Fairy Road

Chapter 389 Calculation

After knowing how to expel the powerful soul in the saint's body, Wang Hao calmed down and sank his consciousness into the sky-replenishing ring. At this time, Ye Qingqing was fighting with Zi Yan in the sky-replenishing ring. The two sat on a cliff with extremely beautiful scenery, admiring the scenery in the distance.

Seeing the arrival of Wang Hao's consciousness, Ye Qingqing naturally had an expression of joy on her face, while Zi Yan just turned her head indifferently and glanced at Wang Hao, but her expression did not change at all, as if Wang Hao It's as if you haven't seen it at all.Wang Hao's heart sank slightly. Although he knew that Zi Yan had lost his memory at this time, it was still difficult for Wang Hao to face this reality.

"Brother Wang Hao, why are you here?" Ye Qingqing asked in surprise. In Ye Qingqing's heart, she thought that Wang Hao had already entered the Saintess Peak at this time, and he should have many things to deal with, but he didn't have time to come to the Sky-Mending Ring of.

"It's nothing, so I came to see you!" Wang Hao smiled, his eyes were still looking at Ziyan's peerless face, Ye Qingqing's expression darkened when he saw Wang Hao's infatuated eyes staring at Ziyan , but soon returned to nature, and said with a smile: "Brother Wang Hao, have you seen the saint?"

Wang Hao nodded and said, "I've seen it before, but it's different from the saint girl I imagined!" Wang Hao didn't tell anyone that the saint girl might be his mother, so he said , but it made Ye Qingqing smile suddenly: "Could it be that the image of the saint is already in the heart of brother Wang Hao?"

Wang Hao shook his head with a wry smile, and said slowly: "That's not right, by the way, Zi Yan, the problem of your amnesia can be easily solved as long as you can enter the Yaochi of the God Realm, so you should Don't worry!" Zi Yan was slightly taken aback, and then said: "I've never been worried, even... I don't know if I really have amnesia!"

Wang Hao was taken aback, and could only say to Ye Qingqing with a wry smile: "You guys have a good chat here!" But he thought to himself: It seems that Ziyan still doesn't have much trust in him.

After the divine consciousness left the sky-filling ring, Wang Hao suddenly had a thought, and a golden light suddenly came to his hand. Wang Hao was slightly startled, and opened the golden letter in his hand. There were a few large characters written in it: "Within three days, You must obtain the heart of the God Realm! Eastern Divine King!" Wang Hao smiled slightly and said to himself: "Eastern Divine King, can you finally hold back?"

Bringing the letter, Wang Hao called Wushuang, and after telling Wushuang about the matter, he asked Wushuang to arrange for him to meet with the saint immediately, discuss how to use this matter, and use his plan to catch Dongshenwang and others!When Wushuang saw that Wang Hao actually helped the saint to deal with those god kings, everyone was overjoyed and left with a smile.

Half an hour later, Wang Hao saw the saint again. The saint held the jade slip sent to Wang Hao by the Eastern God King, with a half-smile expression on her face.

"Saint, what do you think about this matter?" Wang Hao tentatively asked.

"Hehehe, what do I think, the matter has come to such a point, it can be said that the arrow is on the string and has to be launched, I would rather hear how your tricks are arranged?" The saint said blankly.

"The meaning of the East God King is very obvious. He wants me to steal the saint's God Realm Heart, and then I can put the saint to death! So, I can write back to the East God King tomorrow, saying that I have After stealing the heart of the God Realm, the East God King and the others will naturally come to the Saintess Peak!" Wang Hao said slowly.

"Why do you think that the East God King and the others will believe you? You said that you stole the Heart of the God Realm. What if the East God King asks you to return the Heart of the God Realm to them first?" The saint sneered.

"That depends on whether you cooperate with the saint?" Wang Hao said with a smile.

"Wang Hao, what do you mean, you want me to give you the heart of the God Realm as a bait?" The saint sneered, "Why should I trust you?"

Wang Hao said with a smile: "The heart of the gods? You don't have to give it to me, the saint. You just need to give me the key of the saint, and you will naturally be able to gain the trust of the East God King and others. With the saint, you will guard it. Are you still afraid that I will use the Holy Maiden's key to obtain the heart of the God Realm?"

As Wang Hao said, there was a look of expectation on his face. Seeing that the saint was still hesitant, Wang Hao spread his hands and said: "If the saint is not trustworthy, then please ask the saint to find a way to solve it. This matter!" The implication of Wang Hao's words is already obvious: Dongshen Wang and others have decided to deal with you, even if you have the heart of the gods to keep you alive, you will inevitably have to take off a layer of skin, even with the Holy Spirit. Nushan is going to be occupied by Dong Shen Wang and others, since you don't believe me, then you can figure out what to do!

Hearing Wang Hao's words, the saint's face suddenly became cloudy. After all, the saint is quite afraid of the East God King and others. If these god kings join forces, they will inevitably repeat the same mistakes and be seriously injured .

"Give you the Holy Maiden's Key?" The Holy Maiden murmured, "If you join forces with the East God King and others to deal with me, wouldn't I even have a chance to stand up?"

Wang Hao thought inwardly: It is really unrealistic for the saint to hand over the key of the saint to him so easily. It seems that he can only take a little risk this time.However, for the mother, even the risk is worth it!

"King Wang Hao, what do you think of this?" The saint said suddenly, "If you are willing to let me put a poison in your body, I can trust you once! Otherwise, I would rather be seriously injured than I will give you the Holy Maiden Key!"

"Put poison in my body?" Wang Hao pretended to be shocked, "I help you with good intentions, but you don't believe me so much, and you want to put poison in my body, what good is it for me? , I don't care!" Wang Hao said, shaking his sleeves, as if to leave!In fact, Wang Hao knew in his heart that if he agreed easily, it would definitely arouse the suspicion of the saint, wondering what purpose he was in, to accommodate him like this.Therefore, Wang Hao deliberately pretended to be unwilling.

Just when Wang Hao turned around and was about to leave, the saint said again: "Wang Hao, if you are willing, I can give you some benefits!"

"Oh, what's the benefit?" Wang Hao turned his head and asked, with a rather calm expression on his face.

"I don't know if you have heard of the saint's blessing?" said the saint. "I've heard of the Holy Maiden's blessing, but I don't know exactly what it is!" Wang Hao said truthfully.

"Hehehehe, Wang Hao, although you have been promoted to the realm of high-level god kings, compared with the old high-level god kings of the East God King, there is a big gap in strength Shanghai. If you are willing to help me, I can pass the Holy King. Female blessing, here to help you quickly improve your strength!" The saint said with a smile.

Wang Hao pondered for a while, finally showing a hint of tempting expression on his face, and then slowly said: "Saint Blessing? When can it be done!?"

"You can do it anytime!" The saint @ said simply. "Okay, deal!" Wang Hao said bluntly. After all, his purpose is to get the key of the saint, and then go to the heart of the gods, penetrate into the body of the saint, and expel the soul occupying the body of the goddess. , Therefore, Wang Hao didn't consider his own safety at all!

"Shen Wang Wang Hao is straightforward, but I can guarantee that if I can repel Dong Shen Wang and others this time, I will definitely expel the poison in your body as soon as possible!" The saint said with a smile.Wang Hao deliberately put on a painful look and replied: "It seems that my life is really hard, and I will be suspected of helping others, alas..."

(Wang Hao's cultivation base has been promoted to the realm of high-level gods and kings, and the whole story is at the final juncture. The battle between immortals and gods will begin immediately. Wang Hao will kill all directions and become the most dazzling star in the entire two realms of immortals and gods. Dear judges, Hurry up and collect it, pass by, don’t miss it! Wow quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack!!!!!!!!!!!!)

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