Fairy Road

Chapter 690 Deja Vu

"Hohoho..." How strong are these late-fusion monsters who came to the human alliance? The late-fusion monsters were originally late-fusion monks who far surpassed humans in strength, and these big monsters this time When I came here, I somewhat felt compromising in my heart. At this time, I was made such a fuss by these ancient aristocratic families, and I immediately became angry.

Before Wang Hao had time to speak, one of the big monsters, a thin, black-faced man with the appearance of a late-melting powerhouse, suddenly rose to the sky, and a domineering demonic aura instantly shot towards the Dongfang family. The ancestor rushed away.Boom... Although the ancestor of the Dongfang family is already prepared, but even though his own cultivation base is also in the late stage of fusion, there is still some gap compared with the big monster. He can only retreat a few steps in a row , finally gave way to the passage to enter the Longjia Mountain Gate.

However, at this time, the thin man seemed to have no intention of letting go, and rushed towards the ancestor of the Dongfang family in a flash, boom... However, the thin man had just burst into shape when he was caught by a group of people. An extremely powerful force blasted back to the original place, and the thin man's face suddenly showed a look of shock. The impact just now was obviously the work of a strong man whose cultivation base had already surpassed the late Rongxu period. powerful character?

Wang Hao also raised his eyebrows at this time, and said in his heart: "The blow just now, in terms of strength, I'm afraid it's not inferior to me. The Xeon master from the ancient family seems to have really come. And, Its cultivation must be extremely strong, and it is definitely not an easy thing to easily defeat a big monster in the late fusion stage. However, this person's concealment skills are really strong. I have searched continuously with my consciousness, but I have not found it. The slightest clue!"

The patriarch of the Dongfang family who suffered a loss just now saw that someone in his lineup stood up for him, and immediately changed his posture, and once again arrogantly walked to the entrance of the Longjia Mountain Gate step by step, staring at him before making a move on him The skinny man big monster sneered and said: "Your monster clan has been wiped out this time, and you are still so arrogant!" As soon as this remark came out, the faces of the big monsters present at the late fusion stage changed, and a dozen or so words The demonic aura soared into the sky, and it was time to attack!

"Enough!" Wang Hao couldn't hold back any longer at this time, and shouted in a deep voice, "These demon clan friends were invited by me, Mr. Kongkong and others, if you have doubts in your Dongfang family's mind, you can consider now Get out of here!" Wang Hao snorted coldly after speaking, and made an inviting gesture to those big monsters.Seeing that Wang Hao stood up for themselves and others, the big monsters immediately softened their faces, and followed Wang Hao's lead, and walked towards the Longjia mountain gate.

In an instant, the big monsters entered the mountain gate of the Long family one after another, leaving behind the strong men of the three ancient families, with gloomy faces and big eyes, one of the black-bearded old men said angrily : "It's really deceiving, to offend our ancient family for the mere monster race. You know, the strength of our ancient family is not comparable to that of the past. If there is no saint from my ancient family to make a move, hmph! Let's see if they can stop it!" Demon Abyss Army!"

The patriarch of the Dongfang family also had a red face, and he stomped his feet for a while and said: "Go! Go now, go back, I don't believe it, our three ancient families will be afraid of that Moyuan cultivator, this human being The Headquarters of the Cultivator Alliance is the site of the Long family, and it has a lot of enmity with us, and we are here to humiliate ourselves!"

"Yeah, let's go, let's go back now!" Many strong people began to discuss. Among these people, several people participated in the siege of the Long family, especially Zhuanxu Kunpeng, who was the mastermind. The mastermind is the real enemy of the Long family and Wang Hao.However, at this moment, Zhuanxu Kunpeng was extremely introverted, with his eyes slightly closed, as if everything that happened in front of him had nothing to do with him.In fact, it is true. After the failed siege of the Long family, the reputation of the Zhuanxu family plummeted. In addition, the strong man this time was not from the Zhuanxu family, but a monk from the Dongfang family. In the eyes of everyone, it has become a vassal existence.

On the contrary, the Dongfang family has become the mastermind of the three great families at this moment!However, just when the patriarch of the Dongfang family said that he wanted to leave this place, a monk wearing a hat and a tulle mask walked slowly in front of everyone, and said slowly: "Everyone, the devil of the abyss! Among them, there are many devils with a cultivation level like mine. If we are trapped in our own family, we will eventually die. The current plan, only by joining forces with the human cultivator alliance, can we get through this. What a catastrophe. As for some personal grievances, it's better to put them aside for now!"

This voice, eloquently, is like the sound of nature, but it is difficult to distinguish whether it is a man or a woman who made this voice.However, the monks in the three great families also vaguely know that in the Dongfang family, besides Dongfang Shuo, there was another genius named Dongfang Ying. , why there is such a strong strength now is a mystery in everyone's mind!

Moreover, why did Dongfang Ying hide her original face and change her voice, which made the strong members of the three great aristocratic families even more puzzled.However, now that they are beyond the existence of the late Rongxu, even if these people have doubts in their hearts, they dare not ask easily!

After hearing Dongfang Ying's words, the patriarch of the Dongfang family immediately softened his face, pondered a little, clapped his hands and said: "That's right, no matter what, we should deal with the Moyuan army first, and wait until the Moyuan army is repelled." , Those private grievances, it’s not too late to deal with them slowly!” Dongfang Ying nodded slightly and said: “Okay, then we will enter now, but I hope everyone can keep in mind that personal grievances will not be mentioned for the time being, otherwise , when the time comes, don't blame me for not helping you!"

"Okay! Go in!" "Well, let's put aside personal grievances now!" Everyone said one after another.Suddenly, Zhuanxu Kunpeng opened his eyes, and said coldly: "As for personal grievances, we can do it without mentioning it for the time being, but if it is the Long family, or Wang Hao, if you keep holding on to the old grievances, you will be everywhere. If you are our enemy, and even want to frame us because of personal grievances, do you want us to kill you?" These words undoubtedly stirred up thousands of waves with one stone, and immediately aroused the doubts of many strong people! "Yes! We were able to ambush the Long family back then and wanted to put the Long family to death, but now they can easily let us go?" It has already been proved that he is definitely going against us!" "Saint, what do you say about this matter? If this happens, do we have to endure it?"

Dongfang Ying, who was called the saint by everyone, also had a weird look on her veil at this time. There was an inexplicable grievance and hatred between herself and Wang Hao at the beginning. It is reasonable to say that Wang Hao killed My elder brother Dongfang Shuo, I should be at odds with him, but it is difficult for me to have any murderous intentions against Wang Hao!Ever since I was successful in cultivation, I have been always looking for opportunities to see Wang Hao again. This time when the Moyuan army attacked, it was the best opportunity to get close to Wang Hao. I could not only get close to Wang Hao, but also deal with the demons together. Brother Yuan used this excuse to ignore the grievances between himself and Wang Hao!However, Zhuanxu Kunpeng's words just now aroused Dongfang Ying's doubts!

yes!You can have grievances just now, but what about the Long family and Wang Hao?Can they do not care about past grievances?Dongfang Ying was in a state of disarray. Half a month ago, she also received a voice transmission from Pan Zu, requesting that she unite with all the human forces in the Great Desolate World to fight against the attack of the Mo Yuan army!After this wave of attacks by the Moyuan army is over, no matter whether the human monks succeed or fail, they will go to the place where Pan Zu and others fought with the Mozun to complete the task.At that time, I'm afraid I'll never see Wang Hao again!

"If someone takes the initiative to stir up trouble, I will naturally not sit idly by! Don't worry!" Dongfang Ying said lightly, and then slowly fluttered, taking the lead towards the Dragon's Mountain Gate!Seeing this, everyone immediately filed in. At this time, Dongfang Ying seemed to be the backbone of these people!After all, it was Dongfang Ying who repelled Moyuan monk's several attacks. If there was no Dongfang Ying, I am afraid that two of the three major families would no longer exist at this moment.

Half a day later, Dongfang Ying met Mr. Kongkong, and the two also exchanged their thoughts, and decided to discuss the strategy against the enemy in the Long Family's Discussion Hall tomorrow!

The next day, in the conference hall, there were only three people, Mr. Kong Kong, Wang Hao and Dongfang Ying.These three are truly the strongest force among human monks at this moment!For Dongfang Ying, the strongest of the three major families, although Wang Hao didn't know Dongfang Ying's real identity, he had a vague feeling of deja vu in his heart.However, because Dongfang Ying had lost all her cultivation under the attack of the reincarnation power of her Six Paths of Reincarnation Gold Plate, Wang Hao did not associate the most powerful person in the mouths of these three families with Dongfang Ying.

"Fellow Daoist Dongfang, Fellow Daoist Wang Hao!" Young Master Kongxu said to Dongfang Ying. This Dongfang Ying claimed to be a disciple of the Dongfang family in front of Young Master Kongkong and Wang Hao, so Master Kongxu called her Fellow Daoist Dongfang. Whether the world can be saved or not depends mainly on how the three of you and I can deal with the strong man in the Demon Abyss, and it is said that this time, Demon Lord Demon Abyss also has several disciples who have entered the Great Desolate World!"

(Recently, I checked on Baidu and found that as soon as Laoshi’s VIP chapter is updated, there will be some pirated posts on small websites. Oh, alas... I'm really speechless. I hope that friends who read books can take a look at the original version in Zongheng. In fact, Zongheng coins are still very cheap... a chapter only costs a few cents...)

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