Fairy Road

Chapter 416

"Boom!" Wang Hao naturally mobilized all his energy to resist the coercion of the Nether Ghost King, but this coercion was obviously beyond Wang Hao's imagination, and Wang Hao stepped back a few steps , A trace of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.This Nether Ghost King's strength is really terrifying!

"Wang Hao!" The saint screamed, and in a blink of an eye, she came to Wang Hao's side, stroking Wang Hao's shoulder, and asked concerned, "Are you injured?" Wang Hao turned pale, then shook his head and said: "It's mere coercion, but it can't hurt me!" Although Wang Hao said stubbornly, everyone present knew that Wang Hao suffered a big loss just now!

At this time, the expression on the face of the Nether Ghost King changed imperceptibly. In fact, it was revealed just now that the Nether Ghost King just released his coercion at will, but in fact he used [-]% of his cultivation. It can be said that the Chixiao Immortal Emperor was more than twice as strong just now.

The ghost king's original idea was to kill Wang Hao, a guy who didn't know what to do, in one fell swoop, so that the two people he wanted to kill would be killed by him in a panic. The boy, unexpectedly able to take such a powerful attack from himself!

"Very good, under my coercion, you are not directly blasted into powder, you can be regarded as a character!" The Nether Ghost King looked at Wang Hao with a sneer and said, "You still have a chance to repent! Go, and you will die. Stay and die!"

Wang Hao replied with a sneer: "I will choose to stay, but I will not choose to die!"

"Oh, the old man wants to see how you survived in the hands of the old man!" Hell Ghost King said, squinting at the Jade Emperor, and sneered, "The old man will deal with this ignorant kid first, and then come I'm looking for your bad luck!" As he said that, his figure flickered, and he disappeared in place immediately.

"Huh? Disappeared!" Wang Hao's complexion changed, and then he understood in his heart that the kung fu used by the Nether Ghost King at this moment must have some similarities with his own Nine Transformation Technique of the Heavenly Demon.Wang Hao suddenly realized that this Nether Ghost King was extremely powerful, if he succeeded in attacking him unexpectedly, even if he did not die, he would probably lose a layer of skin.Thinking of this, Wang Hao immediately resorted to the magical power of the Heavenly Demon Nine Transformations.

With a sound of "whoosh", Wang Hao's figure also suddenly disappeared in place.The next moment, the figure of the Nether Ghost King actually appeared at the place where Wang Hao was standing before, but at this moment there was no shadow of Wang Hao. "Okay, sure enough, he has a bit of arrogance!" The Nether Ghost King smiled instead of anger, and actually attacked the saint not far away with his palm.

"Saint, this person seems to be quite close to you. Since he has become a turtle, I will deal with you first!" The Nether Ghost King's casual palm seemed to imply the law of heaven, and then As the palm wind approached, the saint just felt that if she took the palm head-on, she might be turned into ashes in an instant under this domineering palm wind!

The saint's figure flashed, and the artifacts in the storage bag flew out continuously. Countless artifacts flew like butterflies, forming barriers between the ghost king and the saint.

"Hey, there are quite a lot of magic weapons!" The Nether Ghost King sneered, his big skinny hands kept crushing the artifacts sacrificed by the saint, but his eyes kept wandering, obviously looking for Wang Hao's trace.

At this moment, Wang Hao was also secretly annoyed: This Nether Ghost King is really shameless, he would come up with such a method to force Zhiji to show up, and his mother is attacking by the Nether Ghost King at this moment, so he naturally doesn't wait to sit idly by.

"Hmph! Ghost King of the Underworld, take my move too!" Wang Hao roared, and the strange sword energy in his hand immediately turned into tens of thousands of sword shadows in the air, covering the entire world. Between heaven and earth, at this moment Only the streaks of sword energy remained, constantly transforming in the air, wrapping the Nether King's body in it. ,

Wang Hao was determined to cut this ghost king into pieces.Even Immortal Emperor Chi Xiao could hardly stop the power of this strange sword energy.However, in front of the Nether Ghost King, it was like a child's play. The Nether Ghost King just sneered slightly when the sword qi approached him, and then even when his body darkened, all those sword qi passed through the Nether Ghost King's body. But it didn't hurt the Nether Ghost King at all.

"How is this possible?" Wang Hao's eyes were locked tightly, and he thought to himself, "Even if this Nether Ghost King is powerful, it is impossible for him to be so strong that he can resist the attack of this strange sword energy!"

However, at this time, the Nether Ghost King was also secretly surprised. After Wang Hao released the strange sword energy, he was secretly shocked. As the sword energy transformed into thousands of people in mid-air, he had already recognized the strangeness. Regarding the origin of the sword energy, he did not expect that Wang Hao, a cultivator from the God Realm, would have a treasure from the Immortal Realm in his hands.

The Nether Ghost King wanted to avoid it, but in the face of the overwhelming sword energy, he had no choice but to use his determination to become famous for thousands of years. Even so, the Nether Ghost King felt a shock in his mind under the surprise attack of countless sword qi.

This is something the Nether Ghost King never thought of. He never imagined that he would become so embarrassed in front of an ordinary high-level god king in a god world!

Anger finally burned in the Nether Ghost King's chest. "Boy, the old man was mistaken. Among these people, it turns out that your cultivation is the highest!" The Nether Ghost King said, with green flames burning all over his body. This is the real ghost fire of the Nether Ghost King. Once the Nether Ghost King used such a trick, it meant that some monks would be buried in this ghost fire.

At this moment, the Jade Emperor Immortal Emperor suddenly showed a sly look on his face. The battle between the Nether Ghost King and Wang Hao naturally gave him a rare chance to escape.But he also knew in his heart that if he ran away at this moment, he would definitely attract the ghost king's pursuit. Moreover, the treasure of the fairy world, the Wannian Yaochi Golden Lotus was still in the hands of the ghost monk.

Therefore, at this moment, Immortal Emperor Jade Emperor is waiting, waiting for the most suitable opportunity to make a move, to kill the ghost slave in the ghost world with one blow, and then seize the golden lotus in Yaochi and escape from this place.

At this moment, the saint was worried, and shouted at Wang Hao: "Wang Hao, you leave this place quickly, the ghost fire is not something you can fight against!"

Wang Hao nodded towards the saint, and said in a deep voice: "In this situation, at this moment, if I were a father, I would naturally not leave easily!" Dao Haoguang covered Wang Hao's physical body in it, and immediately, several avatars of great monsters also appeared around Wang Hao.

Among these big monsters, there are also two high-level god kings. When these people appear, they also make the Nether Ghost King slightly stunned, but in the eyes of the Nether Ghost King, these avatars are naturally not a big deal, Wei Wei After being stunned for a moment, it swept towards Wang Hao violently.

At this moment, Wang Hao was also very anxious. Facing the Nether Ghost Fire, even with the protection of the Sky Mending Ring, Wang Hao had no way of resisting it. The whole world turned green.Wang Hao simply cannot avoid it!

"Wang Hao, the mending ring can't resist the attack of the ghost fire!" Seeing that Wang Hao wanted to resist the ghost fire, the saint immediately said urgently.

Wang Hao felt awe-inspiring, and then his body flickered, and the nine-transformation magical power of the sky demon immediately made Wang Hao's body disappear in place, and the clones of the big monsters beside him were immediately attacked by the ghost fire. Underneath, turned into ashes!

After Wang Hao's figure reappeared, Wang Hao's heart was already shocked, and he thought to himself: This ghost fire is really powerful, if he is burned by it, he may be turned into ashes in an instant.

Wang Hao had a thought, at this moment, countless will-o'-the-wisps dyed Wang Hao's surroundings green again!

(The whole story is at its final juncture, and the battle between immortals and gods will begin immediately. Wang Hao will kill all directions and become the most dazzling star in the entire two realms of immortals and gods. Readers, hurry up and collect it, pass by, don’t miss it wow quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack!!!!!!!!!!!!)

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