Fairy Road

Chapter 399

"That's right, it's just a plan!" Wang Hao nodded and said, "Now the East God King will definitely think that I have obtained the heart of the God Realm. If I go out now, I will surprise and injure several high-ranking God Kings. Mother, you Their strength will surely allow some of their high-ranking god kings to leave a few lives on this Saintess Mountain!"

The saint nodded and said: "My strength can fight against two high-level god kings, but I don't know how many high-level god kings are there now?"

Wang Hao said: "Now the five people outside should be the East God King, the South God King, the West God King, the North God King, and the Phantom Baby God King!" The goddess frowned and said, "Are there only these five guys? Then we should There is still a chance to win!" "No, mother, I mean to keep them all!" Wang Hao said, and immediately summoned the King of Gods from the Mending Sky Ring.

When King Zhongshen appeared in front of the saint, a look of surprise appeared on the face of the saint: "My child, why is King Zhongshen in the Sky Mending Ring?" Hao smiled and said: "The Central God King is willing to help us deal with the East God King and others. Now with our strength, we should be able to say that they all stay in the Holy Maiden Mountain!"

"Well!" The saint nodded and said, "Son, this matter is settled like this, now you and I pretend..." The voice of the saint gradually quieted down, Wang Hao listened to the plan of the saint , nodded frequently, and then, his complexion sank, and his figure exploded like lightning towards the outside of the underground maze.

Dongshenwang and others are guarding the entrance of the underground labyrinth at this moment, expecting Wang Hao to create a miracle. They would never have imagined that Wang Hao and the saint are in a mother-child relationship.However, the Saintess had already chased into the underground labyrinth just now, and Wang Hao's chances of winning the heart of the God Realm were very small. Therefore, the faces of Dongshenwang and others at the moment became more and more difficult to look at.

"It seems that it is impossible for Wang Hao to escape from the hands of the saint. Even if we are fighting alone with the saint, it is difficult to keep our lives, let alone Wang Hao, a newcomer who has just been promoted to a high-level god king! "Nan Shenwang teased, "East God King, I think your plan may fail. If we want to trip the saint, we must strengthen our strength and hit it!"

"That's right, Eastern God King, I think it was too hasty to come to the Holy Maiden Mountain this time. We just kicked the Central God King from the seat of the King of God Kings. We didn't have a firm foothold, so we wanted to I'm really impatient to deal with the saint immediately!" King Beishen also echoed.

The face of the Eastern God King became more and more ugly at this time. The plan to ask Wang Hao to go to the Holy Maiden Mountain to steal the heart of the God Realm was completely manipulated by himself. His prestige has dropped a lot, Eastern God King snorted coldly, and didn't say anything, but he also knew in his heart: I'm afraid my plan is really going to be aborted @ aborted......

However, just when the East God King and the others were in despair, a white figure rushed out of the underground maze like a white lightning. The heart of the God Realm that God King and others want.

"It's Wang Hao, he actually stole the heart of the God Realm from the underground labyrinth!" Xishenwang suddenly shouted.The South God King and the North God King also opened their eyes wide. They really couldn't believe how Wang Hao broke through the many difficulties in the underground labyrinth that even he dared not set foot in easily.

What's more, what about the Saintess' resistance?However, with the facts in front of him, it was difficult for the Nanshenwang and Beishenwang industries to say anything.At this time, the most excited one was the East God King. When he was in despair, he suddenly saw Wang Hao, just like a person walking in the desert sees an oasis!

"Wang Hao, that's great. You have obtained the heart of the God Realm. I want to thank you very much this time!" Dongshen King laughed loudly, and with a flash of his body, he flew towards Wang Hao.At this time, Wang Hao's face was full of sweat, and he roared: "East God King, the saint has already chased after her, help me deal with the saint quickly, the saint's methods are really clever, I am not an opponent!"

East God King smiled and said: "Don't worry, Wang Hao, you helped me obtain the heart of the gods, I will not see you die in the hands of the saint, with this heart of the gods, the saint will no longer be immortal It’s time for the strong ones, several god kings, prepare to make a move, the sky of the god world is finally about to change!”

The East God King snatched the heart of the God Realm from Wang Hao's hand with a smile. After sweeping his consciousness, he found that it was exactly the same as the one in the legend, but the fluctuation of the spiritual energy was not as great as he imagined.The East God King was immediately puzzled, but before he could think about it, the saint's voice had already come from the underground labyrinth.

"Bold thief, return the heart of the God Realm, and I will spare you, or I will tear you to pieces!" The figure of the saint appeared in front of the East God King at the same time, and a magic weapon like a horse was moving towards the Wang Hao entangled, and at the same time sacrificed a long knife like a crescent moon, and attacked the East God King. The East God King was stunned, and quickly put the heart of the God Realm into the storage bag.He knew in his heart that as long as he had the heart of the gods, no matter how powerful the saintess was, she would be hard to beat with two fists, and in the end she would not be able to escape the fate of being beheaded by these high-level god kings.

The training artifact was like a long rainbow, rolling towards Wang Hao, with red rays of light emitting from all around. When Wang saw the training horse, he hid aside in fear.

Firstly, it was because the magic weapon was so powerful that even if he faced it by himself, it would be difficult for him to retreat completely.Come on, this guy named Wang Hao has always been at odds with himself and other high-level god-kings. Now his role has been fully utilized, and he has lost the value of being used.Even if he was beheaded by the saint, it would not have any impact on his side.Even, the Nanshenwang and Beishenwang secretly rejoiced in their hearts: the saintess beheaded Wang Hao, saving them from having to do it themselves.

Wang Hao wanted to resist the artifact, but soon he was tightly wrapped by the artifact like a rainbow. The artifact kept shrinking, making the bones of Wang Hao's fleshy body make a crisp sound. ,.Wang Hao growled and wanted to break free, but everything seemed futile.

"East God King, come and save me!" Wang Hao shouted loudly.It's just that the Eastern God King seemed to be deaf to it at this time, ignoring Wang Hao's call for help, but focused on dealing with the saint. In his eyes, a saint without the blessing of the heart of the gods is equivalent to becoming an object that he can knead at will!

"Everyone, now is the weakest time for this bitch. Without the heart of the gods, we can kill her directly. What are you waiting for?" Dong Shenwang suddenly shouted to the several god kings behind him.Nanshen Wang and others responded in unison, and then several figures jumped up at the same time, attacking the saint.

These high-ranking god kings are already completely disregarded at this time. Wang Hao, who is only wrapped by the training magic weapon, Wang Hao's life and death, is not what they want to control at all. They even hope that Wang Hao will be beheaded by the saint as soon as possible. .

At this time, a sly look flashed across Wang Hao's tightly wrapped eyes.In the end, he muttered something, and Wang Hao slowly read out the formula for the demon saint to transform into a supernatural power.

"Bitch, without the heart of the God Realm, I see how you can still be arrogant!" Nan Shenwang gritted his teeth at the saint, and then suddenly attacked the saint with the powerful artifact in his hand.At this time, these god-kings were attacking the saint like crazy tigers. Although the saint's cultivation was much higher than these high-level god-kings, under the siege of these people, she soon fell into a trap. Passive.

This time, it aroused the fighting spirit of these high-ranking god kings, and they all attacked the saint recklessly, especially at this time, the Nan god king had already given up defense and blindly attacked, in his eyes At this time, the saint has lost the ability to resist.

Just when these high-ranking god-kings and saintesses would be beheaded by him and others in an instant, an extremely strange sword energy emerged from the sky, and it slashed across the neck of Nan Shenwang like a frightened bird. At this moment, Nanshenwang didn't even notice that someone would attack him at this moment.By the time he realized it, it was too late, the head of King Nanshen was immediately cut off by the strange sword energy, and fell into the dust.

Nan Shenwang's consciousness immediately fled in a panic, but before he could escape a few steps, he met a tall figure. This figure looked so familiar. Betrayed this king of gods and kings, I didn't expect him to appear here.

(Wang Hao's cultivation base has been promoted to the realm of high-level gods and kings, and the whole story is at the final juncture. The battle between immortals and gods will begin immediately. Wang Hao will kill all directions and become the most dazzling star in the entire two realms of immortals and gods. Dear judges, Hurry up and collect it, pass by, don’t miss it! Wow quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack!!!!!!!!!!!!)

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