Fairy Road

Chapter 417 Raid

Chapter 420 Raid

Countless green ghost fires surrounded Wang Hao in an instant, and their momentum was so great that they could kill Wang Hao instantly.Wang Hao frowned, in desperation, he had no choice but to display the magical power of the nine transformations of the sky demon again, and his figure suddenly disappeared just when the green ghost fire was about to burn his body.

"Hmph! Do you want to use such a small supernatural power to escape the ghost fire of the old man?" The ghost king's face suddenly became ugly when he saw Wang Hao using the nine-transformation supernatural power of the sky demon twice in a row to escape his siege. stand up. "The will-o'-the-wisps burn the sky!" The Nether Ghost King roared, and countless ghost-wisps burst out from his body again. Although the ghost-wisps this time were somewhat similar to the will-o'-the-wisps just now, they were several times stronger in momentum.

Immediately, the entire world was filled with this ghostly will-o'-the-wisp, and even the saintess and the Jade Emperor who were standing in the distance nervously took out their own defensive magic weapons to resist the ghostly will-o'-the-wisp's attack Invasion!Only the Ghost Realm Ghost Slave who got the Yaochi Golden Lotus stood alone in the distance, staring coldly at the situation on the field, but he was not affected by the will-o'-the-wisp in the slightest.

"The ghost king, if you have any resentment, come to me!" The saint said sharply at this time, and the saint at this time had completely figured it out. For Wang Hao, she would rather die here.At this moment, the Jade Emperor Immortal Emperor, with an ugly expression on his face, mobilized all his vitality to resist the attack of the ghost fire.

At this time, Wang Hao's figure appeared a few feet behind the Nether Ghost King. As soon as his physical body appeared, he found that his whole body was engulfed in a sea of ​​flames.

"Huh? What's going on? Why is there a sea of ​​fire all around!" Wang Hao was secretly surprised. The infinite sea of ​​fire around him caused Wang Hao's physical body to suffer great damage immediately. Not only was his white clothes burned It became black, and even the black hair on his head was burning ugly at this time. At this time, Wang Hao was already in extreme embarrassment.

Fortunately, following Wang Hao's thoughts, the Sky Mending Ring instantly appeared on top of Wang Hao's head, covered by a ray of light, which made Wang Hao's physical body slightly less vulnerable to the invasion of the ghost fire.However, although the Mending Sky Ring is incomparably mysterious, it is difficult to say that all the damage from the Nether Ghost Fire can be completely resolved.

Although the damage to the physical body was no longer so obvious, Wang Hao still felt that his consciousness was gradually shrinking under the attack of the ghost fire.

"It turns out that's the case. No wonder my mother said that the mending ring can't stop the attack of the ghost fire. It turns out that the ghost fire can not only burn the monk's body, but also damage the monk's spiritual consciousness!" Shrinking, Wang Hao suddenly became nervous, "It's just that the sky-replenishing ring has always been able to protect my consciousness? Why can't it stop the invasion of the ghost fire now!"

Wang Hao's brows were deeply frowned. Although the saint not far away was aware of Wang Hao's dangerous situation at the moment, she was also a mud bodhisattva crossing the river and could not protect herself. Although she was protected by a powerful defensive artifact , the ghost fire can't hurt her for the time being, but it's impossible to free up your hands to help Wang Hao.

"Hahahaha, I thought you had three heads and six arms. It turns out that apart from the ability to escape, your other abilities are not very good!" Seeing Wang Hao, the Nether Ghost King was already trapped by his own ghost fire, and looked It seemed that his spiritual consciousness had suffered a lot of damage, and he immediately sneered with complacency on his face.

"The Nether Ghost King, if you hurt him, I will never make it easier for you in heaven and earth!" The saint gritted her teeth at this time, and roared fiercely at the Nether Ghost King. , It has become ferocious and terrifying.

"Saint, you are already in danger at this moment, and you dare to threaten the old man, you really don't know how to live or die!" The Nether Ghost King said contemptuously, and then, with a flick of his right hand, a green flame roared and flew towards the saint!

Once the face of the saint changed, she could only sacrifice another defensive artifact to protect her body firmly!At this time, Wang Hao's spiritual consciousness had shrunk to the level of a god general. With the continuous shrinking of his spiritual consciousness, Wang Hao even felt that his cultivation base had also begun to regress continuously.

"No! If I keep resisting like this, I'm afraid that within half a day, I will be refined by the old ghost king of the Netherworld with the ghost fire of the Netherworld!" Wang Hao's thoughts changed sharply, but the magical weapon he relied on most At this moment, the sky ring is firmly protecting his body. If he uses the mending ring to attack the Nether ghost king, he may not be able to attack the Nether ghost king, and his body will probably be burned to ashes by the ghost fire of the Nether ghost king!

"Huh!" After a whistling sound, a gleam of blue cold light suddenly appeared from the saint's hand, and then, this blue gleam of cold light attacked the Nether Ghost King like an arrow leaving the string.

"The Ghost King of the Netherworld! Suffer!" The saintess roared, the aura in her body had already risen to the extreme. For Wang Hao, she had already played her last hole card.

Heart of the God Realm!This is the most powerful treasure in the hands of the saint, and it is also the source of the saint's life.If the heart of the God Realm is always in the hands of the saint, the saint will be immortal.But if the heart of the God Realm is lost, the Saintess will be in danger of falling.At this dangerous juncture, the saint actually sacrificed her own source of life, which really surprised the Nether Ghost King.

"Huh? Saintess, for this kid, you even sacrificed the heart of the gods. What is his relationship with you?" The Nether Ghost King jokingly avoided the heart of the gods with a flash. After attacking, the green flame in his hand immediately formed a shape like a chain, directly fixing the heart of the God Realm in midair.

It seems that the Nether Ghost King wants to use this Nether ghost fire to directly refine the heart of the God Realm!If the heart of the gods is directly refined by the Nether Ghost King, the saint's immortal heart will be broken directly.

"Huh? Mother even sacrificed the heart of the gods for herself. The heart of the gods has no strong attack power at all. The reason why she sacrificed the heart of the gods is to distract the ghost king. , to win me a chance to breathe!" Wang Hao began to calculate in his heart.

Sure enough, Wang Hao felt that the Nether Ghost King surrounding him at this time had become less intense. It seemed that in order to refine the heart of the God Realm, he had already dispersed the Nether Ghost King's unhappiness. less cultivation.

"If my mother's God Realm Heart is refined by the Nether Ghost King, my mother may fall at any time! It seems that I have to fight!" Wang Hao thought to himself, "If I use the sky-filling ring to attack The Ghost King of the Nether Ghost can have a surprising effect, but can his body withstand the attack of the ghost fire of the Nether Ghost? Although he has already practiced the nine magic powers of the Heavenly Demon to the extreme, he wants to face a monster that can burn time and everything. I really don’t have much confidence in the Nether ghost fire! However, the ghost king’s ghost fire is already much weaker at this moment, it looks like a good opportunity!"

Thinking of this, Wang Hao deliberately put on a look of extreme pain on his face. Seeing Wang Hao's painful appearance, the Nether Ghost King immediately looked proud, and secretly urged the Nether Ghost King to speed up his pursuit of the Heart of the God Realm. Refining.In the heart of the Nether Ghost King, Wang Hao is just a small fish and shrimp, and the saint and the Jade Emperor are his main goals this time.

Only by beheading the Holy Maiden and the Jade Emperor can the hatred in my heart be relieved!Moreover, if you refine the heart of the God Realm, you can directly control the God Realm. At this time, the strength of the Ghost Realm is so huge that it must attack other interfaces. Otherwise, within a hundred years, the Ghost Realm will definitely be destroyed. There is civil unrest.

Because, in the ghost world, there has already been an unrivaled genius. This person is not only extremely cultivated, but also ruthless. If he doesn't find a new continent, he will inevitably become a vassal of this person!

"Hahahaha, Holy Maiden, I really want to thank you, the heart of the God Realm will soon become my possession! At that time, I will consider making you suffer less and die directly!" The Nether Ghost King said proudly laughed.

At this moment, a ray of light suddenly appeared in front of the Nether Ghost King. The Nether Ghost King's complexion changed, and his figure retreated violently. It turned into a green barrier, blocking in front of him.

Boom boom boom!The power of the sky-replenishing ring is really extraordinary, the only remaining ghost fire in the hand of the Nether Ghost King at this time is already unable to resist the powerful offensive of the sky-replenishing ring.The Nether Ghost King spat out a mouthful of green blood from his mouth, and then his complexion darkened. Even the Nether Ghost King, who had been refining the Heart of the God Realm, continued to darken.

But at this moment, Wang Hao was extremely embarrassed, appearing beside the saint. At the most critical moment, the Heavenly Demon Nine Refinements saved Wang Hao's life again, so that Wang Hao's body would not be directly injured. Under the attack of the ghost fire, it was directly turned into ashes, but Wang Hao's physical body was still greatly damaged. At this moment, his body was already burned into black charcoal!

However, a strange smile could be seen on Wang Hao's dark face.

(The whole story is at its final juncture, and the battle between immortals and gods will begin immediately. Wang Hao will kill all directions and become the most dazzling star in the entire two realms of immortals and gods. Readers, hurry up and collect it, pass by, don’t miss it wow quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack!!!!!!!!!!!!)

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