Fairy Road

Chapter 689

In the prehistoric pole, in an unnamed valley nearby, it can be said that the demonic energy is soaring to the sky at this moment, all the creatures in the entire valley are swept away, and even those plants and trees are beginning to wither and shrink rapidly at this moment!In the valley, there are endless demon heads lined up in square formations. In front of each square formation, there are several demon masters at the level of demon masters.

The three demon kings with soaring demonic aura came down to the valley led by the Demon Lord Song Hou, and the Demon Lord Wansheng hurriedly bowed to the Soul Slayer Demon Lord. "Wan Sheng (Mie Hun), I have seen the three Lord Demon Kings!" Demon Lord Wan Sheng and Demon Lord Miehun looked extremely respectful. After all, these three were the strongest existences in the Demon Abyss except for the Demon Lord!However, the two demon lords only saw three demon kings, and the evil star golden armor demon king who was rumored to be coming to the Great Desolate World this time did not come here. Silk doubts.

"Hahahahaha, Wansheng and Miehun, the two of you must be guessing in your heart why the golden armored devil didn't come!" The smiling devil said with a smile, "Don't worry too much, the golden armored devil has come to the Great Desolate World , at this moment, as the vanguard of our Demon Abyss army, we are going to the residence of human monks, if the vanguard can complete the task of destroying the Great Desolate World, then we don’t need to do anything extra, hahahaha!” The smiling devil’s words, It can be said that he is not poisonous, and he immediately said that the Golden Armored Demon King is the vanguard of the Demon Abyss army, and he is going to stand still and let the Golden Armored Demon King fight with the human monks first!

"Yes! Yes! Lord Jinjia is unrivaled in might and power, so he is naturally invincible!" The Demon Lord Wansheng really didn't know what to say, he could only praise a few words, and then said to the smiling Demon King: "Master Demon King, at this moment The Moyuan army has assembled! Please review the three Lord Demon Kings!"

"Inspection? Hehe, okay, let's go and have a look, Wan Sheng, you can also introduce me, besides the 48 demons in the early stage of Fusion, how many demon master level demons have come in my Moyuan army this time?" The smiling devil said, and slowly flew towards the phalanx formed by the army in front, and the Wansheng devil hurriedly flew behind him, and said respectfully: "My lord, this time, my devil's army, except for the just assembled In addition to the [-] demon heads that have been completed, there are [-] demon masters! This Great Desolate World must be at your fingertips!"

"Oh? 48 Demon Lords, hehehe, Master and his old man really attach great importance to this great world!" The smiling Demon King smiled and said to the Dobby and the two Demon Kings in front of him, "In this way, What Jin Jia said has some truth, Master arranged so many people to come to the Great Desolate World, it is really killing a chicken with a sledgehammer, hahahaha!"

Duo Arm snorted coldly and said, "Human monks are extremely weak!" The Thousand-Faced Demon King also laughed and said, "It's easier to kill with a sledgehammer, hehehe, senior brother, should we leave now, or wait and see what happens!"

"Of course it's waiting. Jin Jia has already gone to the human monk's residence. With Jin Jia's cultivation, I think it is very likely that he will be swept away directly. We don't need to take action at all. Why should we bother!" The smiling devil said, turning Said to the Demon Lord Wansheng, "However, you still have to prepare for the battle. You divide these demons into eight teams, and each team is led by six Demon Lords. When fighting, they can be dispatched in a unified way!"

"Observe!" Demon Lord Wansheng respectfully responded, and went directly to make arrangements, while the Smiling Demon King said with a chuckle: "Okay, we can clean it up now, the aura of this Great Desolate World is really stronger than Demon Abyss There are a lot of them, hahahaha, I want to absorb these pure auras!"

In the human camp, in the main hall of the Long Family, Young Master Kongxu suddenly summoned all the late Fusion Void powerhouses into the main hall. "Everyone, I have received news that in an hour's time, the strong men from the prehistoric family will arrive, and among them is the most powerful man. This man's strength is unfathomable. It is said that he can kill demons." Master level devil!"

"It's finally here, okay!" "With such strong support, we have a little more hope of victory here!" At this time, Wang Hao frowned and said through voice transmission: "Mr. Kongkong, you Who are the powerful families mentioned?" At this time, among the top ten families, namely the Zhuanxu family, the Dongfang family, and the Shangguan family, the three major families had enmity with the Long family, and, Wang Hao has also killed the strong men of these aristocratic families, so they have never come to the Long family to participate in this human monk alliance!

Young Master Kongkong nodded slightly towards Wang Hao, pondered for a while, and then replied via voice transmission: "Wang Hao, the three families who are coming here are about to come here. I also know that there is a relationship between you and these three families, and even the entire Long family. There is a lot of enmity between me and these three families. But at this moment, my Great Desolate World is already at the critical point of life and death. I wonder if you, Wang Hao, can put aside these personal grievances and consider the overall situation? "

"Huh? Sure enough, how many families are the envoys?" Wang Hao thought to himself. Of course, Wang Hao would not refuse the joining of these families because of the enmity between them. After all, the overall situation should be the most important thing at this moment. However, what Wang Hao is worried about is that those families have suffered a lot in his hands. At that time, will they deliberately make things difficult for him at a critical moment, thus causing losses to the entire battle situation!

"Young Master Kongkong, I naturally have to consider the overall situation!" Wang Hao continued to transmit voice transmission, "These big families do have enmity with me, but I will not refuse them to join because of enmity, but I am still worried. !" "Oh? Wang Hao, I understand what you mean!" Mr. Kong Kong said through voice transmission, "You are afraid that they will obey others, and you are not sincerely joining the Human Cultivator Alliance!"

"Yes, that's exactly what I mean!" Wang Hao nodded and said, "So, Mr. Kongkong, you must be prepared! Take precautions before they happen, and if they take advantage of the opportunity to cause disaster, it will be too late! "Young Master Kongxu frowned for a moment, and then he slowly transmitted his voice: "Wang Hao, what you said is not unreasonable, I will pay attention to this matter. In fact, among the three major families, there are not many strong people in the late Rongxu period. , what I care about is the mysterious powerhouse, if this person sincerely helps us, he will indeed be a great help to the Human Monk Alliance!"

Wang Hao nodded and said: "That's true!" However, Wang Hao still had some doubts in his heart: he knew the details of the three major families, except for a few ancestors in the family who were in the late stage of Rongxu. Apart from monks, how can there be any superpowers? For the ancestors of these families, it may be difficult to deal with a demon lord-level demon, let alone be able to kill a demon lord-level demon easily?So, who is this strong man?

"Huh? Could it be the variable that Wazu said after I entered the fantasy city?" Wang Hao's mind suddenly flashed, and he immediately recalled that after he entered the fantasy city, he was once customized by Wazu, and he would complete the innate life character in the future. , the best candidate to save the prehistoric world.However, after a few days, the matter changed again, and I was replaced by another person who was more suitable for this matter. I don't know who this person is!

"No matter who it is, those who entered the fantasy city at the beginning, that is, the young masters of those aristocratic families, I don't know which of these people has become the strongest! I hope that when it comes here, it can wholeheartedly think about the whole prehistoric world. , don’t stir up trouble at will, otherwise, I will never be soft!” Wang Hao thought of this, and suddenly bursts of messages came from the Wan Yao Order!

"Yes, it's the monster clan's masters from the late Fusion Period who came here. It's a good thing!" Wang Hao's heart moved, and he told Young Master Kong about the matter, and then he went to the gate of the Longjia Mountain with a flash of his figure. Receive the arrival of the monster clan powerhouse.This time, Hu Mei's persuasion was the main reason why the strong monster clans would take the initiative to join the camp of human monks.At this moment, Jiaosheng has fallen, and Shuozu was beheaded by Jiaosheng because of his rebellion. Hu Mei has become the strongest and leader of the monster monks in the entire prehistoric world.

"With the addition of these monster clan powerhouses, our strength has indeed increased a lot!" Wang Hao flew quickly, secretly thinking in his heart, and he was outside the mountain gate of the Long family in an instant.

However, just outside the mountain gate, I saw the direct confrontation between the two teams of monks.The two sides confront each other, one side is full of monster aura, no doubt it is a monster monk, and the other side is headed by Zhuanxu Kunpeng, who is a master of the three great families. "Hmph! Why should I give way to you? I am a strong monster from the monster clan, but you human monks took the initiative to invite me!" A big demon in the late fusion stage of the monster clan said with a dark face.

"Hahahaha, the strong monsters of the monster clan, just you few big monsters in the late fusion period, are you worthy of the word strong?" Zhuanxu Kunpeng didn't speak, but an ancestor of the Dongfang family said directly, "Can you I know that one of us is the most powerful person invited by Young Master Kong, who can kill the existence of the demon lord, you monster monks, hurry up and get out of the way!"

"Bah! Don't let it go!" How could the powerhouses of the monster clan be subjected to such evil spirits, and suddenly the evil spirit rose into the sky, and they were about to make a move.At this time, Wang Hao's figure had already appeared in front of everyone. Wang Hao glanced at the three great families, then turned his head and said to the monsters: "Friends, please come inside!" After all, these monster monks are all When Wang Hao invited him, Wang Hao's courteousness would naturally not be small, and the three major families were all jealous when they saw Wang Hao, so why did Wang Hao go to make fun of it!

"Hmph! Wang Hao! What do you mean? Is this how your alliance treats guests?" An ancestor of the Dongfang family snorted coldly at this time, and stopped in front of the monsters.

(Recently, I checked on Baidu and found that as soon as Laoshi’s VIP chapter is updated, there will be some pirated posts on small websites. Oh, alas... I'm really speechless. I hope that friends who read books can take a look at the original version in Zongheng. In fact, Zongheng coins are still very cheap... a chapter only costs a few cents...)

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