Fairy Road

Chapter 692

The golden-armored demon king swept across thousands of troops with a black magic sword that shone with golden light. The magic sword was tens of feet long and six to seven feet wide, which shows how amazing its power is.Even if Dongfang Ying used the supernatural powers of the sky and the earth, she became extremely weak in front of this magic sword!It gives people a feeling that if they are swept by this magic sword, they must be directly turned into ashes!However, in the face of such pressure, Dongfang Ying didn't show the slightest panic on her face. On the contrary, there was an imperceptible smile on the corner of her mouth, and a strange seal formed on her hands.After one breath, Dongfang Ying's figure and breath disappeared in front of the Golden Armored Demon King in an instant.

The golden-armored demon king swept away with his sword, with a suspicious expression on his face. With his cultivation, it is impossible to tolerate a miss, and now not only his own attack failed, but even the enemy in front of him disappeared without a trace. There was no trace of her, but it was difficult for him to catch even a trace of her breath. "Ho Ho Ho..." The golden-armored demon king let out a strange roar, his devilish aura soared to the sky, he continuously released strands of divine consciousness, and began to catch possible clues!

At this time, Young Master Kongkong who was not far away from Wang Hao had a shocked expression on his face, because he knew what kind of kung fu technique this powerful master of the Dongfang family used just now! "One Yuan Wonderful Technique!" Young Master Kong sighed inwardly, "This is the most powerful technique in the Great Desolate World, it was created by Yuan Zu, so far, there are only a few people who can practice this kind of technique , I didn’t expect that this fellow Taoist of the East actually practiced such a wonderful method, no wonder she can easily kill a demon at the level of a demon master, it seems that she is the woman with the primordial blood that many innate beings say can open up a new plane!" Mr. Kong Kong is very familiar with what happened in the innate beings. Dongfang Ying's performance at this moment instantly proved Mr. Kong's original guess.

However, Wang Hao was unable to recognize such terrifying exercises.At this time, Wang Hao also kept releasing his spiritual consciousness, searching for the trace of Dongfang Ying.After all, it was the first time Wang Hao met a monk who could suddenly disappear before Wang Hao's eyes, making Wang Hao unable to catch his breath!However, no matter how Wang Hao launched his spiritual search, it was still difficult to catch the slightest breath.However, the seven-color divine light in Wang Hao's body vibrated slightly when Wang Hao fully developed his consciousness.With a thought in Wang Hao's mind, the seven-color divine light appeared, but at this moment, Wang Hao deliberately suppressed the power of the seven-color divine light, so that the seven-color divine light did not emit any amazing momentum.

"Hehe, this seven-color divine light is really powerful!" As soon as the seven-color divine light appeared, Wang Hao sensed the figure of a monk on top of the seven-color divine light. Who is the strong Dongfang family? "If it weren't for this seven-color divine light, I would never have found the figure of this strong man from the Dongfang family!" Wang Hao also sighed in his heart at this time, after all, how terrible it would be to suddenly lose the aura of an opponent during a battle things.

At this time, the Golden Armored Demon King encountered such a horrible thing.The Golden Armored Demon King expanded his consciousness and searched continuously, but there was still no trace of Dongfang Sakura.All of a sudden, the devilish energy spread across the sky, causing the whole world to change color. "Ho Ho Ho... you cunning human monk!" The Golden Armored Demon King roared, suddenly a huge vertical eye suddenly appeared on his forehead, and in this vertical eye, a sky-high beam burst out in an instant. Demonic energy, wrapped in the magical energy, a golden light descended in an instant, directly finding Dongfang Ying's hiding place!At this moment, Dongfang Ying's breath was concentrated, and there was a strange cane in her hand, and she was about to hit the golden-armored demon king.

"Hahahahaha, let me see where you can hide again?" The golden-armored demon king laughed wildly, and the huge magic sword in his hand slashed fiercely at the weird rattan staff.Dongfang Ying was quite surprised that the golden-armored demon king could find her figure, with a look of surprise on her face, but the cane in her hand did not stop at all, and struck fiercely at the golden-armored demon king.

The black giant sword was tens of feet long and six to seven feet wide, while the cane staff seemed to be several times smaller than that, and the aura fluctuations on the cane staff were extremely weak. I can't see anything strange about it, but after the rattan staff appeared, the seven-color divine light behind Wang Hao suddenly trembled. I don't know if it was because of nervousness or excitement.However, Wang Hao knew in his heart that this weird cane must not be a mortal thing!

"This is... Panzu's primordial cane!" Mr. Kong Kong was extremely shocked at this moment, knowing that he had followed Wazu for tens of thousands of years, and also knew that these innate creatures held endless innate spiritual treasures.However, these innate spirit treasures are also graded!Especially the Innate Spirit Treasure like this Primordial Rattan Staff is the most powerful treasure in the hands of the Innate Spirit Pan Zu.At the beginning, when the prehistoric world was first opened, Pan Zu held this Hongmeng cane in his hand, and chased and killed the golden crow monster all the way. Along the way, this cane can be said to be invincible, no one can stop it!Therefore, this primordial cane is also known as the Sun Chasing Scepter!

To innate beings, this rattan stick is like a talisman in the hands of ordinary monks. Unexpectedly, it would appear in Dongfang Ying's hands, which surprised Mr. Kongkong. "I have followed Wa Zu for many years, and I have a good relationship with many innate beings, but I have never obtained such a powerful treasure! However, this is not because the innate beings are deliberately partial, but because the person in front of me, I am afraid it is true. It is a generation of saints who can re-create the plane! Even the innate creatures have to curry favor, and establish a good relationship with her in advance!" Young Master Kong soon became clear in his heart!

"This primordial cane has endless power, and it contains a large amount of primordial aura, which weighs hundreds of millions of catties. Although the giant sword in the hands of the golden-armored demon king is powerful, it cannot be the opponent of the primordial rattan! "Master Kongkong thought to himself,Sure enough, within a breath, the Hongmeng cane and the giant sword collided in one place.With a crisp ding, the giant sword in the hands of the golden-armored demon king was easily blocked by the weird cane, and even the golden-armored demon king retreated several steps before he stood still!

"Ho Ho Ho... Human, the treasure in your hand is so heavy, what the hell is it!" The Golden Armored Demon King showed a trace of caution on his face at this time. The giant sword could sweep away the weak human in front of him, but suddenly there was such a powerful treasure in the human's hand, which also made the Golden Armored Demon King feel a little bit afraid!

It's like a young child who was not an adult's opponent, suddenly there is a sharp dagger in the child's hand, even adults should be afraid and dare not do it easily!

"Huh!" Dongfang Ying snorted coldly, and said, "Devil, how can there be so much nonsense, die!" There are endless treasures in Dongfang Ying's hands, and this Hongmeng cane is just one of them. The extremely arrogant Golden Armored Demon King had a headache. At this moment, Dongfang Ying's heart began to feel full.

The Golden Armored Demon King was scolded by Dongfang Ying for a while, with a ferocious expression on his face, he said angrily: "Hmph, human, do you think that with a treasure, you can make me shrink back? Quack, quack, quack, quack... the real body of the demon god, Descend!" This demon god's true body supernatural power is the strongest supernatural power created by the demon master in the demon abyss. In the demon abyss, almost all demon heads above the level of demon masters can practice, but after practicing The power is not the same.

Just like the real body of the Demon God displayed by the Golden Armored Demon King at this moment, compared with the real body of the Demon God displayed by the Demon Lord Wansheng, it is simply a world of difference.It is like saying that the real body of the demon god displayed by Demon Lord Wansheng has a trace of the breath of the demon god, then at this moment when the golden armored demon king casts this supernatural power, it is really like the demon god descending.And this supernatural power, if the Demon Lord is used, it will be impossible to tell who is the Demon Lord and who is the Demon God, or in other words, the Demon Lord is the Demon God, and the Demon God is the Demon Lord.

However, at this moment, the golden-armored demon king showed his real body as a demon god, and he was also hundreds of feet tall. His body was so huge that it covered most of the sky. There are three ants in front of him, even if Dongfang Ying maintains the law of heaven and earth at the moment, he is still an ant, just a bigger one.

"Boom boom boom..." The demon god avatar of the golden-armored demon king stepped out step by step, continuously stepping towards Dongfang Sakura. "The demon god tramples!" At this moment, in the heart of the golden-armored demon king, all the supernatural powers and magic weapons are not comparable to his own body, because this body already has some will of the ancient demon god.

Boom boom boom... It is impossible for Dongfang Ying to dodge completely, her body shape is constantly changing, and the Hongmeng rattan staff in her hand is also constantly bombarding the demon god's real body, making terrifying muffled noises, but whether it is No matter how Dongfang Sakura attacks, it is difficult to cause the slightest damage to the Golden Armored Demon King.Because, at this time, the body of the golden armored demon king Dongfang Ying attacked was not a real body at all, but a trace of the will of the demon god. It was impossible for the will to be injured at all, and it could only be directly defeated.

Although the Hongmeng cane is powerful, it is not enough to directly defeat the demon god's will, so all attacks have no effect at all.On the Demon God Avatar of the Golden Armored Demon King, the demonic energy emitted by the method has gradually wrapped Dongfang Ying, making the figure of Dongfang Ying who is constantly dodging gradually appear clumsy...

(Recently, I checked on Baidu and found that as soon as Laoshi’s VIP chapter is updated, there will be some pirated posts on small websites. Oh, alas... I'm really speechless. I hope that friends who read books can take a look at the original version in Zongheng. In fact, Zongheng coins are still very cheap... a chapter only costs a few cents...)

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