Fairy Road

Chapter 428 Wuque Villa

After entering the fairyland, Wang Hao was completely shocked by the grand and solemn buildings in the fairyland.In the God Realm, even in the central city, there are only a few ordinary buildings like the Immortal Realm.But this kind of building in the fairyland is like hiding in a cow's hair.Moreover, the entire fairy world looks orderly, and there is no chaos at all.

Wang Hao thought to himself: It seems that the abolition of the Jade Emperor has not affected the order of the fairy world.Those senior immortal emperors who fled back to the fairy world must have blocked the news that the Jade Emperor was trapped.

When he came to the Immortal World for the first time, Wang Hao didn't know the realm where those high-level immortal emperors lived, and he didn't even know who was the most powerful high-level immortal emperor in the Immortal World except for the Jade Emperor.Therefore, Wang Hao could only slow down his flying speed, and came to a magnificent building like Qionglou Yuyu in the painting. He looked up at the plaque above the gate and found that there were four words engraved on it. Big characters drawn in silver with iron hooks: Wuque Villa.

Wang Hao shook his head with a wry smile, and said in his heart: The ostentation of the Immortal Realm is really not comparable to that of the God Realm. It is no wonder that when there are a large number of powerful people in the God Realm, it will attract the dissatisfaction of the Immortal Realm. In the eyes of the Immortal Realm, the God Realm is only It's just a wild place, and the real holy place of practice should only be this fairy world.

Wang Hao stepped out of the villa, and immediately two monks in blue brocade robes flew over him, and asked respectfully, "I don't know if this fellow Taoist is a friend of that fairy mountain cave?"

Wang Hao was stunned for a moment, and with a sweep of his consciousness, he discovered that there was a festive atmosphere in Wuque Villa, not only the houses and pavilions were decorated with lanterns and festoons, but even the hall was hung with big happy characters at this time, and In the hall, there are already several monks who look good and are sitting on the seats on both sides of the hall.

It seems that this Wuque Villa has a happy event today, and the monk guarding the gate must have regarded himself as the person who came to congratulate him.Thinking of this, Wang Hao immediately smiled and said, "I'm Wang Hao, I'm just a wandering casual cultivator, and I'm glad to hear that Guishanzhuang is happy, so I came to congratulate you!" Wang Hao let out a little bit of a strong breath.

The two blue-shirted monks suddenly looked awe-inspiring. In the fairy world, there are basically no casual cultivators. Generally speaking, those who call themselves casual cultivators are characters who are powerful enough to compete with various sects.Coupled with Wang Hao's sudden powerful aura after he finished speaking, the two immediately said respectfully: "Senior Wang Hao, please also serve tea in the hall. My owner of Wuque Villa is already waiting for friends from all walks of life in the hall!"

One of the blue-shirted monks immediately made a gesture of respect and drew Wang Hao into the hall. Wang Hao was not very interested in the happy event in this villa at first, but thinking of coming out of the fairy world, and this time in the villa There will definitely be a lot of monks from the fairy world, so simply stay for a while and see the situation.Maybe you can find out some information about some powerful people in the fairy world from among the monks who came to participate in the wedding.

After entering the hall, the blue-shirted monk walked a few steps quickly, came to the side of an old man with long beard in the middle of the hall, and told Wang Hao who was next to him, the old man also changed his face, and then he laughed and greeted him. Coming forward, he clasped his fists and said, "I didn't expect so many friends to come to support my little girl's wedding. It really terrifies me. Fellow Daoist Wang Hao, please take a seat and serve us spiritual tea!"

Wang Hao didn't say much, just nodded slightly towards the old man, and then took out ten top-grade spirit stones from the storage bag and handed them to the blue-shirted monk.

Although the ten top-grade spirit stones are not considered an important gift, they are not too light. In fact, Wang Hao originally wanted to take out a top-grade artifact, but he didn't expect his spiritual sense to poke into the storage bag. , I have already handed over all the top-grade artifacts in my sky-replenishing ring to Ye Qingqing, but in desperation, I can only take out ten top-grade spirit stones.

This was a mistake and did not reveal Wang Hao's identity. If Wang Hao really took out a top-grade artifact, these monks from the fairy world would definitely recognize Wang Hao's identity from the gods.The two worlds of immortals and gods have always been hostile. Even if Wang Hao's cultivation is astonishing, it may be difficult for him to stay in this hall safely.

After Wang Hao took his seat, he didn't talk to these immortal monks because he was surrounded by unfamiliar faces. Immediately, some monks who came to congratulate him came to the hall in twos and threes.

Wang Hao released his consciousness slightly, glanced at the monks in the hall, and started to be a little surprised.It turned out that a wedding in this small Wuque Villa actually attracted several immortal emperors from the fairy world, although among these immortal emperors, only one middle-aged scribe in a gray gown was an intermediate immortal emperor, The others are just junior immortal emperors, but it is extremely rare for several immortal emperors to gather in one hall, even among the big families in the central city of the God Realm.

The owner of the Wuque Villa, the long-bearded old man, is actually a junior immortal emperor. After this, Wang Hao felt relieved. It seems that these monks who came to congratulate him are all for the cultivation of the owner. of.

The friends that a junior immortal emperor makes are naturally dominated by junior immortal emperors!

At the same time that Wang Hao was using his spiritual sense to probe the cultivation base of these immortal monks, the surrounding immortal monks also released their spiritual sense to investigate Wang Hao's details after seeing Wang Hao's strange face, but what made these people depressed was that , Anyone who wants to check Wang Hao's consciousness, as long as he gets three meters in front of Wang Hao, he will be bounced back by an extremely strong force.These doubtful monks suddenly became even more confused.For this mysterious figure who came rashly, he couldn't help but take a few more glances.However, basically everyone believed that Wang Hao should have a fairy weapon that could block other people's consciousness, but no one thought of how powerful Wang Hao was.

Suddenly, a blue-shirted monk from Wuque Villa hurried into the hall and said loudly: "Villa Master, Master Mimi of Luojia Mountain is here!"

"Oh?" The owner of the Wuque Villa was shocked, and then he waved his sleeves and said, "Everyone, please come with me to meet Master Mimi!" After the owner of the Wuque Villa finished speaking, he strode towards the hall Walking outside, it seemed that he was afraid of being neglected.All the people in the hall were also shocked. They followed the owner and walked outside. Among them was the middle-aged scribe who had a middle-level Immortal Emperor cultivation.

It seems that the identity of this lost person in Luojia Mountain should be extremely honorable, otherwise, the middle-level immortal emperor would not stand up to greet him in person.In order not to be too abrupt, Wang Hao naturally walked out of the hall with everyone.

"Hahahahahaha, Master Wuque, the old man came to congratulate you, hahahaha!" Wang Hao had just walked out of the hall when he heard an extremely rough voice, and then an old man in black robes rode A strange-looking beast fell from mid-air.

"Lin Wuque welcomes Venerable Mimi. The fact that the Venerable Master came to Bishanzhuang really makes my villa full of splendor!" The owner of Wuque Villa said to Master Mimi very respectfully.

"Hahahaha, the owner is too polite. Your son-in-law is the grandson of this old man. From then on, your Wuque Villa and my Luojia Mountain can be regarded as sympathetic!" Master Mi Mi said, looking around suddenly, His eyes swept over the guests behind Lin Wuque, and when he glanced at the middle-aged scribe, he only paused slightly, and then his eyes stopped on Wang Hao.

"Villa Master Wu Que, I am quite familiar with other friends, but this fellow Taoist is very unfamiliar to me!" Venerable Mimi suddenly pointed at Wang Hao and asked.

And Wang Hao's eyes at this time happened to be neither humble nor overbearing to meet the Master Misty.Lin Wuque was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "This is Daoist Wang, this is also the first time Lin has met!"

When Master Dense Forest heard the words "first acquaintance", his face changed slightly, as if he was about to say something.At this time, a woman who looked like a maid from Wuque Villa came to Lin Wuque and said timidly, "Master, it's not good, the lady is unwilling to wear those beautiful and beautiful clothes, what should I do?"

"What? What does Yan'er want? Go and tell Madam quickly, and let Madam persuade her again!" Lin Wuque said with an embarrassed expression.

"What? Master Wuque, is it possible that Ling Qianjin is not satisfied with the old man's disciple?" Master Mimi finally took his gaze away from Wang Hao, and said to Lin Wuque coldly.

(The book "Xian Dao Xing" has already broken through 100 million words. This is Lao Shi's first novel, and there are many childish places. With persistence, the number of clicks finally broke through [-]. Although this is a Insignificant achievement, but for Lao Shi, it is quite satisfied. Soon the whole novel will enter the most exciting stage, I hope you will collect it a lot, support Lao Shi, thank you!)

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