Fairy Road

Chapter 687

"The 87 late-stage Rongxu experts, together with Wang Hao and the powerful members of the Great Family that will be coming in three days, will be the main force of my human monks in this battle!" Young Master Kongkong continued, "However, all Rongxu Cultivation levels above the realm must be prepared for battle. After all, there are still a large number of demons in the demon abyss. These demons are all at the early stage of fusion. , I am afraid that my late-stage human fusion monk will also perish!"

"That's right, not only are there a large number of demons in the early stage of fusion, but the combat power of these demons must surpass that of my human monks in the early stage of fusion!" Teng Qingshan said at this time, after all, as a member of the raid team The members of the team have also fought against those demons many times, so they naturally know how powerful these demons are in the early stages of fusion!

"There are so many, how many are there?" Immediately, many strong people began to question. "The number of these demons can be described as innumerable!" Zidi frowned and said, "The ones we met and killed this time all had at least hundreds of demons, and this number is probably too high." It's just the tip of the iceberg!"

After hearing Zidi's words, many strong men fell silent.After all, although there are many more monks in the early and middle stages of human fusion than in the later stage, they are still very small in the proportion of all human monks. After all, it is not so easy to break through the realm of virtual fusion.And there are so many demon heads in the early stage of fusion, it really makes everyone feel worried!

At this time, an old man with a long white beard in the late stage of Rongxu said to Mr. Kongkong: "Mr. Kongkong, if there are too many demons, I am afraid that it will be difficult for me, a human monk, to resist. At that time, it will be a waste of life! "Young Master Kongxu nodded slightly and said: "Indeed, I have already counted the number of monks above the Rongxu stage among my human monks. 87 three people! This is all the combat power of my human monks! As far as the current situation is concerned, I am afraid that my human monks are really at a disadvantage in terms of numbers!"

"In total, there are only more than 1000 strong men. If the demon head of the Moyuan comes, thousands or even tens of thousands, I am afraid that the battle has not yet been fought, and the outcome is already doomed!" It was a click.

Mr. Kongkong coughed lightly, and said: "However, there is another good news that is beneficial to us. Wang Hao and Hu Mei have teamed up to send a signal to the scattered monsters in the Great Desolate World, and many monster monks have responded. If you want to join my human team, there are more than a dozen people in the late stage of Rongxu alone, and hundreds of people in the early and middle stages of Rongxu! This can be regarded as a great help for my human monks! And, according to the transmission from Wa Zu According to the news, although Moyuan's Demon Lord has opened up the passage from Moyuan to the Great Desolate World, this passage seems to be not very stable, and it is impossible for tens of thousands of monks to be transferred from the passage to my Great Desolate World! Therefore, you can rest assured that the Demon Abyss will not have an overwhelming advantage over us human cultivators in terms of numbers!"

"Huh? The channel is not stable, hahahaha, good, in this way, we human monks will not face the situation of fighting more with less!"

Mr. Kong Kong nodded and said: "That's right, but I still want to remind you. The demon king I mentioned earlier has eight disciples, and each of these eight demon heads is extremely powerful. World, then whether the strongest among our human monks can block their attacks is the key to the outcome of this battle!"

"The eight disciples of the Demon Lord are all powerful!" "Yes! Mr. Kong Kong also mentioned just now that the strength of these eight people is even stronger than those peak demon master level demons. A peak demon master level demon , It is enough to fight us against several or even a dozen of late Fusion Void monks, which shows how powerful those eight disciples are!" "Yes, if those eight demons really entered the Great Desolate World, then my Great Desolate In the world, no one can resist it!"

When Young Master Kong saw the monks in the hall, they all had melancholy faces and were discussing a lot, and he snorted coldly and said: "The eight disciples are indeed powerful, but you don't need to worry about them. Naturally, I will appoint the strong ones for these eight disciples." Let's deal with it!" Young Master Kongkong said, and suddenly pointed at Wang Hao: "Wang Hao, your current strength is enough to kill a peak demon master level demon, and you should have no problem dealing with one of the eight disciples? "

Wang Hao nodded slightly, and said: "As long as the strength of the eight people is not too much beyond the level of the peak demon master, there should be no problem! Even, I can still fight against two!" At this moment, Wang Hao's self-confidence is also Extremely powerful, after all, an existence as powerful as Chi Ming was easily beheaded by Wang Hao.Even if the eight major disciples of the demon king are powerful, how much can they surpass the demon master Chiming?Demon Lord Wansheng is stronger than Demon Lord Chiming?Isn't he also defeated by himself and escaped?

"What? Wang Hao said that he was able to deal with two demons by himself, which is really amazing!" "Yeah, how could we forget about Wang Hao, he is one of the most powerful human monks!" " Haha, with Wang Hao, we only need to deal with those demon lords, so we can relax a lot!" The powerhouses exchanged one after another.

Young Master Kongkong also smiled and said: "Okay, Wang Hao, I didn't expect you to improve so fast, you are worthy of being the person Wa Zu likes. Now your cultivation has faintly surpassed me. And, you still have These are several heaven-defying magic weapons, and Wa Zu's Ten Thousand Demons Token has extremely unique supernatural powers, you'd better make use of them!"

"Understood, don't worry!" Wang Hao nodded.Young Master Kongkong continued to say to the powerhouses in the main hall: "Wang Hao alone can deal with two of the eight disciples of Mozun, and I have absolutely no problem killing one of them. In the upcoming Taigu family The superpowers in the world are also enough to deal with one or two super demons, so as long as the eight disciples who are not Demon Lords come to our Great Desolate World at the same time, we still have hope!"

"It's actually very unlikely that the eight disciples came to the Great Desolate World at the same time. After all, there still needs someone to guard the Demon Abyss. Moreover, I got a message from Wa Zu that what the Demon Abyss is facing is not my Great Desolate World. This one plane, but facing several planes at the same time! Therefore, those eight disciples should not appear in my Great Desolate World at the same time!" Young Master Kong Kong said slowly.

Indeed, when the Demon Lord sat down, there were only eight disciples in total, not only the strong ones had to be left to guard the Demon Abyss, but also the strong ones from other planes had to be dealt with, how could it be possible to come to the Great Desolate World at the same time.Moreover, in Mozun's mind, the Great Desolate World didn't need to send his disciples here at all.After all, the rise of Wang Hao and the powerful members of the Taikoo family happened only recently, and it was not enough to attract the attention of the demon king.

However, without the rise of Wang Hao and the powerful members of the Taikoo family, the Demon Master Wansheng led a group of demon masters, and they would really be able to sweep the prehistoric world all over again.Even if there is Mr. Kong Kong on the human side, but Mr. Kong Kong is alone, it is difficult to fight alone, and it is impossible to resist the army of Moyuan.

After calming down the emotions of many strong men, Mr. Kongkong continued: "Okay! The Devil of the Demon Abyss may attack my human land at any time, so I will assign the combat mission now!"

"Okay, Mr. Kongkong, just give orders!" "Yeah, now it's the critical point of life and death. My Great Desolate World cannot fall into the hands of the demon head of Moyuan, otherwise we will become slaves and puppets, and life is worse than death!" "Yes, desperately, we must also defend the Great Desolate World, otherwise, my children and disciples will have no future!"

The crowd is excited and impassioned!Young Master Kong Kong smiled slightly and said: "Okay, since that's the case, I will give orders! Long Yi, you lead all the masters of the Long family to be responsible for guarding. Once you find the trace of this demon head, send a message immediately!" "Yes!" Long A response.

"Zidi, you lead twenty monks of the late stage of Rongxu, eighty monks of the middle stage of Rongxu and three hundred monks of the early stage of Rongxu, as the vanguard of this battle. Those who are strong, go out to block and buy time for other strong people to prepare!"

"Okay!" Zidi responded.

"Teng Qingshan, as a member of the raid team, you are very familiar with the fighting methods of those monsters, so I will lead my army of human monks, and you will be in charge of the middle army. If the monsters come to attack, you can plan a strategy. Please show me!" Young Master Kong Kong continued. "Me?" Teng Qingshan was slightly taken aback, he did not expect that among the many seniors, he would be able to become the commander in chief, however, he has indeed fought against the devil many times and has a lot of experience!

"What? You don't want to?" Young Master Kong Kong asked. "Yes! I can kill the devil, of course I am willing!" Teng Qingshan responded happily.

"Okay, then in three days, I will arrange for someone to send thousands of potential disciples selected from among the human monks into the Illusory Realm, and then I will concentrate on training with Wang Hao and the upcoming superpowers from the Taikoo family. Wait for that devil to come!" Young Master Kong Kong said.

All the powerhouses present have no opinion. After all, in the final analysis of this battle, the most important thing is to see the battle between the super powerhouses. If the super powerhouses win, the balance of victory will tilt, and even reverse instantly The whole situation.Therefore, Wang Hao, Young Master Kongxu, and the powerful members of the Taigu family became the key to the entire battle situation.

(Recently, I checked on Baidu and found that as soon as Laoshi’s VIP chapter is updated, there will be some pirated posts on small websites. Oh, alas... I'm really speechless. I hope that friends who read books can take a look at the original version in Zongheng. In fact, Zongheng coins are still very cheap... a chapter only costs a few cents...)

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