Fairy Road

Chapter 691: Golden Armored Demon King

"A disciple of the Demon Lord?" With a veil made of unknown strange objects covering her face, Dongfang Ying made a voice that made Young Master Kong and Wang Hao sound uncomfortable. , there is no gender distinction. It can be said that it is impossible to judge whether the person who made the sound is a man or a woman just by the sound!

The voice continued: "I have indeed received a message from the endless void, saying that the disciples of the Demon Lord, the monks of the Demon King level in the Demon Abyss will come to the Great Desolate World, and the Great Desolate World is also at the point of life and death at this time. This is the juncture, that’s why I’m contacting you to gather in this human cultivator alliance to deal with the arrival of the Demon King together! Otherwise, if it’s just those monsters at the level of Demon Lords, there really isn’t much threat to me Words!" In this sentence, there was a feeling of extreme confidence, and Mr. Kong Kong and Wang Hao heard it, but they didn't believe it in the slightest.After all, it was rumored that this person had killed several monsters at the level of a demon lord, and this alone was enough to have the confidence to say so.

Mr. Kongkong nodded, but he secretly speculated in his heart: "It seems that in this great world now, it is not only me and Wang Hao who are connected with innate beings. The person in front of me said that he got it." The message sent from the endless void must be a pawn arranged by a powerful innate creature in the Great Desolate World! I just don’t know if this person is the one mentioned by Wa Zu, who was favored by Pan Zu, and who can Re-establish a new world and open up a new plane of unworldly genius!" As the messenger of Wazu, Mr. Kongkong has a general understanding of the plans of those prehistoric innate creatures, but at this moment, he still can't judge. , the true identity of the person in front of him!

Young Master Kongkong said: "Fellow Daoist Dongfang, since you have received information from the endless void and know that the disciple of the Mozun will come to the Great Desolate World, then, do you know that among the eight disciples of the Mozun, who will come this time?" How many people?" Young Master Kongkong knew that the strongest monk in front of him came from the Dongfang family, but she never wanted to mention her name, and she didn't even seem to want to reveal her true face, so she kept Call it an Eastern Taoist friend.

"Huh? The Eight Great Disciples?" Although Wang Hao still had infinite guesses about the mysterious figure in front of him, his heart sank when he heard Mr. Kongkong say that the Mozun had eight disciples when he sat down.The disciples of the demon king are naturally stronger than the demon master. If these eight disciples come to the Great Desolate World at the same time, I am afraid that no one in the Great Desolate World can stop them.

Dongfang Ying pondered for a while and said: "Although I don't know how many of the eight disciples of the Demon Lord will come this time, I can be sure of one thing. In the endless void, the Demon Lord already has three disciples at this moment. Help the Demon Lord, and fight to the death with the innate creatures in my Great Desolate World. Therefore, the maximum number of people who come to the Great Desolate World this time is five people, and it is very likely that one of these five people will remain in charge. Mo Yuan, therefore, if you and I join forces, we should be able to survive this calamity!" Dongfang Ying's voice sounded full of boundless confidence, and the hearts of those who heard her words immediately rose A feeling of great trust!

Wang Hao nodded, and said: "If only four people come, we can indeed compete with them!" At this moment, Mr. Kongkong said with a wry smile: "Wang Hao, fellow Taoist Dongfang, have you two ever fought with them?" Has the disciple of the demon king ever fought?" The two shook their heads one after another, although they had heard of the names of these demon kings, they had never fought against each other.

Young Master Kong Kong sighed: "This disciple of Mozun Moyuan, in Moyuan, is regarded as a demon king by countless demon heads, and his strength far exceeds that of ordinary demon master level demon heads, even the most powerful ones The demon lord is not the opponent of any of them. Therefore, the strength of these demon kings may surpass us! Not to mention four demon kings coming at the same time, if two demon kings come at the same time, we may have to go all out. What's more, Now that the demon king has come, there must be many followers of the demon master level demons, if the three of us deal with the demon king with all our strength, those demon master level demon masters will become the biggest enemy of my human monks!"

Listening to Mr. Kongkong's analysis, both Wang Hao and Dongfang Ying remained silent. Regardless of how strong Mr. Kongkong's strength is, Mr. Kongkong's knowledge must be far superior to the two of them. After all, he has become famous by tens of thousands of people. An old master, an envoy sent to the Great Desolate World by innate creatures, and even an existence that may have fought against the Demon King.

"Actually, I shouldn't have said this. If I said it, I was afraid it would hurt your fighting spirit. Therefore, I never mentioned the devil king in front of everyone. However, the three of us must be mentally prepared, otherwise I am afraid It will be a crushing defeat!" Mr. Kong Kong continued, "However, we should not lose confidence, no matter how many demon kings come, we will all have the strength to fight!"

Wang Hao and Dongfang Ying nodded their heads when they heard the words, and Wang Hao continued: "Young Master Kongkong, I have integrated the monster masters who came to seek refuge, and now these monster masters will completely obey my orders!" "Okay! Yes! The help of the masters of the monster clan is also a great help for my human monks!" Young Master Kong Kong said with a smile.

Dongfang Ying also said: "The masters of the three great aristocratic families who came with me will completely obey my orders, and when the enemy comes, they will naturally go all out!"

"Okay, these two forces will be under the command of the two of you, and the rest of the masters will be arranged by me. This time, it is a great catastrophe, life and death, right between this line, we must go all out , There is no retreat at all!" Young Master Kong Kong said, exuding a rushing momentum and a sense of generosity to die, which cheered Wang Hao's heart!

At this moment, Wang Hao and the three felt an extremely strange feeling in their hearts at the same time. "Huh? Demonic energy!" "Yes, very strong demonic energy, several times stronger than that of the demon master level monster!" Wang Hao has fought several times with demon master level monsters, and he is also extremely sensitive to demonic energy!

"You two, I'm afraid it's a monster of the level of a demon king!" Mr. Kong Kong frowned and said, "However, fortunately, there is only a powerful demonic energy, and it is thousands of miles away from the gate of the Long Family Mountain. Why don't you and I meet now?" Go up, so as not to cause psychological coercion to the masters in the Long family!" "Yes! Let's go up!" Wang Hao also agrees with Mr. Kong Kong!But Dongfang Ying was even more silent, and directly turned into a blue brilliance, and disappeared in front of Wang Hao and the two of them.

Thousands of miles away from the Long Family Mountain Gate, a tall and gleaming golden figure appeared in the air. This figure was tens of feet tall, covered in golden armor, but his eyes were like lanterns, looking towards the distance. Looking around the endless void, he finally buzzed and said: "Are you here? Hmph, the three human beings have good cultivation, but they can't be my opponent at all!" The golden armored devil said to himself, no longer Continue to fly, but stop, waiting for the arrival of Wang Hao and the other three.

A moment later, Young Master Kongkong, Wang Hao and Dongfang Ying formed horns and surrounded the Golden Armored Demon King! "Golden Armored Demon King!" Mr. Kongkong had obviously seen this Demon King who was as big as a hill before him!

"Hmph! Human, you know my name, so you probably know me!" The golden-armored demon king looked at Young Master Kong Kong coldly. The golden-armored demon king simply didn't bother to think about the ant-sized human being under his feet. I have seen this human being, "Since you know me, you should know my cultivation base. If you commit suicide now, I can leave you a whole corpse!"

"Huh!" Dongfang Ying snorted coldly, "Devil, you are so arrogant! Let us commit suicide, you have a good idea! Save your life!" Dongfang Ying said, her figure instantly became several times larger, although she was different from that Compared with the Golden Armored Demon King, there is still a gap, but at least now the gap is not so obvious.Of course, this is not Dongfang Ying's real body, but Dongfang Ying's magic, heaven and earth, manifested with Yuan power!

At the same time, the figures of Wang Hao and Mr. Kong Kong also instantly became several times larger.However, at this moment, Dongfang Ying suddenly said: "Don't make a move for the time being, both of you, let me meet this devil for a while to see what kind of means he has, how dare he speak so shamelessly!" , the complexions of both Young Master Kongkong and Wang Hao changed slightly, especially Young Master Kongkong, he deeply knew that the golden armored demon king was also an extremely powerful existence among the eight disciples of the Demon Lord, if Dongfang Ying faced it alone , It must be more bad luck than good luck.But after thinking about it, if a demon king came, the three masters on his side would have to attack with all their strength, and if they attacked together, then the Great Desolate World might really be unable to keep it.

"Okay!" Wang Hao nodded first and said.Mr. Kongkong also said yes at random, and the figures of the two began to shrink continuously, and they turned into the appearance of the deity again, watching from afar!

"Hahahahahaha, arrogant human beings!" The Golden Armored Demon King laughed wildly. In his eyes, even if the three human beings in front of him join forces, they may not necessarily be his opponents. Unexpectedly, one of these three human beings would actually How dare you utter wild words, you have to face yourself alone!

"I'll kill you, and then go kill those two little guys!" The golden armored devil laughed wildly and stepped forward, with a black giant sword in his hand. On the giant sword, although there were dazzling golden lights shining , but within the golden light, there is endless demon energy lingering, which makes people fearful when they see it!

"Death!" The black magic sword in the golden armored demon king's hand swept towards Dongfang Ying, and the whole world changed color for it!

(Recently, I checked on Baidu and found that as soon as Laoshi’s VIP chapter is updated, there will be some pirated posts on small websites. Oh, alas... I'm really speechless. I hope that friends who read books can take a look at the original version in Zongheng. In fact, Zongheng coins are still very cheap... a chapter only costs a few cents...)

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