Fairy Road

Chapter 398

The saint's complexion suddenly changed. She didn't expect that the old woman in front of her could see through her identity at a glance. The saint's expression suddenly became awkward. After a long time, she said coldly: "Joke, I'm not Who is the saint, I think you are the spy of the fairy world!"

The old woman giggled and said, "I have been guarding here for tens of thousands of years. I can't count the breath of the saint. Although you have the body of the saint, you don't have the soul of the saint! Leave the saint quickly." The body of a woman, otherwise I will be rude to you!"

"Oh, you're not polite to me, then I want to see how you are rude to me!" The saint said coldly, and with a wave of her hand, one after another extremely weird sword energy attacked the old woman.

The old woman roared, and immediately turned into dozens of identical old women, distributed around the saint, even the saint couldn't tell which one was the old woman's real body!

"Thousand Illusions!" The saintess exclaimed in surprise, it seems that the saintesses of the divine world also know a thing or two.Just when the saint was surprised, dozens of old women shot at the saint at the same time. Countless palm prints mixed with majestic energy nearly smashed the saint's body into powder!The saintess let out a muffled groan, stepped back several steps in a row, and finally couldn't help but bleed out a mouthful of blood.

In terms of cultivation, I am not inferior to this old woman, but the thousand illusions practiced by this old woman can instantly make me have dozens of avatars that are comparable to my own strength. The strength has skyrocketed dozens of times. Just imagine, a high-level god king, his cultivation base has suddenly skyrocketed dozens of times. Then, how terrifying his cultivation base is.

Dozens of old women kept attacking the saint, so that the saint could only resist hard, without the slightest power to fight back. If the old woman hadn't estimated the saint's body and was unwilling to damage the saint's body, I'm afraid at this moment , the saint has already been turned into powder under the old woman's palm.

Seeing the old woman being merciful everywhere, the saint also understood a little bit of the old woman's fear in her heart.Then he sneered, and threw out several artifacts in the storage bag at the same time. Then, he resorted to a desperate fight, every move and style, with the idea of ​​dying with the old woman.Although the old woman was not afraid of being killed, but because she took into account the body of the saint, she began to be controlled by the saint everywhere.

After a while, the old woman became more and more passive. Not only could the saint calmly defuse the old woman's attack, she could even take the opportunity to attack the old woman, causing the old woman to suffer several times from the saint.

"Hmph, this old guy is really loyal! However, this is an opportunity I can take advantage of!" The saint thought to herself, and then she became more imposing, and directly knocked out dozens of clones of the old woman with one palm. .

"Hahahahaha, old guy, the Thousand Illusion Art is nothing more than that!" The saint laughed wildly. At this moment, a white figure suddenly flew out from among dozens of old women's clones, holding a golden light in his hand. The stone hit the saint's Baihui acupoint fiercely!

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh… Beside the saint, he supported the saint.But the old woman screamed strangely at this moment, and suddenly a black nail appeared in her hand. With a flash of black light, it was nailed into the void. The soul of the female body is sent out.

"It's a pity that he was allowed to run away!" the old woman sighed.At this time, she called out that the saintess supported by Wang Hao woke up slowly, and the old woman's face showed a hint of joy, and then her figure flashed and disappeared directly on the spot.

Wang Hao stared at the beautiful face of the saint, and watched the eyes of the saint slowly open, a trace of ecstasy appeared on his face.The saint opened her eyes, staring blankly at the familiar face in front of her, frowning slightly, as if she was thinking about something!At this time, Wang Hao suddenly remembered something, and suddenly took the Butian ring in his right hand, and presented it in front of the saint.

After seeing the sky-filling ring, the saint's expression changed drastically, her entire face was filled with surprise, tears were already streaming down her beautiful eyes.

"Son, is that you?" At this moment, the saint's voice had already become extremely pleasant.This greeting immediately filled Wang Hao's eyes with tears!

Wang Hao nodded suddenly and said, "It's me, mother!" The saint didn't directly ask Wang Hao if he was her child, but Wang Hao had already seen maternal love from the eyes of the saint, the real maternal love, the maternal love at this moment The brilliance made Wang Hao forget everything, and let him go back to his childhood.

At that time, how much I longed to have a mother's love!

"It's really you!" The saint said in shock, "I didn't expect that in just a few decades, you could actually cultivate to the realm of a high-level god king. It's really... child, you must have suffered a lot ?”

"Mom, to see you, it's worth it no matter how much suffering you suffer!" Wang Hao said with a smile, and gently lifted his mother up. Immediately, Wang Hao bowed his head and bowed. His goal of cultivation was finally realized at this moment. , I finally saw my mother!

"Son, about your father..." the saint said slowly.However, Wang Hao interrupted his mother, and said with frowned eyebrows: "Mother, I will talk about father's matter later, there are several high-level god kings outside the Saintess Peak, and they want to use my hands to deal with you! We must first find a way to get rid of these hypocritical guys!"

"Huh? Is it the King of Gods?" the saint asked.

Wang Hao shook his head and said: "Something happened in the central city of the God Realm. At this time, the King of God Kings is already the Eastern God King. This guy is much more sinister than the Central God King. Now he is very likely to be the King of Gods." Lead those men to the Saintess Peak!"

The saint nodded and said: "Child, don't worry, I am under the God Realm, even if all the high-level god kings attack at the same time, it is impossible to cause fatal damage to me!" The saint said, stretching out her right hand , that golden heart of the God Realm immediately appeared in the palm of his hand.

Wang Hao nodded and continued: "Of course I know this, but these high-level god kings always want to plot against you, and maybe one day they will think of sending someone to plot against you. Take this opportunity to eradicate all these guys!"

"Eliminate them all?" The saint's complexion changed, and then she said with a wry smile, "My child, although you and I are both high-level god kings now, it is still difficult to win against so many high-level god kings. !"

Wang Hao said in a deep voice: "Mother, the Eastern God King always thought that I would stand by him, so he sent me to steal the heart of the God Realm. Now we can use this opportunity to severely damage them, or even eradicate them all!"

The saint frowned and pondered for a moment, before she asked, "Son, what do you mean? Just plan?"

Wang Hao nodded solemnly, and replied, "Not bad!"

(Wang Hao's cultivation base has been promoted to the realm of high-level gods and kings, and the whole story is at the final juncture. The battle between immortals and gods will begin immediately. Wang Hao will kill all directions and become the most dazzling star in the entire two realms of immortals and gods. Dear judges, Hurry up and collect it, pass by, don’t miss it! Wow quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack!!!!!!!!!!!!)

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