Fairy Road

Chapter 65

Wang Hao stared at the man in the blue shirt sitting cross-legged on the ground in surprise, thinking in his heart: Why does this person always give me a strange feeling?But since he has promised to help him protect the law, he will stay here for three days.With these three days, I can practice the two celestial arts taught to me by Chen Tuan several times. Although in the human world, there is not enough aura to support the use of celestial arts, even if it is a bluffing celestial art, it is crucial. Time can also give the opponent a great deterrent.

After Chen Tuan taught Wang Hao some methods of refining medicine and alchemy recipes, he was so excited that he passed on Wang Hao's two tricks of immortality.One of the tricks is the "God's Palm that Covers the Sky" that he used to scare Bai Zhanyuan away. This fairy technique was created by a stunning fairy official in the fairy world. The immortal emperor's disciple was seriously injured, which shows the power of this immortal technique.But in the end, this person offended the Immortal Emperor because he severely injured the Immortal Emperor's disciple, and was abolished by the Immortal Emperor. In the end, he died with hatred, but the "Sky God's Palm" he created was passed down , was learned by Chen Tuan by chance, and became one of Chen Tuan's most proud fairy arts.However, now in this human world, there is a lack of fairy spirit, and such an extremely powerful fairy art is only powerful, and has no destructive power.

The second technique of immortality is quite peculiar, similar to the secret method that Wang Hao once used that can change the breath and appearance, but it is different from this secret method.The reason why I say this is because this technique of immortality not only has the function of changing the appearance and aura, but if you practice the technique to the limit, you can actually hide your own figure. Cultivators can achieve the effect of invisibility by virtue of this immortal technique.However, this is also difficult to achieve in the human world, after all, this fairy art also needs a lot of fairy spirit as support.Therefore, since Wang Hao gave birth to Qi'er, he has only used the secret method that can change the breath and appearance, and has never used this magic trick.

A day passes in a blink of an eye.During this day, Wang Hao practiced these two immortal techniques repeatedly, and finally reached the point where he could do whatever he wanted. However, it is a pity that because he does not have the spirit of a fairy, the practice of these two immortal techniques is just a gesture. From the looks of it, outsiders would think that Wang Hao is a fool. He is so foolish as to keep gesticulating various moves and seal formulas in the air, but there is no fluctuation of his energy.

Mr. Chen once said that if you can have a large amount of high-grade spirit stones or top-grade spirit stones, you can use these two techniques of immortality to exert one or two powers. However, this realm of self-cultivation itself lacks resources. Lingshi, let alone top-quality Lingshi.

After the practice, Wang Hao leisurely flew into the valley from mid-air, and at the same time chatted and laughed with Hong Sheng and Qier in the sky-filling ring.After all, after Hong Shengqi'er entered the Mending Sky Ring, they were isolated from the outside world and knew nothing about the outside world.Therefore, Wang Hao simply described to the two how to get out of trouble, and told the two to stay in the Sky-Bending Ring for the time being and practice. There will be unexpected troubles.Moreover, there is plenty of aura in the sky-filling ring, so it is really a good place for cultivation.Wang Hao had always paid attention to entering the Sky Mending Ring to cultivate, but after many failed attempts, he had no choice but to give up.

Wang Hao promised Qi'er with a smile, the matter here is to release her, and her figure has already fallen into the valley.Looking up, Miaozhen was still sitting cross-legged on the ground, her whole body's Yuanli was circulating rapidly, unexpectedly forming a Yuanli ball within three or four feet around her body.But his face was already expressionless, Wang Hao smiled bitterly and said to himself: "It seems that this Taoist friend Miaozhen has also used a secret method to change his appearance, but this secret method is not very good. The expression of the monk is so dull." How did he know that the secret method he used was taught by Chen Tuan, and it has been lost in this cultivation world for thousands of years.In today's comprehension world, there are many secret methods that can hide aura, but there are very few secret methods that can change appearance.

Wang Hao stared at Miaozhen for a while, and murmured: "There are still two days left, I wonder if this person can heal his injury." As he spoke, he also sat cross-legged on the ground, and began to absorb the aura of heaven and earth stand up.Since Wang Hao entered the early stage of Golden Core, although he absorbed the aura of heaven and earth more quickly, he did have a feeling that his cultivation base was slow, and the main reason was because of his own cultivation method "Xuantian The "Nine Transformations Jue" itself is the reason for a long-accumulated secret method.However, Wang Hao has always had a feeling in his heart that by virtue of the "Xuantian Nine Transformations Art", at most he can only cultivate to the Nascent Soul Stage.Therefore, this trip to Penglai Xianshan to search for the "Sun Scripture" also gave Wang Hao unlimited expectations.After all, there are too many things on my shoulders... Rescuing Ye Qingqing is already a difficult task, and in addition to looking for her parents who are elusive and Zi Yan who disappeared suddenly, these make Wang Hao have a lot of difficulties. The idea of ​​wanting to become stronger immediately.However, the journey of comprehension is long and arduous, and there is no secret method for instant success!

Compressing the aura of heaven and earth that was inhaled into the body, the golden elixir continued to rotate rapidly, and its size was a bit larger than when the golden elixir was first condensed.However, if you want to break through to the mid-stage Golden Core, there is still a big gap.

Soon, the inhalation speed of heaven and earth spiritual energy could not keep up with the absorption speed of the golden core. On Wang Hao's hands, there was an extra middle-grade spiritual stone, and the two majestic spiritual energy penetrated into Wang Hao's body in an instant. In the body, it is absorbed by its golden core.And the medium-grade spirit stones on his hands instantly became like two stones, without the slightest aura.Wang Hao turned his hands over, and two high-grade spirit stones appeared in his hands again, and this cycle went on and on, and several hours passed quickly.

At this moment, if other monks saw the scene of Wang Hao's cultivation, they would definitely envy Wang Hao's extravagance.After all, in the world of comprehension, there are a large number of monks who use middle-grade spirit stones for cultivation. They are either the masters of a sect, or elders with high status in some big sects. Generally, monks want to use middle-grade spirit stones for cultivation. It's incredible.If some ordinary monks can obtain a few middle-grade spirit stones, they will also be stored in storage bags in case they are needed from time to time.Just think, when you are fighting with people, when your energy is weak, middle-grade spirit stones can be a life-saving thing!

Soon, several pieces of discarded mid-grade spirit stones appeared beside Wang Hao, and the golden core in his body was even more golden at this moment, as if he had taken a tonic.

At this moment, Wang Hao suddenly had a strange feeling.Eyes slightly opened, releasing consciousness.After a few breaths, Wang Hao's expression changed, his figure suddenly rose, and he stood in mid-air, with an extra silver sword in his hand.

"Hey! What a powerful breath!" Qishuang said doubtfully as soon as she came out of the Sky Mending Ring.Wang Hao nodded slightly, and said: "But it's not like a human monk. I used my spiritual sense to spy just now, but I didn't meet his spiritual sense!"

"Don't tell me he doesn't have consciousness? That's a ghost!" Qishuang said with a flick of his sword.

"Hmm! I guessed the same way. If ordinary monks in the Nascent Soul stage were spied on by my divine sense, they would definitely use their divine sense to fight back. Only this ghost without divine sense would allow others to use their divine sense to spy on them without doing anything." No reaction." Wang Hao said while continuing to sense the situation below with his spiritual sense.

"Here we come!" Wang Hao shouted softly, leaning over to look down.Sure enough, he saw a ray of light in the shape of a white human figure floating three feet from the ground not far away.After entering the valley, he soon found Miaozhen who was healing on the ground with his legs crossed. He paused slightly, and then rushed towards Miaozhen!

There is absolutely no possibility of changing eunuchs in this book, and I hope that fellow Taoists can support and collect this book!If there are any remaining tickets, please also throw them at Lao Shi, thank you!

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