Fairy Road

Chapter 698

Boom... Wang Hao was sitting in the secret room. There was only one narrow window in the whole secret room. However, at this moment, there appeared streams of spiritual energy in the window, which began to pour into Wang Hao's body continuously!Wang Hao has a lot of spiritual energy entering his body at the moment, but he has a look of surprise on his face at the moment: "It's not that after practicing to the late stage of fusion, if you want to break through, you can only understand various laws, but Is it impossible to absorb any more spiritual energy?"

In fact, there is indeed such a saying in the realm of comprehension that after the late stage of the Void Fusion Realm, breaking through is almost impossible.Even if the wizards of the sky finally break through, it is impossible to absorb the excess spiritual energy again and transform it into their own energy. It is just that they can constantly understand the laws of space and time. Instead of suppressing the enemy with his own power, he uses the laws he has comprehended to make the opponent submit.

"But I, I have already surpassed the late stage of fusion, why can I continue to absorb spiritual energy? However, the continuous influx of spiritual energy has made the vitality in my body begin to exaggerate continuously, almost to the point where I can bear it. It's the limit!" Wang Hao thought in his heart, "However, there are also disadvantages. I am constantly absorbing spiritual energy. My attention is all focused on the process of transforming spiritual energy into primordial force, but I have no time to take into account the laws of space and time. The comprehension of the law!"

"What should I do? Even if I don't understand the laws of space and time, the absorption of this spiritual energy should stop. Otherwise, the endurance in my body has reached its limit, and I will backlash, and even take my own life!" Wang Hao There was a decision in his heart instantly, to cut off the absorption of spiritual energy.

At the same time, in a secret room of the Long family, Mr. Kongkong turned his hands behind his back and looked towards the midair with his eyes shining brightly. Endless spiritual energy continuously rushed towards Wang Hao's secret room.Mr. Kongkong showed a surprised expression on his face, and muttered to himself: "Wang Hao, Wang Hao, you are really incomprehensible. Your cultivation has already surpassed the existence of the late Rongxu stage. Why are you here?" When you break through, will it cause such a large fluctuation of spiritual energy? Could it be... Could it be that you have not yet reached the stage of the late stage of fusion, but you can have a combat power comparable to that of the late stage of fusion. This... this is also..." Emptiness The young master didn't dare to think about it, because it was too terrifying and unbelievable that a monk who had not reached the late stage of Rongxu could actually fight against a monk who had surpassed the late stage of Rongxu.

Young Master Kong's complexion suddenly darkened, and a black figure quickly appeared in front of him. This is a spy that Young Master Kong placed one hundred thousand miles away, and he has a cultivation base in the late stage of Fusion.However, at this moment, because he rapidly burned his own cultivation base to fly, he appeared extremely weak.The expression on Young Master Kong's face was even uglier, because he knew that as long as he saw the spies he had planted, the result would be to discover the traces of the Moyuan army.

The real Moyuan masters, like the golden-armored devil king, are difficult to detect even for late Fusion Void monks. Only when a large number of Moyuan masters push forward, can this spy be so panicked! "My lord!" The spies in the late Rongxu period were originally a monk under Mr. Kongxu's subordinates, "It's not a big deal!"

Mr. Kong Kong waved his hand, and said slowly: "You don't have to worry, just speak slowly!" "Yes!" The spies panted slightly, "Master, my subordinates have detected a large number of demon heads from the abyss, and they started to move toward them. The place where my human monks gather is moving, conservatively estimated, the number should be thousands, and there are many powerful spiritual senses among them, and the slightest touch of the divine senses of the subordinates is frightening, but fortunately those spiritual senses did not move The subordinate's spiritual sense killing may be intentional to let the subordinate come to report this matter!"

Mr. Kongkong nodded, and said to the spy: "Okay, I know about this, you go down and rest!" After the spy left, Mr. Kongkong showed a melancholy look on his face, and muttered to himself: "Is it finally coming? The aura of thousands of devils, and this much more powerful aura, it seems that I, a human monk, in the Great Desolate World, is really doomed!"

At this moment, a burst of soaring aura burst out from Young Master Kongkong's body, "However, even if the demon king came in person, I, Kongkong, would not be able to catch him without a fight. It is my mission to fight to the death!"

Thinking of this, Young Master Kongkong's spiritual consciousness split into countless paths in an instant, centered on his own secret room, and radiated towards the various parts of the Long family. Invited to the Long family's discussion hall in the middle of the night, there must be a big event happening!

At this moment, Wang Hao and Dongfang Ying were the only ones who hadn't received the message from Mr. Kong Kong's spiritual sense.Because Mr. Kong Kong knew that one of the two was healing, and the other was at a critical moment of breakthrough.If you disturb these two people, I am afraid that it will have a greater impact on the future situation!If Dongfang Ying can heal her injuries as soon as possible and Wang Hao can break through smoothly, then it would be the best thing for human monks.

"Young Master Kongkong!" "Young Master Kongkong!" These human powerhouses entered the Long Family's discussion hall at this time, with extremely dignified expressions on their faces.They knew that the only possibility of this invitation to discuss the matter was that the army of Moyuan was coming!Afterwards, led by Hu Mei, those monster clan powerhouses came to the meeting hall.

"Master Kongkong!" Hu Mei also greeted.A slight smile appeared on Mr. Kongkong's face. At this moment, apart from himself and Dongfangying Wanghao, the one with the strongest cultivation was Hu Mei. Hu Mei recovered from her serious injury, but it was extremely good news.Moreover, with Hu Mei at the core, the cohesion of those monster clan powerhouses is naturally much stronger.

After many strong men sat down one after another, Mr. Kongkong coughed lightly and said, "Everyone, I just received the news that the Moyuan army has marched towards the gathering place of my human monks. At this moment, it is only a hundred thousand people away from here." I am afraid that it will take less than a day to come here!"

"What? It's only about [-] miles away!" "It's amazing that the Moyuan army has assembled so quickly!" "Yes, [-] miles, at most one day, we can definitely arrive!" The strong men discussed one after another, and some of them asked: "I don't know how strong the army of Moyuan who came here this time is?" This sentence can be regarded as asking the point!There is bound to be a battle between the human monks and the Moyuan monks, but it is only a matter of time. The key now is to see how strong the Moyuan army is!

Under the expectant eyes of everyone, Mr. Kongkong said with a wry smile: "Very strong!" These two short words are undoubtedly like two heavy hammers hitting the hearts of many strong human beings. Moyuan cultivator and the monster clan powerhouses who do not share the sky, also showed a look of horror on their faces.Because they knew the strength of Moyuan cultivator, a demon lord who was ever victorious, once caused the fall of Jiaosheng, so the enemy that even Mr. Kong Kong thought was a powerful enemy, might really be so powerful that it was unimaginable!

"Young Master Kongkong, how strong is it? How many people are there in Moyuan's army?" A strong man in the late stage of human fusion showed a trace of fear on his face.Seeing this, Mr. Kong Kong showed displeasure on his face, and snorted coldly: "Strong! So strong that we can't resist at all! In this battle, the possibility of our victory is only one in ten thousand!"

"What? Mr. Kongxu, since there is no possibility of winning, you still let us die?" The frightened look on the face of the monk in the late stage of fusion!At this moment, the faces of the other monks also showed hesitation.

"Hmph!" Young Master Kong snorted coldly again, and then there was a murderous intent in his eyes, and he said to the monk: "The enemy is strong, so you want to retreat? You know, this time we are not taking the initiative to fight with the devil!" Primordial monks are fighting, but the devils of the devils want to occupy our home, the Great Desolate World, and these devils of the Devils want to slaughter all the monks in the Great Desolate World. If you want to avoid and not fight, in the end What ending, haven't you thought about it!"

"Yeah, Mr. Kongkong is right! No matter whether you fight or not, you will have to face these abominable devils in the end. Fight! There is still a slight possibility of victory! To escape, the result can only be death! "A monk said loudly.A look of shame suddenly appeared on the face of the timid monk just now!

yes!In fact, in the face of powerful forces, everyone will feel fear in their hearts.However, when they know that they must die, many people sometimes have a desire to survive from a desperate situation.And the reason why Mr. Kong Kong described the demon head of Moyuan so powerful is to arouse the despair of these monks in order to survive.The stronger this desire, the more able to inspire all these monks to stand up, so as to achieve the greatest results in the encounter with the Moyuan monks.

"Hmph! I would rather die in battle than back down. If the Great Desolate World is taken over by the devil of the abyss, not only will our lives be lost, but our family and disciples will all be slaughtered by the devil of the abyss!" "Yes Ah! I'd rather die in battle than back down!" "I'd rather die in battle than back down!" This voice echoed throughout the Long Family's deliberation hall.

At this moment, Mr. Kongkong's face was slightly pale, and he said slowly: "Everyone, although our chances of winning are not great, it is not absolutely impossible to win! Three days ago, I joined forces with Wang Hao and a strong man from the Dongfang family. It was a demon king-level monster that repelled a Mo Yuan!"

"What? Demon king-level monsters?" These monks also knew at this moment that the demon king-level monsters were disciples of Moyuan Mozun. Confidence in the hearts of everyone rose directly.

(Recently, I checked on Baidu and found that as soon as Laoshi’s VIP chapter is updated, there will be some pirated posts on small websites. Oh, alas... I'm really speechless. I hope that friends who read books can take a look at the original version in Zongheng. In fact, Zongheng coins are still very cheap... a chapter only costs a few cents...)

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