Fairy Road

Chapter 66

Wang Hao frowned in mid-air, and the Weeping Frost Sword slashed down like thunder and lightning, and cut on the ghost's body in an instant.And the Nascent Soul ghost, of course, is not waiting for nothing!The Weeping Frost Sword slashed at his figure. Although his figure was cut into two sections at once, his body was quickly rejoined, and when he raised his head, he saw a face with blurred facial features. He actually looked at Wang Hao in mid-air, spit out a ghostly breath, his figure suddenly turned into a light, and rushed towards Wang Hao.Wang Hao was startled, and with a thought, the Weeping Frost Sword immediately returned to the top of his head, the sword body hovered erratically, and released several sword qi, which collided with the light transformed by the ghost.

The sword energy cut above the light, as if stuck in the mud, unexpectedly it couldn't cut the light away.At this time, Wang Hao started to frown tightly, and the Weeping Shuang Sword once again protruded several sword qi, which was strengthened on the first few sword qi, so that it could withstand the coming of the light, but still couldn't get rid of it. The light is cut off.It just blocked the light in the midair a few meters away from Wang Hao.

Wang Hao secretly groaned in his heart, he is fighting against others, and now the biggest reliance is the silver sword Weeping Shuang, and now even Weeping Shuang can hardly kill this ghost, but it is a big headache!

The Weeping Frost Sword Qi held against the light transformed by the ghost for a few breaths in mid-air, and finally exhausted its vitality and disappeared into the invisible.The light was still rushing towards Wang Hao, Wang Hao held the Weeping Frost Sword, and he slashed towards the light with a single stroke.

With a bang, the Weeping Shuang Sword slashed on the ray of light, and there was a sound of metal and stone intersecting. Wang Hao even felt his arm was shaken and lost consciousness. The ghost is really powerful, even I can't break through the ray of ghost energy condensed from all over my body! Wang Hao, why don't we leave this place quickly, after all, the flying speed of ordinary ghosts is very slow!" Wang Hao resisted the pain of his arms. Feeling sore and numb, his body faltered, but he escaped the attack of the ray of light, and then said through voice transmission: "I have promised to protect the man below, how can I leave alone? Weeping frost! Put all your sword energy Gather together!"

When Qishuang heard Wang Hao's voice transmission, the sword body trembled and said: "Little ancestor, you have to make me work hard for an outsider!" He kept crying, but at the same time, he had already condensed dozens of sword qi into one and released it suddenly Stepping out, he slashed fiercely towards that ray of light.

The sword qi condensed from dozens of sword qi is more than three meters wide and several feet long. It looks like a startled rainbow flashing through the air. It suddenly became dim.

But when that dim light saw the terrifying sword energy cutting towards him, he was not afraid, and hit the sword energy fiercely.After the bang, it was sent out in mid-air, and countless fragments of sword energy splashed out, causing the surrounding mountains, rocks, plants and trees to be completely wiped out.And that ray of light actually became faintly visible after colliding with the sword qi. It seems that this ghost suffered a lot of damage under the reckless fight with the sword qi!

Seeing that the light turned by the ghost dimmed, Wang Hao held the Weeping Frost Sword in his hand and stabbed at the ball of light again.The ghost was finally afraid, and with a flicker of light, it actually fled towards the distance.With a shake of Wang Hao's right hand, he sacrificed the Weeping Shuang Sword, and the Weeping Shuang Sword drew a strange arc in the air.In an instant, it was pierced by the light.A shrill scream sounded suddenly, and the light transformed by the ghost immediately dissipated, turning into countless tiny gleams, and fled in all directions.

Wang Hao frowned, and the Weeping Frost Sword had already returned to his hand, and the sound transmitted to Wang Hao: "This ghost has been cultivated to the Nascent Soul stage, it is very difficult to kill, although it is injured at the moment, it is using the Heavenly Ghost Clone to escape, Once this method is used, there will be tens of thousands of incarnations, and if you want to kill them all, you must have the cultivation base of the late Nascent Soul."

Wang Hao nodded, and when he pressed his body, he returned to the valley. Looking at Miaozhen who was healing, he seemed to have a sense of what happened just now, and his body shape sitting cross-legged also changed a little.Wang Hao thought in his heart: It seems that if I lost to the ghost just now, Miaozhen might risk getting injured again and forcefully attack him!This matter of protecting the Dharma is really not an easy task if you don't have a strong cultivation base!

While thinking about it, the Weeping Frost Sword hovering over Wang Hao's head suddenly shouted nervously: "Wang Hao, something is wrong!" Wang Hao's complexion changed, and he released his consciousness. There were actually hundreds of powerful auras rushing towards this direction, among them was the Nascent Soul Stage ghost who was injured and escaped just now.

"This evil ghost actually went to find a helper, nainai, what should I do? Wang Hao!" Said Weeping Shuangjian full of spirit.

Wang Hao pondered for a moment and said: "Although the hundreds of ghosts that came towards us all had powerful auras, except for the one that was injured and fled just now, none of them had a Nascent Soul stage cultivation, and the strongest ones were only comparable to human beings. In the later stage of Jindan, it is possible to fight, if you disturb Miaozhen at this time, it may cause great harm to him, after all, the healing has entered a critical moment!"

After the Weeping Frost Sword hovered over Wang Hao's head twice, he stopped and said, "You human beings are really strange. You are obviously going to be in danger, so why do you still think about others?"

Wang Hao looked at Miaozhen, his face was firm and he didn't answer, he just circulated the energy in his body rapidly, waiting for the ghost to attack.

After a while, hundreds of rays of light surrounded the valley where Wang Hao was, but they did not rush into the valley, but stayed at the entrance of the valley, as if waiting for something.When Wang Hao saw this, he didn't act rashly, but just stared at the ghosts with cold eyes, his whole body was flowing, and he was ready to strike at any time.

At this time, a strange thing happened.The Nascent Soul ghost that was injured by Wang Hao just now started to devour the ghosts around it, and those weak ghosts were also willingly swallowed by it.After the Nascent Soul stage ghost devoured several Golden Core stage ghosts, the light transformed from its figure became radiant.Immediately afterwards, he quickly entered the valley and rushed towards Wang Hao.

At this time, Wang Hao felt awe-inspiring: This ghost actually used such a method, and now the remaining hundreds of ghosts are all panacea for him to devour, so if he wants to defeat it, it is almost impossible.

After the Nascent Soul ghost entered the valley, hundreds of ghosts with stronger aura also entered the valley.Immediately, in the entire valley, there were gusts of wind and the hissing of ghosts, like hell on earth.

Wang Hao drew his right hand, and released the Weeping Frost Sword suddenly, hitting the Nascent Soul Stage ghost.At the same time, he turned sharply and used the ninth form of the Great Destruction Fist "Shattering the Void", blasting towards the remaining ghosts.

At this moment, Wang Hao was very clear in his heart, if he wanted to kill all the ghosts that had concealed him, it would be absolutely impossible.Therefore, when Wang Hao hit the Great Destruction Fist, he sent a voice transmission to Miaozhen who was recovering from his wounds at the same time, telling Miaozhen to recover quickly and prepare to escape from this place.

However, Miaozhen did not respond for a long time, and Wang Hao's first wave of attacks at this time was already overwhelmed by ghosts, without any result.Seeing that many ghosts have already come to cover up and kill them, they are only tens of meters away from Wang Hao...

Wang Hao's face was ashen, and the Weeping Shuang Sword was shaken back to the top of Wang Hao's head by the Nascent Soul ghost at this time.

The situation was extremely critical, and Wang Hao couldn't afford to make more plans.Wang Hao could only sacrifice the Weeping Frost Sword, and let it stir like a silver dragon, beheading those golden core stage ghosts, but the Nascent Soul stage ghost had already come to Wang Hao impressively at this moment, and the light of light was shining. Follow Wang Hao to kill him.

The ghostly aura came suddenly, and Wang Hao suddenly felt his whole body's vitality stagnate. He hurriedly kept his mind, and punched out several destructive punches with all his strength, colliding with the light that was close at hand.And behind the light, many ghosts were swept by the Weeping Frost Sword, and the ghosts cried again and again, and the ghost energy continued to disperse in all directions. amazing.

With a bang, Wang Hao flew upside down several feet away, spewed out a mouthful of blood, and secretly groaned in his heart: This Nascent Soul stage ghost keeps absorbing the essence of ghost energy from other ghosts, and its strength is actually getting stronger and stronger.

Wang Hao slightly adjusted the chaotic energy in his body, and with a pull of his right hand, the Weeping Frost Sword returned to his hand again, his figure burst up, and he continued to strike at the Nascent Soul stage ghost, which was already facing the sitting upright ghost at this time. Miaozhen, who was healing on the ground, went away, and saw Wang Hao killing him again, screaming ghostly, and the light turned into a huge grimace, and a bloody mouth suddenly opened on the grimace. So he wanted to swallow Wang Hao in one gulp.

There is absolutely no possibility of changing eunuchs in this book, and I hope that fellow Taoists can support and collect this book!If there are remaining tickets, please also throw them at Laoshi, thank you

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