Fairy Road

Chapter 390 The Holy Maiden's Blessing

After some calculations, Wang Hao finally won the trust of the saint, and the saint agreed to hand over the key to Wang Hao. Of course, the premise is that Wang Hao is willing to be implanted in the body by the saint. The bone-strength poison of the God Realm, this kind of poison is unknown to Wang Hao, so it is even more impossible to talk about how to expel it.

"How is it? King Wang Hao, are you ready? I'm going to inject bone power into your body now. You must not exercise to resist. This bone power is an extremely rare poison, and I only have a few of them in my hand." !” The saint said with a smile, but there was a trace of weirdness in her smile.

Wang Hao didn't think too much at this time, for his mother, no matter how much he paid, Wang Hao was willing.Therefore, Wang Hao nodded directly and said, "Don't worry, since I agreed, I won't go back on my word!"

The saintess nodded, suddenly a solemn expression appeared on her face, and then she finally muttered something. After a few breaths, an extremely ugly bug appeared in the saintess' storage bag. This bug was only the size of a fly, but covered in The terrifying aura emanating made Wang Hao even more terrified.

"This poison is really powerful!" Wang Hao thought to himself.

At this time, the saintess tapped her right hand, and the bone strength rushed to the top of Wang Hao's head, and it melted into the top of Wang Hao's head from the Baihui point. Wang Hao suddenly felt that the poison had actually entered him. In other words, if Wang Hao has no way to get rid of this poison, he will be slowly eaten away by this poison.

For a high-level god-king like Wang Hao, poisons that can poison the body are not very effective. Only poisons that can eat away at the consciousness will really kill the high-level god-king.But it was this kind of poison that made Wang Hao secretly happy.Because, as soon as the bone strength entered his consciousness, he immediately lay down on the ground as if he had encountered a natural enemy, not daring to move at all.

Wang Hao knew in his heart that his spiritual consciousness had always been protected by the sky-filling ring, and poisonous substances like bone strength could not harm his spiritual consciousness at all.This point further proves Wang Hao's guess that the saint is definitely not the saint before, because if she is a real saint, she will never know the benefits of the sky-replenishing ring, which can protect the gods The characteristics of knowledge, the people who know it in this world are probably Wang Hao and Wang Hao's mother.

Wang Hao deliberately pretended to be in pain, and said in his mouth: "This poison can actually eat away at the consciousness?" The saint nodded with a smile and said, "Don't worry, King Wang Hao, within three days, this one Bone strength will not go crazy. After three days, the matter has already been understood, and by then, I have expelled it from your body, so what do you have to be afraid of?"

Wang Hao nodded with a bitter face, and then said: "I have fulfilled my promise, where is your saint's blessing?" The saint smiled and nodded: "Don't worry, how can I backtrack on my promise, come with me!"

As the saint walked, she thought to herself: "Wang Hao, Wang Hao, you are my gun this time. If you don't listen to my command, I will let you live or die. Wait for Dongshen King After these troubles are resolved, I will deal with you idiot! Hahahahahaha!"

Naturally, Wang Hao didn't know what the saint was thinking, but he was already a little bit excited when he thought that he would get the key of the saint soon!

After following the saintess to a strange room, Wang Hao asked: "What is this place?" Take it off, leaving only a thin layer of obscene clothes inside.

Wang Hao's complexion changed drastically. Although this saint is no longer his mother, she is still her mother's body. Could it be... Wang Hao was thinking wildly in his mind, but unexpectedly, the saint smiled and said, "Kneel down!"

Wang Hao knelt on the ground according to his words, and immediately, the saint put her hand on top of Wang Hao's head lightly, and Wang Hao's heart just settled down a little at this time.After a few breaths, the saint began to utter some obscure incantations, and then Wang Hao suddenly felt that the Baihui acupoint on the top of his head suddenly opened.A beam of bright and righteous energy immediately entered his body along his Baihui acupoint.

At this time, the saint took her hand away from the Baihui acupoint on top of Wang Hao's head, and then slapped several palms fiercely on the ice wall beside Wang Hao. At this time, a mirror-like wall suddenly appeared Beside Wang Hao, there are strange runes on the mirror.These runes were all shining at this time, and they all gathered towards the Baihui acupoint on the top of Wang Hao's head.

Wang Hao immediately felt a wave of powerful yuan power entering his body, as if he was constantly absorbing the top-grade fairy stone, but the purity and hugeness of this kind of yuan force is even stronger than the top-grade fairy stone. Know how many times.A hint of surprise appeared on Wang Hao's face.If he continues to absorb like this, in just an hour, he will definitely be able to reach the level of the East God King and others!

Soon, half an hour passed.At this time, the face of the saint is already full of surprise, and she secretly said in her heart: "This guy named Wang Hao is really unparalleled in aptitude! It is generally said that ordinary high-level god kings are more powerful than the saint. When the blessing is turned on, you can only enjoy the input of energy for less than half an hour at most. But this guy looks like half an hour has passed, and he still doesn't stop at all. It's a pity, this guy is not my fairy world If you are a monk in the fairy world, you can cultivate them well."

The saint was secretly surprised in her heart, but Wang Hao continued to absorb the majestic energy in excitement, and soon an hour passed, and the energy gathered in Wang Hao's body had reached a terrifying level. Facing the Eastern God King, Wang Haoye will never lose easily.Even, there is a possibility of an even split!

"It's still absorbing!" The saint's face became more and more difficult to look at, and in an hour, it was almost twice that of ordinary high-level god kings. This guy is really an outlier!

The saint began to consider whether to interrupt Wang Hao's continued absorption, but the saint thought for a second, if Wang Hao's absorption was interrupted, it would definitely make Wang Hao feel resentful and not wholeheartedly help him deal with those high-level gods. king.Just let him continue to absorb, even if his cultivation has reached a realm beyond his own, he still has to be controlled by himself. , after all, the bone strength in Wang Hao's spiritual consciousness, even the emperor of the fairy world cannot get rid of it!

Finally, after a weird noise, the mirror-like wall beside Wang Hao finally slowly changed back to the appearance of an ice wall. Wang Hao breathed a long sigh of relief, absorbing the majestic energy for almost two hours. The strength caused Wang Hao's cultivation at this moment to skyrocket to an incredible level!Now, even in the face of the once invincible King of Gods, Wang Hao still has the strength to defeat him!

"Shenwang Wang Hao, you are really powerful. You have absorbed so much energy. What's the matter? This saint blesses me, but I usually don't easily use it on monks!" False smile!

"It's really good. I want to thank the saint this time. Don't worry, I will definitely let Dong Shenwang and others come and go this time!" Wang Hao said, smiled, and continued, "The saint , you just need to hand over the Holy Maiden Key to me, and I will immediately go to see the Eastern God King, lead them here, and catch them all!"

"Okay!" The saint said in a deep voice, clapping her hands, a golden key appeared in her hand immediately, with a wave of her right hand, she came in front of Wang Hao, Wang Hao took the key, and finally showed a smile on his face. A big smile!

(Wang Hao's cultivation base has been promoted to the realm of high-level gods and kings, and the whole story is at the final juncture. The battle between immortals and gods will begin immediately. Wang Hao will kill all directions and become the most dazzling star in the entire two realms of immortals and gods. Dear judges, Hurry up and collect it, pass by, don’t miss it! Wow quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack!!!!!!!!!!!!)

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