Fairy Road

Chapter 408 Turning Point

The battle on the Two Realms Mountains is coming to an end. There are three thousand senior generals in the God Realm, and now there is not even one-tenth of them left. God generals, however, are much better. Now, one or two immortal kings have formed on Liangjie Mountain to besiege a god general.

"It seems that the general situation is over..." God King Zhu Nian let out a long sigh, his eyes showed no fighting spirit at all.Wang Hao, on the other hand, continued to observe the situation on Liangjie Mountain.

"Even if there is only one of the three thousand generals left, there is still a chance to get the Yaochi Golden Lotus. Whoever gets the Yaochi Golden Lotus will be the final winner. It is not yet the final step, so the King Zhutong doesn't need to be so pessimistic!" Wang Hao said in his mouth, in fact, he did not have the slightest confidence in the victory of this battle.

"Hehe, King Wang Hao, you are too optimistic!" King Zhu Dian smiled bitterly and shook his head, "I think the mission of the two of us should be over now, and I am going to go back to my life, if it is true When the war on the two mountains is over, I'm afraid neither of us will be able to leave!" Zhu Dian's words also had some truth, and Wang Hao naturally knew in his heart that the current situation in the God Realm has already made all the senior immortal emperors in the Immortal Realm disagree. The God Realm covets it endlessly!

Wang Hao frowned and said nothing. Now that God King Zhu Ting wants to leave, what reason does he have to keep him?After all, the current situation of the god generals in the God Realm has been extremely passive.

Seeing that Wang Hao had no words, the king of God Zhutong smiled wryly and said, "Don't you still want to stay here? Although you have a high level of cultivation, you can't stand the crowd. There are ten senior immortal emperors in the fairy world. As long as you come Halfway through, let alone you and I fight back, even if you want to save your life, it may be impossible!"

Wang Hao nodded, but still said: "God King Zhu Dian, I still decide to stay here!" There was no explanation, because Wang Hao felt that he didn't need to explain too much to Zhu Dian. There is not the slightest friendship between them, even if he explained it, would he put his own life aside for himself?

There was a look of surprise in Zhu Tong's eyes, he couldn't imagine why Wang Hao insisted on staying here.Knowing that he might have to face an extremely unfavorable situation, he insisted on staying here. It seems that Wang Hao has his own ideas.But as for what Wang Hao thinks, Zhu Dian has no interest at all now.

"Okay, King Wang Hao, I respect your choice, but please understand my choice!" God King Wang Hao cupped his hands and made an appearance that he was ready to leave at any time!

Wang Hao waved his hand towards Zhu Ting, expressing that he had no objection to his choice at all. At this moment, Wang Hao's expression suddenly changed strangely, because at this time in the two worlds, a senior general Suddenly there was an extremely powerful top-grade artifact, and it began to kill the Quartet.

In a blink of an eye, several high-ranking immortals around him became the dead souls under his sword!Then, the high-ranking god general crazily rushed towards the peak of the Liangjie Mountain as if he had been injected with chicken blood. At this time, the immortals in the fairy world had already obtained the Yaochi Golden Lotus placed on the top of the Liangjie Mountain. .Several high-ranking immortals walked down the Two Realms Mountain, surrounded by an immortal in brocade robes.

As long as he left Liangjie Mountain and returned to the camp in Immortal Realm, he would be regarded as winning the war.Unexpectedly, the high-ranking god general rushed in front of these immortals in an instant, and the top-grade artifacts in his hands exuded a dazzling brilliance, causing the immortals in the hands of those immortals to shatter all of a sudden. .

"What kind of magic weapon is this? It's so powerful. Stop him quickly and don't let him approach me. The Yaochi Golden Lotus in my hand must not be lost!" The fairy who got the Yaochi Golden Lotus gave orders loudly.However, facing the threat of death, the high-ranking immortals around him hesitated, and soon some of them retreated quickly, not daring to head-on with that brave high-ranking general!

"You bastards, even if you leave Liangjie Mountain, you will be punished by the immortal emperors!" Jinpao Xianjun shouted loudly. At this time, the brave high-ranking god king had already stabbed his chest with a sword. before.

"Death!" The high-ranking general roared, and the divine sword in his hand exuded a destructive aura, which even approached the realm of a god-king. , broke through the bottleneck between the god general and the god king, and gradually transformed towards the realm of the god king.

"You are actually a cultivator in the realm of a god king!" Jinpao Xianjun took out his strongest fairy weapon, and desperately blocked the sword of the general, but a stream of blood was already overflowing from the corner of his mouth!

"Hmph! It's good to know, obediently hand over Yaochi Jinlian if you are sensible, and spare your life, otherwise, you will die!" The high-level general said coldly, and the dazzling sword light was constantly swallowing on the tip of the sword in his hand. !

"Golden lotus from Yaochi to you?" Jinpao Immortal murmured, "Okay, you take it!" As he spoke, the brilliance flashed in his hand, and a cold light flew towards the general.

"Huh! I don't know how to live or die!" The god general roared, and the brilliance of the god general in his hand flashed, and he smashed the cold light emitted by the Jinpao fairy into pieces. Giving the golden lotus to the general was actually trying to sneak attack the general, hoping to escape.After all, if he handed over Yaochi Jinlian, he would also be doomed to die.

"Go to hell!" The high-ranking general was obviously enraged by the Jinpao Xianjun, the light on the sword in his hand had soared to a length of several feet, and then, he just wrapped the Jinpao Xianjun, stabbingly, Immortal Jinpao's body suddenly turned into a rain of blood, and the high-ranking god general took his storage bag in his hand.

Then, he took out a golden lotus blooming with thousands of golden lights from the storage bag. This is the token of victory in this battle - Yaochi Golden Lotus!Obtaining this item means victory in the war.

"Okay!" Wang Hao clenched his fists and shouted loudly!King Zhutong also stopped to leave, but he still said in a deep voice: "God Wang Hao, I'd better wait until he leaves Liangjie Mountain to be happy again. Look, dozens of immortals are already heading towards him. Siege and kill the past."

Wang Hao also frowned. Although that high-level general was extremely brave, facing dozens of high-level immortals, it was extremely difficult to take that Yaochi Golden Lotus away from Liangjie Mountain!

Soon, the high-level god generals fell into the encirclement of the high-level immortals. These high-level immortals all possessed powerful immortal artifacts. The artifact was destroyed, so the high-ranking god general fell into a bitter struggle.

"Anyway, there is still hope!" Wang Hao said to himself without looking at God King Zhu.At this moment, Wang Hao suddenly felt several powerful auras flying towards him.

Soon, the expression on Zhu Tong's face also changed, and then he said in a hurry: "Wang Hao, I will leave this place to you to wait for, and there will be a period later!" As he spoke, his figure flashed, and he disappeared behind Wang Hao in front of.

Wang Hao stared at the leaving back of King Zhu's God with a wry smile, and murmured, "Whatever comes will come eventually!"

(Wang Hao is about to kill the Quartet, everyone, please save it! See how Wang Hao reversed the situation in the battle between immortals and gods, and finally became the master of the two worlds. It is in the following content. The whole novel is also at the end. I hope everyone Can continue to support the old wet.)

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