Fairy Road

Chapter 688 Demon Venerable Disciple

"Quick! Quick! Hurry up, assemble! Assemble!" A demon master-level demon head with a figure of several feet tall who was full of demonic energy kept facing the demons of the initial fusion level in the air. Roaring, a large number of demon heads in the early stage of fusion, continuously flew out of the prehistoric pole, and gathered in a huge valley outside the prehistoric pole.

"Songhou Demon Lord, quack quack quack, this time Lord Demon Venerable ordered his four personal disciples to come to this great wild world. This great wild world is really weird! Even Wan Sheng, an old and cunning guy, is He didn’t win, but he actually asked those four adults to come from Moyuan in person. It seems that Lord Mozun is very dissatisfied with this guy Wan Sheng, quack quack quack quack quack quack!” Shi Fei came to the side of the tall and tall Demon Lord Songhou, and said to the Demon Lord Songhou.

Songhou Demon Lord also quacked at this time and said with a strange smile: "Soul Extinguisher Demon Lord, isn't this what you want to see? If the credit is taken away by that guy Wan Sheng, then our status in front of Lord Demon Lord It will only get lower and lower, quack quack quack, this time the Lord Mozun asked you and me to assist that guy Wansheng, in fact, he already distrusted him, and in addition, the Master Mozun’s personal disciple made the big demon king Four, if you want to come to the Great Desolate World in person, Wan Sheng is really nothing!"

"Well said! Quack quack quack..." Demon Lord Slayer laughed wildly, "Devil Lord Songhou, then I will go to the valley ahead and integrate those demon heads. I am afraid that the Four Great Demon Kings will soon descend on the Great Desolation. The world is over!" "Well, prepare quickly, and don't dissatisfy the four great demon kings, I heard that this time, the golden armored demon king will also come, he is not easy to talk to!" Songhou Demon Master reminded.Hearing the words Golden Armored Demon King, Soul Slayer Demon Lord's body was also slightly shocked: "Golden Armored Demon King... Demon Lord Songhou, I don't have much to say, I will go to the valley ahead! Farewell!" Saying, The Soul Slayer Demon Lord hurriedly flew forward.

"You guys, hurry up, gather in the valley ahead! The four great demon kings are about to descend! Hurry up!" Songhou Demon Lord then scolded those demon leaders who moved slower, and then said to himself: "Wan Sheng Ah Wansheng, this time, the golden-armored demon king descends in person, see you are still so arrogant, quack quack quack quack quack quack! If you lose the trust of the demon king, even I alone can suppress you!"

The Demon Lord of Moyuan, these demon master-level demon leaders are also intriguing and dissatisfied with each other!Especially the Demon Lord Wansheng, who won the trust of the Demon Lord, and even aroused the jealousy and hatred in the hearts of other Demon Lords!

"Seven thousand nine hundred and eighty two... seven thousand nine hundred and eighty three... hoo... eight thousand, these demons in the early stage of fusion have finally passed through this channel. This channel is extremely unstable. It seems that they will want more in the future It is impossible for the devil to come to the Great Desolate World through this passage!" The Demon Lord Song Hou shook his head and said, "However, this time, the four great demon kings will come in person, and they will definitely be able to wipe out the entire Great Desolate World. From now on, here, There is really no need to come here, as long as a few demon lord-level demon heads are left to guard!"

Boom, boom, boom... Just as the Demon Lord Songhou was talking to himself, four loud noises came out, and four extremely terrifying demonic energy came to the Demon Lord Songhou in an instant.The Demon Master Song Hou was startled, and then he bowed respectfully and said, "Marquis Song, I have seen four Lord Demon Kings!" These four levels!Although the difference in cultivation between the Demon Lord and the Demon King is not very large, only the direct disciples of the Demon Lord can be called the Demon King. Therefore, even if it is a few powerful Demon Lords, when they see the Demon King, You must also be respectful, after all, he is the direct disciple of Lord Mozun, and his status is aloof!

At this time, four tall figures slowly appeared in the sky.Each of the four great demon kings is over ten feet tall, but they have different looks.One of the chubby old men looks like a rich man among human monks, but on the forehead of this old man, there are two long sharp horns growing out, which looks extremely strange.However, this demon king has an extremely modest smile, which makes people have an indescribably strange feeling in the past.This person is the eldest disciple of Demon Lord Moyuan, who is called the smiling devil by the demon leaders of Moyuan.

Beside the smiling devil is an extremely thin middle-aged man with a stern face. The appearance of this middle-aged man is no different from that of a human monk. However, he has four arms, and the four arms can't move. waved beside him, exuding bursts of terrifying devilish energy.This demon king is the multi-armed demon king whose strength ranks among the top three among the eight disciples of the demon king. It is said that when the multi-armed demon king fights with all his strength, he can display sixteen arms, and every two arms can display one arm. The fighting strength of the devil, that is to say, if he fights with all his strength, it is comparable to eight devils!

The Demon Lord Songhou's face also changed slightly at this moment, and he thought in his heart: "Even such a terrifying existence as the multi-armed Demon King was sent by the Demon Lord. It seems that Lord Demon Lord really attaches great importance to the Great Desolate World!"

Beside the multi-armed demon king was a woman with an extremely peculiar face.The reason why it is said to be extremely strange is because, when you see this woman's face one breath before, and look at it again the next breath, it has already changed. It is said that in the entire Demon Abyss, the only one who knows the real face of this woman is Mozun!This woman is called the Demon King with Thousand Faces!It is said that the illusion of the Demon King in front can be ranked second in the entire Demon Abyss, and the first is her master Demon Master!

"Thousand-faced Demon King, tsk tsk tsk... This time, I don't know how many human monks will die under her illusion!" Songhou Demon Lord thought to himself, "However, to die under the Thousand-Faced Demon King's illusion, It's better than being slapped by the golden-armored demon king next to her to slap her body and spirit into pieces!" The Demon Lord Song Hou looked at the golden-armored demon king next to the thousand-faced demon king, his body trembling uncontrollably , because, just ten years ago, in front of countless monsters, the Golden Armored Demon King killed three disrespectful demon lords with one slap. The demon lord is almost the same as himself. In front of the golden-armored demon king, let alone resist, there is no chance of his soul escaping!

This golden-armored demon king is slightly taller than the other three demon kings, and his whole body is made of gold. Even his facial features are golden in color, and he doesn't have much devilish energy on his body. Instead, he exudes endless golden energy. , if you only see him alone, you will never remember that he is the devil king of Moyuan.

At this time, the Golden Armored Demon King closed his eyes slightly, as if he was extremely disdainful of the Songhou Demon Lord in front of him, and he didn't even look at him. However, Songhou Demon Lord dared not even feel angry at this moment. People's disdain, but there is a strong strength to rely on!To put it bluntly, everyone has the right to look down on you!

"Hahahaha, Marquis Song, your efficiency is very high. In just one day, you sent all [-] demon heads to the Great Desolate World through the channel. It's not bad. When I get to Master, I will definitely do it for you!" You deserve credit!" The smiling devil was the first to speak, and said to the Songhou devil with a smile, this smiling devil has the most kind personality, so, in the devil abyss, most of the devils are very Willing to make friends with him.

Songhou Demon Lord said respectfully at this time: "Lord Demon King, all this is what the subordinates should do. It is an honor for the subordinates to serve Lord Demon King! Today, being able to fight side by side with you adults is even more impressive. Marquis Song, I am very excited! My lords, please move to the valley ahead, where my Moyuan army has already assembled!"

After hearing the words of Lord Songhou, the smiling devil king smiled even more, and said to the three people beside him: "What did I say, haha, this Songhou is doing things, just rest assured, hahaha, okay, let's go, let's go!" Just go to the valley ahead and have a look, and arrange a battle plan by the way!" Among the four major demon kings, the smiling demon king seems to be the main one at this moment, after all, he is the first direct disciple of Lord Demon Venerable, senior brother!Having lived with the Demon Lord for tens of thousands of years, how could ordinary people dare to offend him!

People have a good temper, that's their business, ordinary devil lords dare not show the slightest disrespect to the smiling devil because of his good temper!

"Okay, let's listen to the elder brother, let's go to the valley ahead!" The Thousand Faced Demon King said with a smile, after saying a word, he actually changed several appearances, some were extremely beautiful, and some were extremely ugly! "Let's go!" The multi-armed demon king never said too much. At this moment, he just said a word and flew straight forward.

"Hmph!" At this time, a cold snort suddenly sounded, and it was the Golden Armored Demon King who spoke, "There is not even a monk at the level of innate life in a mere prehistoric world. I don't know why Master still pays so much attention to it. Sending us all here is really a big deal! Smiling face, multi-armed, front, now you are actually going to the front valley to make a battle plan, do you need it? This prehistoric world, I alone can sweep away! I I don't have so much time to waste here with you!" After the Golden Armored Demon King finished speaking, his body shook and he disappeared in place.

In the words of the golden-armored demon king, not only did he not have the slightest respect for the senior brother, the smiling demon king, but he also didn't have much scruples when it came to his master, the demon king. He was really as rebellious as in the legend!However, most of such unruly people must be strong men with extraordinary strength.Song Hou Demon Lord secretly said in his heart.

The smiling devil still had a smile on his face at this moment, and said to the three of them: "Hehehe, this guy has this temper. It seems that he is going to sweep the prehistoric world alone. Okay, let him Nao, if he can take down the Great Desolate World by himself, it will save us a shot, hehehehe, everyone, let's go to the valley ahead!" As he spoke, he disappeared in place in a blink of an eye.

(Recently, I checked on Baidu and found that as soon as Laoshi’s VIP chapter is updated, there will be some pirated posts on small websites. Oh, alas... I'm really speechless. I hope that friends who read books can take a look at the original version in Zongheng. In fact, Zongheng coins are still very cheap... a chapter only costs a few cents...)

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