctant to think about this, but the current events show that this is the most likely thing.When Wang Hao thought of this, he felt distressed in his heart. How could he get rid of this soul in his mother's body?Or, if the soul in the mother's body is driven away, is it possible for the mother to survive?These are things that Wang Hao urgently needs to consider now.

Just when Wang Hao was restless, Wushuang came to Wang Hao's room. After exchanging pleasantries, Wushuang said, "God King Wang Hao, I didn't expect to see you in just a few dozen days. There is such a rapid ascension! Moreover, it is really surprising that the God King is willing to cooperate with my Holy Maiden Mountain!"

Wang Hao nodded with a smile, and said: "Actually, you should understand very well that the reason why the East God King treats me so favorably is because he wants to use me. In order to get rid of the East God King, I have to choose my own. Allies!" A simple sentence easily conveyed why he would help the saint.

Wushuang nodded and said: "In this case, Wushuang will become the messenger between you and the saint, the king of God. If the king of God wants to pass on something to the saint, you can pass it directly to Wushuang." Just a voice! If the saintess has something to do, Wushuang will send a message to you, the God King in time!"

"Okay, there's Miss Lao Wushuang over there!" Wang Hao said with a smile, and then he seemed to ask casually, "Miss Wushuang, how many years have you been with the saint?"

Wushuang was obviously stunned when he heard Wang Hao's question. It seemed that he didn't expect Wang Hao to have such a question suddenly. After pondering for a moment, he replied: "To tell the truth, I have been with the saint for hundreds of years. In the past hundred years, I have received a lot of benefits thanks to the blessing of the saint!"

"Hehe, it has been hundreds of years. It seems that Miss Wushuang should be an out-and-out celebrity beside the saint, otherwise, Miss Wushuang, you wouldn't have risked your life to win for the saint. What about the Ice Spirit Fruit!" Wang Hao said with a smile.When Miss Wushuang heard Wang Hao mentioning the Ice Spirit Fruit, she showed a grateful look on her face. After all, if Wang Hao hadn't been there that day, not only would she not be able to get the Ice Spirit Fruit, but she might even have to lose her chastity. Throw it in the central city.

"Indeed, the saint has always been very kind to me!" Wushuang nodded, and then suddenly sighed, "It's just that, since the saint was seriously injured under the siege of those high-ranking god kings 20 years ago, , the temperament seems to have changed a lot, and I seldom communicate with us old people on the Saintess Mountain. On the contrary, I have recruited many new female disciples from somewhere. So I changed my mind to help the Saintess buy Ice Spirit Fruit, to regain the grace of the Holy Maiden to me!"

"So that's the case. It seems that Miss Wushuang is really well-intentioned. You said that the saint was besieged by those high-level god kings. I don't know if the saint was seriously injured that time?" Wang Hao thought to himself: Could it be? My own mother had already died at that time, didn't she?

"The saint was seriously injured that time, but her life was not in danger! There are some things that you don't need to hide from you, God King. As long as the saint has the heart of the gods, even if she encounters a serious crisis, she will not lose her life." There will be fear of life!" Wushuang said, a look of extreme reverence appeared on his face.

It seems that his mother should not have fallen in that crisis.Then it should be that another monk with an extremely strong soul gained the upper hand in competing with the mother to control the mother's body, so the current mother turned into such an appearance that she couldn't even recognize herself.

It seems that I should first think of a way to get rid of the pioneer soul in my mother's body.Thinking of this, Wang Hao continued: "Since Miss Wushuang has retrieved the Bing Lingguo, it seems that the saint's injuries should be fine now?"

Wushuang nodded and said: "The saint's injury has already recovered for [-] points, and she will fully recover in another month. At that time, I can cooperate with you, the king of gods, to kill those hypocritical high-level gods. Kill them all, and return the God Realm to a clear world!"

When Wushuang said this, he said goodbye directly, and Wang Hao didn't hold back. After all, Wang Hao only had one thought in his mind at this time, which was how to make the soul in his mother's body leave her body.This is an extremely difficult matter, if it is done to the mother, it is possible to make the soul leave.

However, there are two big troubles.First, even the mother may be severely injured because of this, so how could Wang Hao do such things that violate human ethics.Second, even if Wang Hao is willing to make a move, with Wang Hao's current strength, whether he is the opponent of the saint is still a question!Therefore, Wang Hao racked his brains, but in the end he couldn't come up with any good solution.

In the end, Wang Hao had no choice but to summon the King of the Gods from the Sky Mending Ring. The King of the Gods of China has been in charge of the God Realm for so many years.

(Wang Hao's cultivation base has been promoted to the realm of high-level gods and kings, and the whole story is at the final juncture. The battle between immortals and gods will begin immediately. Wang Hao will kill all directions and become the most dazzling star in the entire two realms of immortals and gods. Dear judges, Hurry up and collect it, pass by, don’t miss it! Wow quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack!!!!!!!!!!!!)

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