Fairy Road

Chapter 415

Chapter 420

Who is the Immortal Emperor Chixiao? This is the immortal emperor who has been famous for thousands of years in the immortal world. In terms of the strength of the attack power, in the entire immortal world, except for the Jade Emperor who is in charge of the immortal world, I am afraid that no one can beat it. It's right off.However, at this moment, when facing the Nether Ghost King in the ghost world, Immortal Emperor Scarlet Firmament's attack is like a child's play, and the Nether Ghost King is like an adult facing a child who likes to be funny.

When you've had enough fun, a single blow can knock you back to your original shape.Immortal Emperor Scarlet Firmament was completely overwhelmed this time. After spitting out a mouthful of golden blood, Immortal Emperor Chixiao's stubborn face suddenly showed a wry smile. His cultivation base collapsed at this moment!

"Hahahaha, I didn't expect the so-called immortal emperor in the fairy world to be so vulnerable!" The Nether Ghost King said with a smile, "Boy, I have no intention of killing you. Long-cherished wish! If you wait and act rashly without knowing what is good or bad, don’t blame the old man for being ruthless!” the Nether Ghost King said, his eyes revealed a glint of light, and he looked towards Immortal Emperor Weiyang and others beside Immortal Emperor Chixiao.

threaten!It's a naked threat, but they have the strength to threaten these immortal emperors.When the Nether Ghost King's eyes glanced at Immortal Emperor Weiyang and the others, these all-powerful immortal emperors actually looked like they had no temper at all.In the end, the Nether Ghost King's eyes still fell on the face of the Jade Emperor Immortal Emperor who was already gloomy at this moment.

"Jade Emperor, I don't want too many people to intervene in your grievances. If you want to take the lives of these servants in the fairy world, I would be more happy to reap a few more lives!" The Nether Ghost King finished speaking, Laughing arrogantly, it seems that he has become the master who can dominate the lives of these immortal emperors at this moment.

"Okay!" Immortal Jade Emperor gritted his teeth and said, "Today I will understand that grievance with you!" Immortal Jade Emperor said, then turned to Immortal Emperor Weiyang and the others and said, "Go back to the Immortal Realm quickly, There is no need for you to stay here!" Immortal Emperor Weiyang and the others naturally knew that even if they stayed, they would not be able to change the situation at all, so they could only nod silently, and rushed towards the fairyland without saying a word. direction to fly.

For Immortal Emperor Weiyang's departure, the Nether Ghost King did not intend to stop him at all. It seems that today's Nether Ghost King is looking for the Jade Emperor's bad luck.

Wang Hao, who was standing aside, did not make a sound for a long time. After all, Wang Hao was deeply shocked by the powerful cultivation of the Nether Ghost King. Originally, with his current strength, even if Wang Hao could no longer walk sideways in the two worlds of immortals and gods, at least he could He would not easily lose to any famous big shot, but at this moment, he overturned his own thoughts.

The strength of this Nether Ghost King is far beyond his own.It can even be said that he should have no chance of winning in front of the Nether Ghost King!

"Mother, let's go back to the God Realm!" Wang Hao suddenly said softly to the saint. After all, the situation at this moment is very obvious. The Nether Ghost King only wants the life of the Jade Emperor. I'm afraid it will be the saint's turn. The saint was once a member of the siege of the ghost king.Thinking of this, Wang Hao couldn't help but want to urge the saint to leave this dangerous place quickly.

After all, there is still the Jade Emperor Immortal standing here at this moment.If the Immortal Emperor Jade Emperor falls, I am afraid that there will be no chance of leaving.At this moment, Wang Hao couldn't care less about snatching the Jade Lake Golden Lotus. Wang Hao also knew in his heart that if his mother's life was affected because of the Jade Lake Golden Lotus, it would be his own unfilial piety.

After hearing Wang Hao's reminder, the saint's jade face changed slightly, and then she smiled wryly: "At this point, I'm afraid it's hard for me to leave even if I want to!" The ghost king looked at it. At this moment, the dark and cold eyes of the ghost king of the nether world happened to look towards Wang Hao.

"Hahahaha, the saintess of the God Realm is really self-aware. The boy next to you, you can leave quickly, but the saint must stay!" the Nether Ghost King said, and the breath in his body also rose randomly. stand up.

At this time, the Nether Ghost King, even facing the Immortal Jade Emperor and the Holy Maiden at the same time, has full confidence to defeat them, or even kill them directly!

Um?Want my mother to stay, want to kill my mother!There was a buzzing sound in Wang Hao's mind, as if it was about to explode.In his life, Wang Hao treated others with modesty and courtesy, and rarely got angry.But if it touches Wang Hao's reverse scale, it will arouse Wang Hao's thunderous anger.

What about the ghost king?Even if it is the strongest in the nine heavens and ten places, Wang Hao still has to fight!

"Go?" Wang Hao suddenly said to the Nether Ghost King, "I really have no intention of leaving now. If I want to go, I also want to leave this place with the saint!"

Hearing Wang Hao's neither humble nor overbearing words, the Nether Ghost King's complexion changed, and then he laughed and said: "Okay, you boy has a bit more backbone than those goddamn emperors in the fairy world, but this bit of backbone will also hurt you." You died a little earlier than them!" The Nether Ghost King said, the huge coercion on his body immediately rushed towards Wang Hao like a tide.

"Boom!" Wang Hao naturally mobilized all his energy to resist the coercion of the Nether Ghost King, but this coercion was obviously beyond Wang Hao's imagination, and Wang Hao stepped back a few steps , A trace of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.This Nether Ghost King's strength is really terrifying!

"Wang Hao!" The saint screamed, and in a blink of an eye, she came to Wang Hao's side, stroking Wang Hao's shoulder, and asked concerned, "Are you injured?" Wang Hao turned pale, then shook his head and said: "It's mere coercion, but it can't hurt me!" Although Wang Hao said stubbornly, everyone present knew that Wang Hao suffered a big loss just now!

At this time, the expression on the face of the Nether Ghost King changed imperceptibly. In fact, it was revealed just now that the Nether Ghost King just released his coercion at will, but in fact he used [-]% of his cultivation. It can be said that the Chixiao Immortal Emperor was more than twice as strong just now.

The ghost king's original idea was to kill Wang Hao, a guy who didn't know what to do, in one fell swoop, so that the two people he wanted to kill would be killed by him in a panic. The boy, unexpectedly able to take such a powerful attack from himself!

"Very good, under my coercion, you are not directly blasted into powder, you can be regarded as a character!" The Nether Ghost King looked at Wang Hao with a sneer and said, "You still have a chance to repent! Go, and you will die. Stay and die!"

Wang Hao replied with a sneer: "I will choose to stay, but I will not choose to die!"

"Oh, the old man wants to see how you survived in the hands of the old man!" Hell Ghost King said, squinting at the Jade Emperor, and sneered, "The old man will deal with this ignorant kid first, and then come I'm looking for your bad luck!" As he said that, his figure flickered, and he disappeared in place immediately.

"Huh? Disappeared!" Wang Hao's complexion changed, and then he understood in his heart that the kung fu used by the Nether Ghost King at this moment must have some similarities with his own Nine Transformation Technique of the Heavenly Demon.Wang Hao suddenly realized that this Nether Ghost King was extremely powerful, if he succeeded in attacking him unexpectedly, even if he did not die, he would probably lose a layer of skin.Thinking of this, Wang Hao immediately resorted to the magical power of the Heavenly Demon Nine Transformations.

With a sound of "whoosh", Wang Hao's figure also suddenly disappeared in place.The next moment, the figure of the Nether Ghost King actually appeared at the place where Wang Hao was standing before, but at this moment there was no shadow of Wang Hao. "Okay, sure enough, he has a bit of arrogance!" The Nether Ghost King smiled instead of anger, and actually attacked the saint not far away with his palm.

The whole story has come to the final juncture, and the battle between immortals and gods will begin immediately. Wang Hao will kill all directions and become the most dazzling star in the entire two realms of immortals and gods.Readers, hurry up and collect it, pass by, don't miss it!Whoa quack quack quack quack quack! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! )

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