Fairy Road

Chapter 429 Extremely arrogant

"This..., Master Mimi, the little girl has always been spoiled, it looks like she is playing tricks again, and she will be fine if she stays in the lowly place and persuades her, and I invite the Master to enter the hall first to drink tea! "Lin Wuque, the owner of Wuque Mountain Villa, said with an embarrassed face. Although Master Mimi's tone was full of threats, but this Master Mimi is after all a high-level immortal emperor. His methods are so strong that everyone present It is known to everyone, so I had no choice but to swallow the breath in my heart.

"Huh! I hope this matter is really as you said, otherwise...huh!" Master Mi Mi waved his sleeves, and then ignored the eyes of everyone, and with a flash of figure, he directly entered the hall of Wuque Villa. Sitting upright on the seat in the middle of the hall, his arrogance made everyone frown slightly, but everyone present, except for Wang Hao, should have been photographed by this person's name, but unexpectedly No one dared to express dissatisfaction.

As Master Mimi sat on the central seat in the hall, everyone returned to the hall one after another. At this time, Lin Wuque could only ask these monks to return to their seats in embarrassment. At this moment, there was a burst of drumming outside the hall.

"Huh? Hahahaha, it seems that my grandson's wedding party has already arrived!" Master Mimi murmured to himself without looking at anyone else, and then said to Lin Wuque: "Master Wuque, the old man's disciples have arrived Your outsider, why don't you go to meet him outside the village?"

When Lin Wuque heard Master Mi Mi's words, he immediately stood there with an embarrassed expression on his face, his feet seemed to be filled with lead, but he didn't move at all.After all, according to the rules of the fairy world, when marrying someone else's girl, Sina, who needs to welcome her, will come to her father-in-law in person, kowtow three times and pay nine respects to the daughter-in-law, thanking her father-in-law for marrying her to her.There is no reason why the son-in-law came, but the father-in-law was asked to go out to meet him.

Seeing that Lin Wuque had no intention of leaving, Master Mimi's face changed, and he snorted coldly and said, "What? Didn't you hear what the old man said?" As he said, an invisible coercion moved towards Lin Wuque Forced over, Lin Wuque retreated a few steps with a face full of pressure. Lin Wuque was caught off guard, and was knocked by the threshold of the hall, and fell to the ground all of a sudden.

For a junior immortal emperor, this kind of embarrassment was originally impossible, but at this time, Lin Wuque was shocked and angry, and he was somewhat afraid of Master Misty. Such a fool in front of friends.Lin Wuque's old face suddenly turned red.

At this time, there was finally one person among the crowd who couldn't stand it. This person was the only intermediate immortal emperor here. The middle-aged scholar-like cultivator stood up and said to Master Mimi: "My lord, what Wuque Villa is doing this time is a happy event, why bother to make things difficult for others!" The middle-aged scribe is called Leng Moyan, who is a close friend of the owner of Wuque Villa. It's really hard to see her daughter making such a fool of herself during her marriage, so she bites the bullet and stands out for her old age!In fact, deep down in his heart, he was naturally unwilling to offend this notorious Master Misty.

As soon as Leng Moyan spoke, the entire hall immediately fell silent, because at this time Master Mimi's face had become as dark as the bottom of a pot, and all the monks who knew the details of Master Mimi knew clearly , this is the harbinger of Master Mimi intending to kill someone.It seems that Leng Moyan touched the old guy's brow.

Sure enough, Master Mimi said coldly to Leng Moyan: "Who are you? You really don't know how to live or die. Do you think that the old man won't kill people during the days when my disciple and grandson are married?" A fairy artifact like a brick appeared in his right hand.

"Tiantian Seal!" Several monks exclaimed on the field. This Tiantian Seal is exactly the immortal artifact of Master Misty, and it can be regarded as an extremely powerful existence among the best immortal artifacts in the fairy world. This Master Misty As soon as he made a move, he took out such a fairy weapon, and it seemed that he was really ready to kill Leng Moyan.

Leng Moyan saw Master Mimi taking out the Overturning Seal, his complexion changed drastically, and then he sacrificed a fairy artifact like clouds and stood in front of him. At this time, Leng Moyan was no longer with Master Mimi. Desperate to win, he sacrificed this fairy weapon just to save his life.

"Senior Mimi, please be merciful! I'll go right away, I'll go right away!" At this time, seeing his old friend in danger, Lin Wuque immediately begged for mercy helplessly.In this fairy world, like any place, there is no dignity at all in the face of power.

"Alas..." Almost all the monks present sighed deeply for Lin Wuque, and even Wang Hao looked slightly cold. Wang Hao was also very disgusted with the behavior of Master Mimi, but, Wang Hao didn't intend to make any move at this time, after all, Master Mimi didn't sacrifice the top-grade fairy weapon, the Heaven-shattering Seal.

At this moment, a deep voice suddenly came from outside the hall, and then a tall man appeared in front of everyone: "Master Zu, which bastard with no eyesight made your old man angry? I dumped him!" Eight dollars!" The tall man, with a fierce look on his face, didn't even turn his eyes when he saw Lin Wuque, but walked up to Master Mimi, saluted Master Mimi and said: "Mr. Ancestor, calm down your old man, and let your disciples and grandchildren vent your anger on you!" Then he turned and shouted at everyone on the field: "Who is so bold to offend my master? Stand up, I want you to look good! "

The scene suddenly became extremely embarrassing, how could the son-in-law who was welcoming the bride speak so much nonsense in the woman's house, what's more, it was your father-in-law who angered Master Mimi just now, and you actually wanted to kill your father-in-law when you were welcoming the bride Unloading eight pieces, this is really an extremely weird thing.

"Cough, cough, cough..." Master Mimi probably felt that his disciple was too arrogant at this moment, coughed a few times and said: "Feng'er, don't make trouble, aren't you here just to marry this girl from the Lin family? Hurry up!" It’s important to get it right!”

"Yes, Master!" This man named Feng'er seemed rough, but in fact he was extremely flattering to himself as Master. After Master Mimi finished speaking, he shouted directly: "Who is the owner of this Wuque Villa?" , I’m here to marry your daughter, hand her over quickly!”

Wow... All the monks present were shocked by this man's words, and they all whispered to each other.

"Why is this man so ignorant of etiquette that he treats his father-in-law like this?" "Oh...it seems that brother Wu Que is really going to regret it for the rest of his life this time, for marrying his daughter to such a treasure!"

"I heard that Brother Wu Que originally wanted to betroth his daughter to another monk, but he reluctantly agreed to the marriage due to the influence of the Master Misunderstood. Unexpectedly, he pushed his daughter into the fire pit!"

Although these monks complained, they were all communicating with each other, and no one was willing to speak out to offend Master Mimi, the evil star.

At this moment, Master Mi Mi spoke again: "Master Wuque, you don't need to deal with those red tapes, just hand over your daughter to the old man's disciple and grandson, and this marriage will be considered settled! From now on, you Wuque Villa , is my in-laws in Mili Luojia Mountain, such a good thing, why are you hesitating!?"

Lin Wuque's complexion suddenly became extremely ugly, he muttered for a while, but finally he still didn't say anything, finally stomped his feet, and said to a servant in a trembling voice: "Go and call the lady out!"

"Yes!" After the servant took the order, he ran towards the back hall desperately, probably half-deadly frightened by the power of Master Mimi just now, and had long been looking forward to leaving this place of right and wrong.

A moment later, the servant came to Lin Wuque again with a mournful face, and said in a trembling voice, "Master, Miss doesn't want to come out, and said that she would rather die than marry..."

Puchi!Before the servant could finish speaking, his chest was pierced by a palm, and he died tragically in front of Lin Wuque without even making a scream.Only then did Lin Wuque see clearly that the person who made the move was his future son-in-law, Master Mimi's disciple, Guo Feng!

"Hmph, I would rather die than marry me, but I want to see what kind of chaste and strong woman you are!" As he said, he stepped in front of Lin Wuque and said viciously: "Old man, it seems that you are the one." The girl's father is gone, I'll give you a moment, if you don't hand over your daughter, I'll wash your ruined villa with blood!"

"You!" Lin Wuque's face was already livid with anger at this time, and a mouthful of blood finally couldn't hold back, and splashed out directly.Everyone present changed their colors: This guy named Guo Feng is too arrogant!

However, the Master's words immediately made it clear to everyone that this person's arrogance naturally had its backing.

"Master Wu Que, I will follow the old master's disciple's instructions. No one dares to refuse the person I want in Luojia Mountain!"

(The book "Xian Dao Xing" has already broken through 100 million words. This is Lao Shi's first novel, and there are many childish places. With persistence, the number of clicks finally broke through [-]. Although this is a Insignificant achievement, but for Lao Shi, it is quite satisfied. Soon the whole novel will enter the most exciting stage, I hope you will collect it a lot, support Lao Shi, thank you!)

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